
How does the flow of time that structures the novel speak to the character’s experiences and expressions?

Using one character from the novel, Tentacle by Rita Indiana, as an example, discuss the consequences of colonialism, capitalism, and globalization on modern notions of race, gender, sexuality, and/or class.
Where in the novel are allusions or references to colonialism, capitalism, and globalization made? In what contexts are they presented and how do they inform the character’s situation(s)?
How would you describe the character? How does the character understand themselves and others within a post-colonial, hyper-capitalist world? What influences this understanding (or misunderstanding)?
What is the character’s relationship to technology, the media, and/or popular culture (music, art, movies, etc.), and in what ways do they influence the character? What effect(s) do they have?
In what ways do the character’s circumstances, beliefs, values, and/or motives remain consistent or change within their timelines—their past, present, and, if applicable, their future?
How does the flow of time that structures the novel speak to the character’s experiences and expressions?

What potential challenges will you encounter in supporting your argument with this audience?

Prompt: For this assignment, you will use a guided prompt to write notes that will help you better understand how to approach the persuasive essay. As you
follow the guide, remember to apply the information you have learned in Modules One and Two when discussing your issue. In Module Three, you will build
upon these writing notes to prepare a more refined Writing Plan, which will help to prepare you to draft your persuasive essay.
For this Writing Notes assignment, the following critical elements must be addressed in one fully developed paragraph each:
I. Writing Notes: Use these writing notes as a way to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for writing your persuasive essay. This process will
allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively persuading readers to agree with your argument. These notes will be helpful in keeping your
thought process on track when you begin writing and revising your essay.
1. Your argument is the main point that you are trying to make in your essay. It should clearly state your opinion on your issue. Describe the
argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay, and include how the argument is connected to your major, the major you are considering
pursuing, or your field of work.
2. Key points are pieces of evidence that support an author’s main argument. What are three possible key points for your selected issue? How do
they support your main argument?
3. Your audience is the person or people you are addressing in your essay. Who is the audience that will be reading your essay? What potential challenges will you encounter in supporting your argument with this audience?
4. Your goal is the end result that you wish to achieve in writing this essay. What goal do you hope to accomplish? What will this essay need to be
5. Potential resources are pieces of evidence that could be used to support your argument. List potential resources that could be used as
supporting evidence for your argument, and provide a brief description of each and how it will reinforce your argument.
6. Using the supporting resources you identified above, list each of the points of your argument with the resources that support them. This process
will help you begin to form an effective essay structure.
7. Determine aspects of your argument that would be effectively supported with evidence. Defend your choices

Criminologically analyze a movie of your choice, using seven terms or concepts from class or the text.

Assignment: Criminologically analyze a movie of your choice, using seven terms or concepts from class or the text. You are free to choose any terms or concepts you like, but you must illustrate them by providing examples from the film, to demonstrate that you understand the meaning of the term, and its proper application.

The following format should be followed:

Three to Five pages (not including title or reference page), typed. Pages should be numbered, double-spaced, with 1 1/2-inch margins at top and left, 1-inch margins at bottom and right. Format errors will result in deductions of 5 points for each infraction. Any paper, which incorporates ideas other than your own, must have references, which are properly cited.

The exam will be scored as follows:

Summary: If the summary clearly and concisely describes the movie, it will receive 10 points. If it goes into a rather lengthy discussion of the storyline, it is not truly a summary and will receive 5 points. If there is no apparent summary, it will receive 0 points.

Each Term: 5 points if correctly illustrated, 5 points if correctly used in the sentence. Terms must be highlighted in boldface print, minus 15 points if not.

Conclusion: 5 points if present, 0 if not.

Proofreading: 15 points

Note: For each missing concept or topic area, 10 points will be deleted from the total score.

Project Proposal: A paragraph detailing which film you’ve chosen to analyze, why you’ve chosen this film, and your initial plans for your research.

Write a financial reports and comparison for 2020 and 2019 financial statements and how covid has affected them.

Write a financial reports and comparison for 2020 and 2019 financial statements and how covid has affected them.

Evaluate the health risks associated with the waste produced during the manufacturing of products.

Write a 5–6 page paper in which you:

Select a specific method of energy production. Determine the most significant health risk associated with the production of this energy source, and recommend a process improvement that could significantly reduce the level of risk associated with the current method of production. Support your recommendation.
Examine the major global health issues related to climate change. Propose a model that governments of developed countries could build upon to mitigate the negative effects of climate change on health and the environment. Provide a rationale for your recommendation.
Evaluate the health risks associated with the waste produced during the manufacturing of products. Determine two ethical concerns related to these practices and propose a strategy to modify the current practices to resolve these issues.
Provide a detailed outline of three key government regulations created to protect the population and the environment from the effects of hazardous waste produced from manufacturing.
Use at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information,  refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment is:

Propose strategies to mitigate the negative effects of energy production, climate change, and product manufacturing on the global population and environment.



Discuss the importance of communication in creative collaboration.

Discuss the importance of communication in creative collaboration.

Explain What it is like parenting a child with ADHD.

Explain What it is like parenting a child with ADHD.