
Describe in detail how you would adapt this artwork to the representation of an issue happening in your life

Find an image from European Old Master art (made between 1400−1800) and answer these questions based on it. Include all images in the paper.

Select the work from a museum in New York (e.g. The Metropolitan Museum , the Brooklyn Museum , the Frick Collection or any comparable American or European Museum.

a. Why did you choose this artwork? What about it made you interested in it?

b. Describe in detail how you would adapt this artwork to the representation of an issue happening in your life / The US / The World?
How would you change the medium (materials) and the iconography to
suit the meaning and expressive character of the new artwork you
imagine. Describe in as much detail as you can what your adapted work
looks like or if you can illustrate it in some way.

Write a paper about Development aid and migration nexus.

Write a paper about Development aid and migration nexus.

Discuss the benefits and concerns about the availability of personal genetic information for the use of CRISPR for editing human embryos.

This typed/word-processed paper (minimum 2 double-spaced pages) will deal with personalized genomics.In your paper, discuss the benefits and concerns about the availability of personal genetic information for the use of CRISPR for editing human embryos.
Your paper should include at least 3 references.Your references must be from legitimate sources, not Wikipedia or peoples’ blogs or such. All of them must be dated after 2010. At least two must be from primary sources (peer-reviewed scientific journals). Do not simply copy and paste material. With works cited page

Explain why the issue is important to you so that your classmates and instructor can be aware of the nature of your expertise and any possible biases.

Argue a position on a significant issue pertaining to your chosen topic for your research manuscript. Your claim should be clearly stated with adequate support. Consider other perspectives when making your position and clearly show why you believe your position is more logical, sensible, useful, or appealing than the opposition’s viewpoint.
Use print sources, electronic sources, and – if possible – an interview with an informed individual to support your claims.
On a page separate from your paper, identify the audience to whom you are addressing your argument and explain why members will benefit from understanding your position.
Within the paper, or in an accompanying note, explain why the issue is important to you so that your classmates and instructor can be aware of the nature of your expertise and any possible biases.

Autism is a diagnosis common to Special Education Programs.

Review the legal mandates regarding services for special needs students and discuss how they apply.

Provide a short summary of the holistic (physical, behavioral, emotional) needs of a student with autism.
Include interventions you may see in the classroom and interventions you could use in your health office.

Discuss common comorbidities seen with autism.

Discuss related components of the 21st Century Framework regarding care of the autistic student. Provide one aspect of care from each component of the framework.Criterion Possible Points
Holistic Needs of an Autistic Student 25
Common Co-Morbidities Seen with Autism 20
Legal mandates & Policies r/t the Special Needs Student 20
Relevant 21st Century Components 25
Grammar/Spelling 10
Total 100

Explain Disney films negative effect on children.

Explain Disney films negative effect on children.

To what extend does social media affect beauty standards negatively?

Using the article provided down below,  help to complete the CRAAP template and the questions on the second page

Article link: Topic selected: To what extend does social media affect beauty standards negatively?

Discuss Khantzian’s proposition that drug and alcohol addiction is a form of self-medication to numb unbearable emotional pain.

Discuss Khantzian’s proposition that drug and alcohol addiction is a form of self-medication to numb unbearable emotional pain and how this impacts treatment

What are some examples of 19th-century European nationalism? Why and how are they significant to modern European history?

1. What are some examples of 19th-century European nationalism? Why and how are they significant to modern European history?

2. What were the differences between 19th-century liberal and socialist thought in Europe? Explain, with examples.

3. What were the three most important causes of WW1? Were they long-term or short-term or both?

4. How did Christian belief affect Europeans at home or on the battlefield during WW1? Discuss, with examples. (You will need to do more research and provide more information than I gave in my optional PPT.)

5. Discuss two major post-Enlightenment European thinkers. Did their ideas have political applications? Why or why not? Provide specific proof.

6. If WW1 was “the war to end all wars,” why did WW2 occur? Be specific.

7. What was the “scramble for Africa,” and why were European powers so involved in it?

8. How and why did the Shoah (commonly called the Holocaust) take place in the countries controlled by the Nazis?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an economics model as a method of analysis?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an economics model as a method of analysis?

The paper has to be detailed and fit into political economy of development. or just political economics. No need for in text citations but if you are citing directly or quoting  put them in the text. Bibliography is needed as well.