
Purity Culture and it’s effects on women with a survey as to the effects on men. Compare and contrast.

Purity Culture and it’s effects on women with a survey as to the effects on men. Compare and contrast.

Critically evaluate the role expectations of an advanced clinical practitioner with respect to the 4 pillars of advanced clinical practice

Critically evaluate the role expectations of an advanced clinical practitioner with respect to the 4 pillars of advanced clinical practice: clinical practice, research, leadership and management and education. Critically reflect upon their developing role and personal developmental needs in line with these role expectations.
Demonstrate a critical understanding of an advanced clinical practitioner’s broadened level of responsibility and autonomy and the limits of own competence and professional scope of practice in line with their respective code of professional conduct and governance systems.
Critically evaluate theories and models of clinical leadership, service development and risk management whilst demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the processes required to successfully drive change within health care organisations.
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the importance of communication and collaborative working in leading advanced clinical practice with respect to the 4 pillars of advanced clinical practice: clinical practice, research, leadership and management and education.
Demonstrate the ability to critically appraise and synthesise the outcome of relevant research, evaluation and audit, using the results to underpin own practice and to inform that of others through dissemination of evidence based practice.

Explain Managing a patient with an exacerbation of Chronic Ovbstructive Pulmonary Disorder.

Explain Managing a patient with an exacerbation of Chronic Ovbstructive Pulmonary Disorder.

Write a  proposal about who’s more likely to recitivate, a person on probation or a person who has finished their sentence.

Write a  proposal about who’s more likely to recitivate, a person on probation or a person who has finished their sentence.

You must submit a full research proposal by the end of the semester. The aim of this assignment is to put the material into practice and to face the challenges of thinking through the methodological stages of your proposed study.
How should it look?

1. Introduction of the issue

1a. Clear statement of the problem

1b. Purpose of the study

1c. Significance of the study/ what will it add to the literature

2. Literature review (include a total of 5-10 peer reviewed sources – helpful tool for lit review can be found under “Content”)

2a. Current literature/studies related to your issue/problem

2b. This includes defining key terms and identifying problems identified in specific research

3. Research question/s followed by hypothesis/ hypotheses.

3a. Question: propose a relationship between 2+ variables in the form of a question

3b. Hypothesis:

-Declarative statement of the cause and effect relationship

-Be specific!

4. Research Methodology:

4a. Definition of variables (i.e. dependent, independent, and their nominal and operational definitions). Please note that the definitions must be of the main variables examined in the hypothesis/ hypotheses, and/ or research question.

4b. Definition of population

4c. Sampling method and rational

4d. Sampling method and statistical power issues while stating the proposed sample size to be used

4e. Research design

4f. Data collection method (i.e. observation, in-depth interviews, meta-analysis, surveys etc.)

4g. Proposed data analysis plan

5. Risks and Benefits / Confidentiality Issues

6. Policy Implications

7. Bibliography list

Note! If you want feedback, you must submit a draft before 05/16.

Before submitting the final “product” ask yourselves these questions:

What is my topic?
Does my literature review correspond with that topic?
Do my research question/s and hypotheses correspond with the topic and literature review in that they offer to supplement it?
Is the population definition relevant and appropriate for the topic and research question/s and hypotheses?
Does my sample size allow me to achieve the goals of my proposed study? (Again with SP issues)
Is the sampling technique you are offering appropriate for the proposed study?
Does the design correspond to the literature review, question/s and hypotheses?
Is the data collection method you offer the most appropriate for the scope of your study?
Each of the above questions/ guidelines will help you determine how solid the proposal is (i.e. how valid it is).

Discuss The rise and fall of the roman empire

Discuss The rise and fall of the roman empire.

To what extend did the fall of the Berlin wall simplify the relationship between France and Germany, or destabilise it?

To what extend did the fall of the Berlin wall simplify the relationship between France and Germany, or destabilise it?

Discuss  How audience involvement and second screen involvement relates to each other to make media more effective such as media polls, live voting and Sneak Peeks

1.Discuss  How audience involvement and second screen involvement relates to each other to make media more effective such as media polls, live voting (ex. American Idol) and Sneak Peeks (through apps or other transmedia)

2. Growth of Media Convergence in transmedia storytelling and its advantages.

3. Television and Transmedia and its relation to audience involvement.

you will submit a 1,000-word (double-spaced) paper exploring the future of transmedia.

You will support your paper with at least three sources other than the information and articles found in the modules. Consider everything you’ve learned about the various ways users receive messages, share stories, interact with each other, and play games across multiple digital platforms. In your writing, you will reflect on the examples of transmedia examined throughout this course, as well as information you find in your other sources, to make an educated prediction of where you believe transmedia will be in 10 years.

Some points to consider in writing your paper:

Popularity of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu
People watching programs and movies on digital devices
Second-screen involvement
Interactive gaming
Growth of Reality Television and Audience Involvement

Make sure you clearly explain your perspective on how the future will look. This final paper should include analysis of the themes raised in each learning assignment which was Media Literacy, Convergence, Research & Effects, Storytelling: Local and Global Impact, Television, Internet & Citizen Journalism, Evolving Journalism, Entertainment vs News, Media Law, Controversies & Trends, The Business of Media, Audience Involvement, and Media Ethics.

Use 12-point font for the entire paper.

double-space your paper throughout, and leave one-inch margins on all four sides.

Include the name of the assignment as the title of your paper.

Your paper will be evaluated based on grammar, understandability, structure, and punctuation. Communicate clearly, proofread, and spell-check. Make sure your work is original, as all papers will be checked for plagiarism. If you need extra help with writing, contact the Writing Lab for support.

Do not include the prompts or questions in your response. You should synthesize all the ideas from the three parts into one paper. Do not include lists, bullet points, or section headings in your paper. In other words, write your response in prose.

Cite sources throughout your paper using MLA formatting. For instance, if you quote someone, you will put quotes around what they said and reference the date.\research the MLA style. And read the questions and answers in this link below for further support:

Describe Why DUI laws should be more strict.

Describe Why DUI laws should be more strict.

From the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) Wave 8 DATA SETS which contains the variable names, value labels and
frequencies of response, (You need to use the value labels to interpret the
results), use a downloaded IBM SPSS STATISTICS to perform an appropriate STATISTICAL ANALYSIS and write a report on the epidemiology of the

‘Risk factors for Depression due to the impact of Covid-19 for men aged 50+ in Germany’.

You need to provide a critical discussion of the strengths and limitations of the WAVE 8 DATA SET used e.g., how the data was collected, whom by, sampling frame, sample size, inclusion/exclusion criteria, population size, missing data, data manipulation, bias, generalisability. Finally, propose evidence-based recommendations to strengthen and/or improve the current prevention and control strategies to reduce its impact on public health in the future. You need to provide relevant literature to support your arguments in your assessment. References should be cited both in the text and at the end in a reference list.

Risk factors are:

1. Loss of job/ work
2. Social exclusion/ isolation
3. Financial trouble


1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles, analytical techniques, tool kits and methods in health intelligence, and their application to improving public health practice.

2. Critically assess and synthesise the role of public health intelligence in terms of translating evidence into public health policy through synthesising, appraising, interpreting and communicating intelligence that measures the health status, risks, needs and health outcomes of defined populations.

Explain how each poet uses literary elements and techniques to convey an attitude about morning.

In a well organized essay, explain how each poet uses literary elements and techniques to convey an attitude about morning.

Poem #1: Poem About Morning by William Meredith
Poem #2: Morning Person by Vassar Miller