
Briefly discuss why it is important to study epidemiology methods.

  1. Briefly discuss why it is important to study epidemiology methods. (3 points)
  2. For each of the following examples identify which of Hill’s criteria for the determination of causality each example illustrates. (consistency, experiment, strength, biological gradient, specificity, coherence, analogy, temporality, plausibility) and state your reasoning for that selection. (9 points)

Discuss the Principles of Instructed Second Language Learning.

Discuss the Principles of Instructed Second Language Learning.

How does social media technology effect workplace diversity?

1. For readings… “If You’re Not Sure What Workplace Microaggressions Look Like, Here Are 7 Examples” as well as “5 Examples of Microaggressions in the Workplace” (make sure to include mentioned article . For each one, explain why this material/content is effective in elevating your perceptions about workplace diversity.

2. Social media and technology are rapidly changing our world. How does social media technology effect workplace diversity? Does it help or hinder those who are less privileged? Why? Give at least (3) specific examples and include strategies for change if necessary.

3. How does achieving an improved level of understanding about differences [in peoples backgrounds, intersectionality] benefit both individuals and organizations in the workplace? How can achieving an improved level of understanding about differences benefit individuals in terms of their personal lives? Give a least (3) examples for each.

Describe the effect of nurses attitude towards the homeless perception of their healthcare.

Describe the effect of nurses attitude towards the homeless perception of their healthcare.

As a supervisor of a social service unit, what will you do to improve the work performance of your team member.

As a supervisor of a social service unit, what will you do to improve the work performance of your team member.

Write a Reflection assay of globalisation in your everyday life.

Write a Reflection assay of globalisation in your everyday life.

Are the formal and thematic conventions of the ballad upheld in Hardy’s poem?

Are the formal and thematic conventions of the ballad upheld in Hardy’s poem?

Identify the method(s) of organization the speaker uses, and explain the effect of each on the speech as a whole:

Directions: Your assignment is to submit a 500-word essay on Michelle Obama’s D.N.C. Speech.

Read these questions before listening/watching the speech to help guide your writing:

1. Name of the speech:
2. Date of the speech:
3. Speaker (also identify the author if different from the speaker):
4. Speaker’s position or title:
5. For what audience was the speech written?
6. For what occasion or purpose was the speech written?
7. Aspects of the speech (there are several possible ways to respond):
1. List three literary/rhetorical devices the speaker uses, and explain the effect of each on the speech as a whole:
2. Identify the method(s) of organization the speaker uses, and explain the effect of each on the speech as a whole:
3. What evidence in the speech helps you to know why it was written?
4. Write a question to the speaker that is left unanswered by the speech.
8. What kinds of arguments are used?
9. What kinds of evidence (facts, examples, statistics, expert testimony) are used?
10. What kinds of appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos) are used in the speech? Give one example of each, if possible.
11. Pay close attention to the nonverbals utilized by the speaker and comment on their effectivity.
12. What do you think about the speaker’s delivery? (Note the speaker’s eye contact with the audience, physical stance, and vocal inflections.)
13. Do not submit a summary of the speech but rather an analysis.
14. Be extra mindful of the speaking situation such as the Speaker, Message, Channel, Listener, Feedback, Interference, Situation as discussed during lecture.