
What symbol would you use to create an “icon” graphic to represent each one of them? or, how would you sum up their adventure with an image? What do you think was their lowest point in life? or another way of saying it: what was their biggest challenge to overcome in their journey?

Netflix show

Watch the “Supermensch – the Legend of Shep Gordon” and “Carole King:Natural Woman” documentaries. Don’t try to get them for free or on a pirated site, as those often have the copyrighted music cut out and replaced. You want to enjoy the real thing.

As you watch, take note of where and how each one of them undergoes their “Hero’s Journey” or Monomyth cycles.

Send me and Email with “Mid Term Assignment” and your class section Tues – 2 Thurs -1 in the subject and respond to these three questions with a sentence or two each:

1. What was the moment Shep and Carole each “crossed the threshold?” Like when did they get to the point of not going back in their journeys?

2. What symbol would you use to create an “icon” graphic to represent each one of them? or, how would you sum up their adventure with an image?

3. What do you think was their lowest point in life? or another way of saying it: what was their biggest challenge to overcome in their journey?

Assess and evaluate UK judicial review as a mechanism for controlling the actions of public authorities and as a tool to protect individual’s rights. Identify and explain the relevance and significance of the factors which shape the effectiveness of law as a regulatory mechanism and a tool to protect individual’s rights.

Judicial Protection

Choose ONE of the following questions

Title 1
Gemma is a professional footballer, and a star player for Semilong Athletic F.C. In the course of a match, she becomes frustrated by constant abuse from supporters of the opposing team, and responds by making an obscene gesture towards them, taking her boots off, and throwing them into the crowd. She is sent off, and subsequently charged by the Football Federation (the governing body) with “damaging the reputation of the game”, which is categorised as a “serious” disciplinary offence under the rules of the Federation. The Federation has recently introduced a policy of cleaning up the image of the sport, following a series of unsavoury revelations and headlines.

In accordance with the rules of the Federation, a three-person disciplinary panel is convened to hear Gemma’s case. The panel is chaired by Sabrina, who is a practising barrister. She is also a keen supporter of Kingsthorpe Rovers F.C, who are Semilong Athletic’s long-standing rivals and their closest competitors in this season’s title race.

In the course of the hearing, and before Gemma has finished giving her evidence to the panel, she becomes angry, and says that she “wants nothing more to do with this farce”. Sabrina advises her to “calm down, and don’t make matters any worse. You’re already looking at a lengthy ban”. The panel subsequently finds Gemma guilty of the offence in question, and bans her from playing professional football for six months.

Gemma does not feel that her treatment by the tribunal has been impartial. Advise her.


Title 2
Morse and Lewis are both students at the University of Semilong. They return to their hall of residence late one night, both clearly drunk after spending the evening in a local pub. Cheered on by Lewis, Morse sets off a fire extinguisher in the corridor, causing considerable damage. Lewis is generally rude and abusive to other students when they try to intervene. Frost, the hall warden, notifies the governors of the University, who have overall responsibility for dealing with serious student disciplinary matters, of these incidents.

The governors ask Frost for a full report into the incident. When compiling the report, Frost talks to some (but not all) of the students who were present, but does not consult either Morse or Lewis. His report recommends that the governors take “firm action” against both Morse and Lewis. The governors immediately decide to expel Morse from the University, subsequently explaining to him by letter that this is because they regard his actions as “extremely serious” and “inexcusable”.

The governors regard Lewis’s actions as less serious, and invite him to submit written comments to them before they reach a decision in his case. Lewis asks to appear before the governors in person, but this request is declined, the governors explaining that they “do not have the time to see every student personally”. Lewis then writes to the governors apologising for his conduct and explaining that he was “too drunk to think straight”. The governors consider this letter before deciding that he should also be expelled from the University.

Morse and Lewis both feel that their right to be heard has not been observed by the University. Advise them.

General assessment guidance.
1.The maximum word limit for your assessment is 1,500 words (plus 10%).
2. Your assignment must identify the main issues in your chosen title, addressing these with reference to appropriate authority which is applied to the question. NB: Whichever question you choose, you may assume that natural justice applies; you do not need to examine whether or not this is the case.
3. Your assignment must be written in third rather than the first person and communicate your points as clearly and concisely as possible to cover everything that you need to address within the word count
4.Your assignment must be fully referenced in accordance with OSCOLA referencing and you must provide a bibliography of any sources used.
5.Your assessment should be submitted to Turnitin as a word document and your submission must be anonymous.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
A) Assess and evaluate UK judicial review as a mechanism for controlling the actions of public authorities and as a tool to protect individual’s rights.
C) Identify and explain the relevance and significance of the factors which shape the effectiveness of law as a regulatory mechanism and a tool to protect individual’s rights.
D) Present appropriately structured legal arguments supported by a range of integrated and effectively referenced sources to propose solutions to questions set.
E) Apply principles and arguments to factual situations (real and hypothetical), to suggest and justify solutions and/or evaluate alternative courses of action.
F) Clearly, accurately and appropriately communicate viewpoints, ideas, arguments and analysis in written English.

What job, industry, or field are you learning about? What are some aspects about this job, industry, or field that you will be describing on the vision board?

FYE Final

  1. What job, industry, or field are you learning about?
  2. What are some aspects about this job, industry, or field that you will be describing on the vision board?
  3. What will the project look/sound/etc. like? In other words, describe your vision for the completed project.
    1. What are your expressive goals—in other words, what do you want this project to demonstrate/show when you are finished? What do you want it to say about your potential career path?
  4. Creativity takes time, so you want to plan out your work on this project. What is your timeline? Be specific—planning time for experimentation, getting feedback, revision, and perfecting the artistic elements of the project.
  5. What resources/support will you need to create this project? (Think about the writing center, Adobe tutorials, research, or resources you learned about during your interview)

Discuss the cultural environment -What are the customs and traditions of your City? What makes your City or community unique? These could be things like sports, flea markets, celebrations or festivals (arts, music, food), museums, etc.

Assignment #2 – Sustainable City Tourism Research



 The Editor of “Travel+Leisure” (link is above), one of the world’s largest and most reputable online travel “magazines” has contacted you.  She has heard that you are studying tourism, and she asked you to prepare an article about sustainable tourism in your favourite City.

Specifically, she has asked you write an article which requires you to do the following:

  1. Choose one of your favorite tourist City … a City you have already been to or a City you would like to travel to. You must choose a City … not a “region”.

Briefly describe your City (including the name).  You might include facts such as population size, any interesting demographics; general location/terrain; natural or historic features; some historical facts; fun facts; cool things that happen there; etc.

Discuss the cultural environment -What are the customs and traditions of your City?  What makes your City or community unique?  These could be things like sports, flea markets, celebrations or festivals (arts, music, food), museums, etc.  (5 marks)

  1. Research what the City has been doing to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable. From your research, identify the top 3 actions that the City is taking to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable.  (6 marks)
  2. For each of the 3 actions you identify, discuss whether you agree (or disagree) with the action they are taking, and explain why you agree or disagree. (3 marks)
  3. Discuss in detail one other action you would recommend that the City take to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable and explain why you are making this recommendation. This must not be an action already discussed in # 3 above.  (5 marks)
  4. Within this city, select one hotel (be specific) and research 2 sustainable practices which they have incorporated into their business. (4 marks)
  5. Formatting (for example, proper paragraph structure), APA citations, grammar, spelling, punctuation, reading of instructions, and quality of research. (5 marks)

Explain what you learned from your research and what you know from your own experience with the system, in your own words. List the references you consulted in your research at the bottom of your essay in APA format.

Discord Analysis

You are encouraged to read various sources to learn more about your information system, or about information systems in general, but due to the brief length of the essay, you are discouraged from directly quoting from your sources. Instead, explain what you learned from your research and what you know from your own experience with the system, in your own words. List the references you consulted in your research at the bottom of your essay in APA format (minimum of 3 references).

In Analysis Essay #2, you will address the following:

1) a brief reminder of the name and purpose of your chosen information system,

2) description of networking, communications, and security components of your information system,

3) impact of the information system on the users and/or the organization,

4) competitive analysis of the system, including how the system helps users and/or the organization address its business processes (or personal tasks, if not a business system)

5) 3 well-developed recommendations for improving and enhancing your chosen information system, and

6) conclusion. Specific details about what to include in each section can be found in the attached template.


Look at Jean’s cookies. Compare the cache and cookie entries. What informational differences do you see? How can the IE Cache information be more beneficial than just looking at the user’s cookies?

Computer Forensics

Purpose: To introduce the difference between IE Cache and cookies.
Download location for application: on blackboard [optional]

*** Index.dat Analyzer is already installed on VCL. Look for its icon on the Desktop or type in the Windows search bar: index.dat analyzer. ***

Evidence file: nps2008jean.E01 (located in \\\Forensic Data\nps2008jean.E01)

Steps/Questions to answer:
1. Download and install the indexdatsetup application. Note: If you are using the VCL option, this step is already complete. You can find the installed application on the VCL Desktop or by typing in the Windows search bar: index.dat analyzer.

2. Load image in FTK Imager and go to the History.IE5 folder for user Jean. Locate the 128kb index.dat file with the date of 7/20/2008. Extract this file to your desktop.

3. Open the index.dat file with notepad. What do you see overall?

4. Now open the index.dat file with the Index.dat Analyzer program. Make sure you add the exported file from the image and select the correct index.dat file. What do you see in comparison to what you saw in question 3?

5. By reviewing her cache in the Index.dat Analyzer, list the most popular pants size she shopped for?

6. Look at Jean’s cookies. Compare the cache and cookie entries. What informational differences do you see?

7. How can the IE Cache information be more beneficial than just looking at the user’s cookies?

8. Based on what you learned, what can you conclude about how Windows configures the IE Cache file? (i.e., based on what you saw in notepad and in the Index.dat Analyzer program)

Critically analyze health behaviors and the Health Belief Model. Create an annotated bibliography following the reviewed guidelines using 5 peer-reviewed journal articles.

Science Question

The purpose of this writing assignment is to critically analyze health behaviors and the Health Belief Model. Create an annotated bibliography following the reviewed guidelines using 5 peer-reviewed journal articles. Choose articles relating to health behavior and the Health Belief Model. For example, search smoking prevention or cessation and the Health Belief Model.

Sign into Google, then go to Google EarthLinks to an external site. and use the API to create a visual map showing each location detailed in the scenario. Alternatively, you could install the Python version of the Google Earth API and integrate it with your OpenWeather coding project.

Open weather API


You are planning a short trip to explore England and want to determine your route based on the current weather in the locations you want to visit. To finalise your itinerary, you need to visit OpenWeather and consult the API on the current weather. The places you want to visit, with geographic coordinates, are:

  • Lake District National Park (54.4609° N, 3.0886° W)
  • Corfe Castle (50.6395° N, 2.0566° W)
  • The Cotswolds (51.8330° N, 1.8433° W)
  • Cambridge (52.2053° N, 0.1218° E)
  • Bristol (51.4545° N, 2.5879° W)
  • Oxford (51.7520° N, 1.2577° W)
  • Norwich (52.6309° N, 1.2974° E)
  • Stonehenge (51.1789° N, 1.8262° W)
  • Watergate Bay (50.4429° N, 5.0553° W)
  • Birmingham (52.4862° N, 1.8904° W)

Step 2: Create an API

You need to use the OpenWeather API . is compatible with GitHub. In general, APIs are integrated with JSON. However, the same key principles apply to any HTTP API that uses a data format.

Step 3: Create a visual map

Sign into Google, then go to Google EarthLinks to an external site. and use the API to create a visual map showing each location detailed in the scenario. Alternatively, you could install the Python version of the Google Earth API and integrate it with your OpenWeather coding project.

What are the properties of iron?

Organic chemistry

What are the properties of iron?

Out of the following 4 SARA model components, if you had to choose 1, which do you think is the most important? Which do you think is the least important? Explain why.

Community-oriented policing

The application of a community-oriented policing (COP) program involves addressing a specific need or problem that police officials and community members have collectively identified. Such addressing of specific community problems is often referred to as problem-oriented policing (POP). The application of POP within a COP strategy is clarified by the following diagram:

(The Chief Justice Earl, 2013)

One way to address the problem or need would be to apply the SARA model. The SARA model emphasizes four phases of a problem-solving process: Scanning, analysis, response, and assessment. Through the SARA model of problem solving and a COP program or project, solutions can be sought that address the community members’ quality-of-life issues, fear of crime, and crime prevention.

Address the following:

  • Out of the following 4 SARA model components, if you had to choose 1, which do you think is the most important? Which do you think is the least important? Explain why.
    • Scanning
    • Analysis
    • Response
    • Assessment
  • What are 2 community problems where you live?
    • These can be vandalism, serious crimes, juvenile crime, vandalism, police misconduct, and so on.
    • Describe the 2 problems as they are specific to your community.
      • Who are the perpetrators?
      • Who is affected?
      • What is currently being done about them?
    • Explain how you think the SARA model would aid in solving these 2 problems. Be specific.