
Write an essay describing the razor and blades business model.

Business model

Write an essay describing the razor and blades business model.

develop a Request for Professional Engineering Services as an owner/operator of the project proposal.

Establishing a procurement

Focus  on the Proposal Requirements of the building a five story office complex project and need a 2 page paper on the Proposal Requirements, which include the

  • Cost
  • Qualifications/Experience Desired
  • Delivery

The purpose of this project, is to develop a Request for Professional Engineering Services as an owner/operator of the project proposal. In this effort, your team will procure engineering services related to a project from one of the following possible work assignments in the civil engineering field.

Develop the estimated regression equation that could be used to predict the percentage of games won, given the average number of passing yards per attempt and the number of interceptions thrown per attempt. What proportion of variation in the sample values of proportion of games won does this model explain?

Assignments 5&6 (Due on 4/7)

  1. Studying and Grades. A marketing professor at Givens College is interested in the relationship between hours spent studying and total points earned in a course. Data collected on 156 students who took the course last semester are provided in the file MktHrsPts.
  2. Develop a scatter chart for these data. What does the scatter chart indicate about the relationship between total points earned and hours spent studying?
  3. Develop an estimated regression equation showing how total points earned is related to hours spent studying. What is the estimated regression model?
  4. Test whether each of the regression parameters β0 and β1 is equal to zero at a 0.01 level of significance. What are the correct interpretations of the estimated regression parameters? Are these interpretations reasonable?
  5. How much of the variation in the sample values of total point earned does the model you estimated in part (b) explain?
  6. Mark Sweeney spent 95 hours studying. Use the regression model you estimated in part (b) to predict the total points Mark earned.
  7. Mark Sweeney wants to receive a letter grade of A for this course, and he needs to earn at least 90 points to do so. Based on the regression equation developed in part (b), how many estimated hours should Mark study to receive a letter grade of A for this course?
  8. NFL Winning Percentage. The National Football League (NFL) records a variety of performance data for individuals and teams. To investigate the importance of passing on the percentage of games won by a team, the following data show the conference (Conf), average number of passing yards per attempt (Yds/Att), the number of interceptions thrown per attempt (Int/Att), and the percentage of games won (Win%) for a random sample of 16 NFL teams for the 2011 season (NFL web site).
  9. Develop the estimated regression equation that could be used to predict the percentage of games won, given the average number of passing yards per attempt. What proportion of variation in the sample values of proportion of games won does this model explain?
  10. Develop the estimated regression equation that could be used to predict the percentage of games won, given the number of interceptions thrown per attempt. What proportion of variation in the sample values of proportion of games won does this model explain?
  11. Develop the estimated regression equation that could be used to predict the percentage of games won, given the average number of passing yards per attempt and the number of interceptions thrown per attempt. What proportion of variation in the sample values of proportion of games won does this model explain?
  12. The average number of passing yards per attempt for the Kansas City Chiefs during the 2011 season was 6.2, and the team’s number of interceptions thrown per attempt was 0.036. Use the estimated regression equation developed in part (c) to predict the percentage of games won by the Kansas City Chiefs during the 2011 season. Compare your prediction to the actual percentage of games won by the Kansas City Chiefs. (Note: For the 2011 season, the Kansas City Chiefs’ record was 7 wins and 9 losses.)
  13. Did the estimated regression equation that uses only the average number of passing yards per attempt as the independent variable to predict the percentage of games won provide a good fit?


Select a specific disability and discuss
transition services and accommodations for students with this particular disability.

Assignment # 3: Transition Research Paper

Students are expected to produce a 10 FULL page paper NOT including title or reference pages with at LEAST 10 citations from disability-related journals. When citing the literature, follow APA
style. Plagiarized papers will earn a zero without an opportunity for resubmission.

For this assignment, students are to select a specific disability and discuss
transition services and accommodations for students with this particular disability.
The paper should include the following components:
The current trends in transition services for this population.

Assessment and evaluation of eligibility for services.
Strengths and weaknesses of the current system in place for this population.

Your view (supported by literature) on what needs to be done to overcome challenges in delivering transition services to this population

What do we know about keystone species and trophic cascades? What would happen if coyotes were removed from an ecosystem? What do we know about ecological relationships and how removing coyotes will affect other organisms?

CER -claim, evidence, and reasoning

What have we learned about the biotic and abiotic factors in Nahant? Think about population density, food availability, biodiversity, etc.
Think about the carrying capacity for coyotes in Nahant. How is this affecting competition and coyote behavior?
What do we know about keystone species and trophic cascades? What would happen if coyotes were removed from an ecosystem?
What do we know about ecological relationships and how removing coyotes will affect other organisms?

Reasoning: Explain how each piece of evidence relates to why or why not coyote populations should be reduced in Nahant.

Putting your equity issue at the center of your paper, create your own graphic demonstrating how issues of power, policy, and privilege affect your equity issue.

Gen Z Generation

Putting your equity issue at the center of your paper, create your own graphic demonstrating how issues of power, policy, and privilege affect your equity issue.


Provide evidence of the issue and proposed solutions that are legal or constitutional. Defend your position on the issue by applying research as evidence to support your claim

English Question

You will complete an 8-10 page typed research paper on the topic of your choice about an issue in the American government/ politics.

  • 12 inch Times New Roman font
  • Double spaced
  • APA 7th Edition format

1. The research topic must be a current or past issue political issue.
2. You will provide evidence of the issue and proposed solutions that are legal or constitutional.
3. You will defend your position on the issue by applying research as evidence to support your claim

identify and explain Campbell’s thesis of his book and define the following terms in the classic Greek sense: hero, myth, and inspiration.

Joseph Campbell’s book.

In Joseph Campbell’s book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, he states that there is a common story of the hero across cultures and times found in religious stories, legends, and fairy tales and that this story is in fact everyone’s journey of self-actualization. In an essay, describe stages 1, 3, and 9 of the hero’s journey (the call to adventure, crossing the first threshold, and apotheosis). In the introduction to the essay, identify and explain Campbell’s thesis of his book and define the following terms in the classic Greek sense: hero, myth, and inspiration (each with full descriptions, which by the way are in the lectures and not necessarily from the book). For each of the stages listed above provide the following information and in this order:

1) a full definition of the stage (several sentences)

2) the purpose of the stage

3) provide one full example (several sentences) for each stage, either from Campbell’s book or from lectures. (Do not use examples from Malala because you will be writing a paper on her later.) The length of your essay should be approximately 3 – 4 pages and any exam longer than 5 pages will have a point reduction.Make sure every sentence has an identifiable subject and verb.

Suppose that in the actual survey of 50 prospective customers, 4 customers subscribe to the 3-For-All offer. What does this tell you about the previous estimate of the proportion of customers who would subscribe to the 3-For-All service offer?

Chapter 5 case- Managing Ashland MultiComm Services

1. If a sample of 50 prospective customers is selected and no free premium channels are included in the 3-For-All service offer, given past results, what is the probability that:

a. Fewer than 3 customers will subscribe to the 3-For-All service offer?

b. 0 customer or 1 customer will subscribe to the 3-For-All service offer?

c. More than 4 customers will subscribe to the 3-For-All service offer?

d. Suppose that in the actual survey of 50 prospective customers, 4 customers subscribe to the 3-For-All offer. What does this tell you about the previous estimate of the proportion of customers who would subscribe to the 3-For-All service offer?

The link below is the professor provides example and explained the assignment. Professor want me to submit the assignment in the excel format.


Howard Gardner believes there are at least 8 different types of intelligences. Do you support this theory? Why or why not? What is one intelligence/skill in Howard Gardner’s theory that you believe you excel in? Give examples to support your ideas.

Do You Believe There Are Multiple Types of Intelligence?


You will need to read the chapter and listen to the lecture on intelligence before you can reply to this post.

In your post, please reflect on and answer the following questions:

  1. Howard Gardner believes there are at least 8 different types of intelligences. Do you support this theory? Why or why not? Please give a detailed response.
  2. What is one intelligence/skill in Howard Gardner’s theory that you believe you excel in? Give examples to support your ideas.