
Choose two wars or armed conflicts that received significantly different levels of support from the American public and craft an essay in which you explain why you believe the variations occurred.

Comparison Essay

Throughout this course, you have learned about how war and other armed conflicts have shaped American society since the colonial period. You have also examined the political and constitutional processes associated with engaging in war, how Americans have responded to war, and how war has changed during the last three centuries.

This assignment requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of major American wars or armed conflicts and their origins and outcomes. You will also need to draw on your analytical skills to assess how Americans have responded to wars and what factors might have influenced their reactions. Finally, you will need to use your research and critical thinking skills to find and employ credible sources to support your argument and analysis.

Compose a 2,000-2,500 word essay in response to the following prompt:

Choose two wars or armed conflicts that received significantly different levels of support from the American public and craft an essay in which you explain why you believe the variations occurred. As you write, be sure to examine the origins, events, and outcomes for each war or conflict when making your determination for why Americans reacted differently.

Finally, provide specific, detailed examples to support your claims and offer a conclusion that contextualizes the topic in relation to broader themes or issues in American history.

You may use these as reference for this assignment.

  • American Dissent During the Vietnam War
  • The Vietnam War: Causes, Conflicts & Effects
  • The United States During WWII: The Home Front
  • The Role of U.S. Women in World War 2

You must also use at least two primary and three secondary sources and cite them using Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) format.

Based on your research, write a succinct analysis of each of the following items: Operations Management and Implementation Plan and Evaluation Plan

Assignment Details

The operations and implementation departments would like you to go over the following sections of the business plan:

  • Operations Management and Implementation Plan
  • Evaluation Plan

Based on your research, write a succinct analysis of each of the following items:

  1. Operations Management and Implementation Plan
    1. Outline Goals and Objectives
    2. Assign Responsibilities
    3. Implementation Schedule
    4. Resource Allocation
  2. Evaluation Plan
    1. Define Metrics
    2. Contingency Plan

The submission details are as follows:

  • Present your analysis as a 5-page report in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, that you will need the following:

  • Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.
  • Length: There should be at least 5 pages.
  • Body: This begins on the page following the title page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-point Times New Roman or 12-point Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 5 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. Using variety of academic sources is encouraged.
  • Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember that this page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.


Do you agree with this assessment? Are we uninformed? Do we wait till a crisis happens to voice our opinions?


The framers of the Constitution were concerned that everyday citizens would not be able to understand or comprehend the makings of our government. They felt that everyday citizens were uninformed and did not care what was going on in our government. Even today we see where citizens are interested in government affairs seemingly only if our country is in turmoil such as unemployment, recessions, civil unrest, etc. Do you agree with this assessment? Are we uninformed? Do we wait till a crisis happens to voice our opinions?

Using the chemical formulas from question 2 to write the structures step-by-step to obtain the Lewis dot structures and show how you balance the charges.

Chapter 4 Compounds and Their Formulas

Homework #4
You must show your entire work on a separate sheet(s) of paper to get full credit.

Chapter 4

1. Draw the Lewis dot structures for the following imaginary elements

  • a. X, an element from the Group IA family
  • b. Z, an element from the Group IIA family
  • c. J, an element from the Group IVA family
  • d. K, an element from the Group VIA family

2. Use the Crossover Method to determine the following ionic chemical formula.

  • a. iron(III) sulfide
  • b. calcium hydride
  • c. magnesium nitride
  • d. aluminum fluoride

3. Using the chemical formulas from question 2 to write the structures stepbystep to obtain the Lewis dot structures and show how you balance the charges.

4. Draw the Lewis dot structures for: (Note: make sure it satisfies the octet rule)

  • a. NI3
  • b. CS2
  • c. N2F2
  • d. CH2Cl2

5. a. Which bond is more polar, HCl or HO?
b. Which of the following bonds is the most polar, that is, has the greatest ionic
character: HBr, NH, NO, PCl?

6. Write the formulas and names for the compounds of the following ions:
F O2 P3


7. Which families or groups are likely to form the following ions?

  • a. +1
  • b. 1
  • c. +2
  • d. 2
  • e. +3
  • f. 3

8. Draw the following compounds by representing them as covalent bonds using VSEPR Theory:

  • a. CO2
  • b. H2SO4
  • c. CH3OH
  • d. N2O3

9. Show the dipole moment of each bond and then predict the overall molecule as either being polar or nonpolar?

  • a. CH4
  • b. H2S
  • c. PH3
  • d. SO3

Research an article that relates to client needs for quality safe patient-centered care. Choose a peer-reviewed article that addresses one of the following topics: -Safe/effective environment, management of care, safety and infection control, health promotion and maintenance, reduce risk potential, healthcare policy, provider of care, and/or patient-centered care.

Research an article that relates to client needs for quality safe patient-centered care.

Research an article that relates to client needs for quality safe patient-centered care. Choose a peer-reviewed article that addresses one of the following topics: -Safe/effective environment, management of care, safety and infection control, health promotion and maintenance, reduce risk potential, healthcare policy, provider of care, and/or patient-centered care.

Using the site provided by the website of how to build a garage, select 5 materials that you should list at least 2 quality metrics for each selected material, and use the template Quality Metrics.

Build a garage – Individually

1. Project Background and Description

The website describes how to build a 16′ × 22′ garage. They provide the main guidelines and give an idea of the project

Using the site provided by the website of how to build a garage, select 5 materials that you should list at least 2 quality metrics for each selected material, and use the template Quality Metrics.


  • Roof shingles
  • Framing lumber
  • Treated lumber
  • Shims
  • Tarred fibreboard
  • Plastic roof cement
  • Finishing nails
  • Galvanized nails and screws
  • Plywood
  • Window
  • Roof trusses
  • Drip edge
  • Self-adhesive membrane
  • Air barrier membrane
  • 15 lb felt paper
  • Exterior door
  • Garage door
  • Silicone-based caulk
  • Exterior cladding and moulding
  • Joist hangers

Prepare a prototype database for YNF. Forrest has agreed to provide financial data from his business for the 1st quarter of his fiscal year.

Y Not Flowers – Financial Overview

Project Description and Requirements


Forrest runs Y Not Flowers, Inc. (YNF), a wholesale flower distributor with stores in several major metropolitan areas of the U.S. He is considering expanding his business, but he thinks his current accounting and financial systems are restricting that expansion. He also worries that YNF is not adequately prepared to face expected business risks. He has come to you for assistance.


Your supervisor met with Forrest and discussed his requirements in detail. At that meeting, they agreed on the following deliverables for your project.

  1. Prepare an integrated data model using UML class diagrams and the REA framework. This data model will serve as the blueprint for YNF’s prototype database that you will also develop. Also, prepare a corresponding table listing for the prototype database. Identify where different fields/attribute names provide the same information and develop recommendations for changes in field names. Again, review the data model with both Forrest and your supervisor. The diagram must be drawn using a software tool (preferably The table listing (data dictionary) must be typed following the format provided by UML activities that have been done in class. Individually complete the assignment on Connect that your supervisor has assigned to you to make sure each member of your team understands Y Not Flowers’s UML diagram and data dictionary.
  2. Prepare a prototype database for YNF. Forrest has agreed to provide financial data from his business for the 1st quarter of his fiscal year. That data will be in Excel format. You will move the data into Access, structure it appropriately, and set relationships consistent with your data model. Make changes as necessary in file structures to implement efficient tables and eliminate duplication.

Identify the Stakeholders. Who are the main individuals, groups, or departments affected by the information system?

Management 0099

The company is Samsung

  • Organizational Profile (3 Marks).
  • Brief background of the business including organization details (1), purpose (1), and organizational structure (1)..
  • Identify the Stakeholders (1 Mark)
  • Who are the main individuals, groups, or departments affected by the information system?

What new insight did you gain after completing this module? What were the most important lessons learned in this module? What was the most difficult point or concept in this lesson?

Module 4 – Reflection Journal

The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to reflect on the materials covered in module 4. This journal assignment gives you the chance to think about what you learned, what you had a difficult time understand, practice your writing skills, and practice journalizing.

Instructions: A reflection journal provides an opportunity to reflect on lessons learned in the module. Answer each question fully by providing specific examples from the textbook to support your answer.

  1. What new insight did you gain after completing this module?
  2. What were the most important lessons learned in this module?
  3. What was the most difficult point or concept in this lesson?
  4. How will you apply the lessons learned in this module in your professional life?

You will be graded based on clarity and concise answer to each question (A paragraph per question), specifying what you learned in the module, and providing examples and details to support your answers; use of proper grammar and punctuation.

How and why do US razor consumers differ from consumers in India?

US razor consumers vs consumers in India

How and why do US razor consumers differ from consumers in India?