
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a partial retention program to the Balut Corporation.

Jim borrowed $700,000 from Suburban Bank to buy a boat for his Alaskan king crab fishing business. He keeps the boat at a dock owned by the Barnacle Company. Jim also has a contract with the Landshark Fishing Company to transport his crabs from one port to another. Include the following in your paper:

Do any of the following parties have an insurable interest in Jim or his property? If an interest exists, explain the extent of the interest.
Suburban Bank
Barnacle Company
Landshark Fishing Company
If Jim did not own the boat but operated it on behalf of the Landshark Fishing, would he have an insurable interest in the boat? Explain your answer.
Part 2

The Balut Corporation has 4,000 sales representatives and employees in the United States who drive company trucks. The company’s risk manager has recommended to the firm’s management team that the company should implement a partial retention program for collision losses to company trucks. Include the following in your paper:

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a partial retention program to the Balut Corporation.
Identify the factors that Balut Corporation should consider before it adopts a partial retention program for collision losses for company trucks.

What is inflation targeting? What are the advantages and disadvantages of inflation targeting?

What is inflation targeting? What are the advantages and disadvantages of inflation targeting? Compare and contrast the inflation targeting in the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand.

Write a four-paragraph paper outlining your plan to recognize and manage the stressors in your life.

Write a four-paragraph paper outlining your plan to recognize and manage the stressors in your life. Be sure to include a discussion of
your symptoms
their causes
your strategy for confronting your stressors, and
your long-range plan for managing stress in your life.

Where Do the Rules Come From? Who Impacts Accounting?

Where Do the Rules Come From? Who Impacts Accounting?
Throughout your studies, you have heard of the “big names” of the organizations that impact accounting. But what do they really do? How do you know what the hot topics are? How are they influenced? What do they have to do with the financial reports you have been studying all quarter? How could this impact how financial reports are produced? For example, consider how a change in the way leases are recognized may impact the liabilities on a balance sheet and expenses on an income statement (which would then impact owner’s equity).

For this assignment, select two of the organizations below.

Then, write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

Briefly explain the mission or focus of the two organizations you selected and cite at least two sources for your information. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as appropriate sources. It is recommended that you refer to the organizations’ websites or excerpts from their established publications.
Select a topic that one of the organizations is currently focused on, or one that they consider a pressing issue or “hot topic.”
Summarize what the organization you selected is doing to address the issue you identified.
Explain how the issue you identified impacts how financial reports are produced.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Give personal examples and relate this topic to yourself, or how it pertains to your life.

Dementia in older adults

AT LEAST 3 formal sources. Give personal examples and relate this topic to yourself, or how it pertains to your life.

Define white collar crime and economic crime in your own words, and describe the typical white collar crime offender.

Define white collar crime and economic crime in your own words, and describe the typical white collar crime offender. In addition, also define what is enterprise crime in your own words. Discuss the aforementioned using terms associated with the study of crime and criminology. In addition, also discuss the challenges addressing white collar crime.

Finalize your Vocabulary Journal with at least 20 words, defined and put into an example sentence that demonstrates you know how to use it.

Finalize your Vocabulary Journal with at least 20 words, defined and put into an example sentence that demonstrates you know how to use it.


Explain the dynamics and challenges of managing operations within a variety of business sectors

Discuss  the dynamics and challenges of managing operations within a variety of business sectors .

To What Extent Will The Abolishment Of The ‘Kafala System’ in Saudi Arabia Impact It’s Residents From A Human Rights Perspective?

To What Extent Will The Abolishment Of The ‘Kafala System’ in Saudi Arabia Impact It’s Residents From A Human Rights Perspective?

Do agree or disagree with his diagnosis? Is he making a hasty generalization, or does his analysis provide persuasive evidence that civilized life leads inevitably to neuroses? Why or why n

In his Civilizations and Its Discontents, Freud argues that organized society is
founded upon and thus dependent on the repression of what he deems our
“instinctual life.” In other words, civilization is a social contract, i.e., a
sublimated compromise whereby we exchange the demands of the body for social
norms cultural ideals. Do agree or disagree with his diagnosis? Is he making a
hasty generalization, or does his analysis provide persuasive evidence that
civilized life leads inevitably to neuroses? Why or why not?

*Important: Need to include personal opinion/ viewpoint when answering the last three sentences of the prompt.