
Determine an area of special interest regarding your career or overall business. Area of special interest in Human Resources.

1. Determine an area of special interest regarding your career/overall business. Area of special interest in Human Resources
2. Select a credible, in-depth media article that engages and informs you on the selected topic.
3. Use the Harvard Review Method and treat your article as if it were a case.
4. Use no less than 2 "Outside Concepts in your analysis. Organizational behavior concepts

Do you think that UBI will gain any political momentum in the near future and what is your personal position on such a program.

Research paper: (5 source minimum) discuss with precision what Universal Basic Income is and touch on the following main themes:

Rationale for using UBI programs
Historical precedents/experiments
Current supporters of UBI programs
Arguments against UBI programs
Do you think that UBI will gain any political momentum in the near future and what is your personal position on such a program (be clear and specific)

Compare and contrast two perspectives on the causes, significance, and outcome of the U.S. Civil War.

The main topic is to compare and contrast two perspectives on the causes, significance, and outcome of the U.S. Civil War.

This essay should be approximately 3-5 paragraphs in length. A good essay will have a thesis that is fully supported by specific examples and detailed analysis pulled from both lecture and readings. For both direct quotes and paraphrases, you must cite your sources using parenthetical in-text citations.

Write a summary about a case study on anxiety

Write a summary about a case study on anxiety in APA format using the google doc template also cite

Describe how dysfunctional relationships in a streetcar named desire are affected by class.

Describe how dysfunctional relationships in a streetcar named desire are affected by class.

Compare and contrast two different perspectives on the U.S. conquest of the North American West between the American Revolution and the Civil War.

Compare and contrast two different perspectives on the U.S. conquest of the North American West between the American Revolution and the Civil War. Answers can include perspectives that supported or opposed western expansion. However, they must be specific and give information regarding the historical context in which each perspective emerged.

Name and describe one such compromise—including who was involved and the stakes for those involved, when it took place, why a compromise was necessary, and the consequences of the compromise for the nation.

This essay should be about the period between the American Revolution and the Civil War, people debated what form the new nation would take—how it would organize, legislate, and operate. These debates often involved compromise. Name and describe one such compromise—including who was involved and the stakes for those involved, when it took place, why a compromise was necessary, and the consequences of the compromise for the nation.

Explain The Rise and Spread of Islam, Including Elements of Belief.

Explain The Rise and Spread of Islam, Including Elements of Belief.

Analyze various methods and approaches currently and historically used in the second language classroom.

You will analyze various methods and approaches currently and/or historically used in the second language classroom.  Some of the methods/approaches will correlate with this module’s Learn material and others will draw on research or Learn material from previous modules. For all required components, you will need to provide sources and ground your explanations, advantages, disadvantages, and applicable classroom examples in scholarly literature and research.

The listed Methods/Approaches will be analyzed during the following modules:

  • Module 1- The Audiolingual Method
  • Module 2- Communicative Language Teaching
  • Module 4- Grammar Translation Method
  • Module 6- Content-Based Instruction
  • Module 7- Task-Based Instruction
  • Module 8- The Comprehension Based Approach/Comprehensible Input


  • Explain the method/approach outlining key points of each one (minimum 3-5). You want to have a concisely written explanation of each one so that it is clear that you are able to demonstrate understanding of each one.
  • Advantages and Explanations-After you have explained the method/approach, you will provide an analysis of the advantages of the method/approach as well as a rationale for your listed advantages.
  • Disadvantages and Explanations-After you have explained the method/approach, you will provide an analysis of the disadvantages of the method/approach as well as a rationale for your listed disadvantages.
  • Applicable Classroom Example- To demonstrate understanding and analysis, you will provide an applicable classroom example listing the name, type of classroom activity with actual content, and description.

Each analysis should use current APA format in the: title page, running head, abstract page, font type and size, line spacing, heading, citations, and references. Note: Feel free to use headings for each of the required sections. Review APA formatting for headings, if needed.