
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the nature and function of art psychotherapy within a school setting.

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the nature and function of art psychotherapy within a school setting.

Discuss why it is important for businesses to understand the impact of the Interstate Commerce Clause and state police powers.

Learning Activity:

Background Facts You Need To Know: TLG has a new client, Clean-n-Shine (Clean), a commercial cleaning company incorporated and located in Maryland, but doing business in all Mid-Atlantic states. Clean uses its line of cleaning products and also sells its products to other businesses via the internet.

Recently, the Delaware legislature enacted a law banning all sales and importation, until further notice, of Clean’s Shine-It floor cleaner in Delaware. It was discovered that one of the ingredients in Shine-It is contaminated and causes a quick-growing mold to spread on surfaces to which it is applied. The mold can be toxic to humans and can cause damage to floors.

Clean wants to expand its products to sell Shine-It in Delaware. If Clean can sell Shine-IT in Delaware, it will increase its income and profits. Clean, therefore, wants to challenge the new law as unconstitutional, and it has consulted TLG for advice.

Winnie and Ralph ask you to prepare a summary report of relevant constitutional law for a meeting with them and Clean’s owners.


Report You Need to Prepare: Prepare a report that addresses the following three questions:

1. Analyze and explain whether the Delaware restriction on the sale of Shine-It violates the Interstate Commerce Clause.

Fully explain your conclusions based on constitutional law.

2. Analyze whether the doctrine of “police powers” derived from the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, applies to the Delaware law, and if so, why.

Fully explain your conclusions based on constitutional law

3. Discuss why it is important for businesses to understand the impact of the Interstate Commerce Clause and state police powers.

Should the public be concerned about the effects of genetically modified food on their health?

Should the public be concerned about the effects of genetically modified food on their health?

Write an Argumentive research paper on how exercise impacts one’s health.

Write an Argumentive research paper on how exercise impacts one’s health.

Write a Critical Book Review of the New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.

Write a Critical Book Review of the New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.

Create a plan for Kashmir Jehad Force, a terrorist organization, to raise money in the United States using a charitable organization and narco-terrorism and moving the money to Pakistan using Hawala and false trade invoicing.

Create a plan for Kashmir Jehad Force, a terrorist organization, to raise money in the United States using a charitable organization and narco-terrorism and moving the money to Pakistan using Hawala and false trade invoicing.

How, specifically, does Shakespeare vary language to reveal subtle changes in character?

Trace the development (or deterioration) of a single character by means of a speech pattern analysis. How, specifically, does Shakespeare vary language to reveal subtle changes in character? Remember that the purpose of a speech pattern analysis is to focus not on what a character says, but on how they speak. Make good use of the list of rhetorical devices appended to your course syllabus.

Use any rhetorical devices that apply. Only pick from Macbeth, Othello, The Tempest, Richard III, King Lear or A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Identify the primary cause of the accident as cited by the NTSB.

The overall goal of this assignment is to provide a concise critical analysis of the underlying factors that contributed to an aircraft accident. In addition, you will identify and discuss the actions that could have been taken to circumvent these factors.

You will be assigned an NTSB aircraft accident investigation report by the instructor at the beginning of the term. In Module/Week 7, you will provide a 5-7 page critical analysis of the NTSB accident report in APA 7 format. The Title Page and References page do not count towards the page requirement. All sources, including the NTSB, the Bible, and three additional sources must be cited according to current APA format.

Identify the primary cause of the accident as cited by the NTSB. State whether you agree or disagree with these findings and provide rationale for this decision. Additionally, identify the underlying factor(s) that led up to the cause of the accident; typically these are not addressed by the NTSB but may have played more of a role in the accident than given credit by the NTSB. Then address the recommended actions that pilots can take if they find themselves in similar situations as those presented in your assigned accident case study.