
Identify communications that increase self-esteem in others.

Write: 1) a critically reflective, brief analysis of the two to three main sources (readings and/or videos) that you considered to be most valuable, and 2) a deeply reflective paragraph or two about what you consider to be the main insights and questions growing out of your learning in this module. Also, you are required to do a short write-up for this course learning module (about two pages or less)—where you (articulate in one to three sentences for each learning outcome, evidence that you have achieved that outcome.)- Please use the learning outcomes below for the essay.

You will:
 identify communications that increase self-esteem in others.
 identify communications that can cause loss of self-esteem in others.
 name characteristics of closed communication.
 name characteristics of open communication.
 identify the functional and dysfunctional roles of rituals in the family system.
 name reasons and consequences of holding secrets in the family system.

Report descriptive statistics relevant to your RQ and hypothesis main variables. Why are you reporting these? Give reasons.

-Describe your sample, including sample size and demographics related to your study.

-Report descriptive statistics relevant to your RQ and hypothesis main variables. Why are you reporting these? Give reasons.

-Use the handout template to write out the descriptive results in APA style. See sample papers and readings, writing about statistics can be difficult, be sure to look at the examples.

Inferential Statistics (Paragraph 2):

– Which inferential statistics are you reporting (correlation or t-test, or both)? Why?

-Relate your analysis to your RQ, how does that analysis help you answer your RQ?

-What did you find? A significant difference or correlation? Report your findings in APA style. See examples below.

-Use the handout template to write out the inferential statistics results in APA style.

List one advantage and one disadvantage of driverless vehicles.

The video below was published on October 15, 2020 and it explains some of the advances made for driverless cars:

In your opinion:

List one advantage and one disadvantage of driverless vehicles.
If we were to transition to driverless vehicles, How should the transition take place? Should all roads be declared driverless after a specific date or just the highways first?
When do you expect to fly in an airlines without pilots on board? Specify a year. Assume each airline will have pilots flying the airplanes remotely supported by on-board automation.

What resources might you anticipate being the most concerning to secure and manage.?

As a project manager, part of your responsibility will be identifying resources that you have available and those resources that you may need in addition to what is currently available. Once you know what physical and human resources you have at your disposal, you then use the PM tools introduced in the lesson to allocate and schedule them. In thinking about your project, what resources might you anticipate being the most concerning to secure and/or manage?

scuss and explain the attitudes and actions of the United States, the Soviet Union and their allies during this period making sure to explain the significant events which occurred.

1. At the Versailles Peace Conference, the victorious Allies placed total blame for World War I on Germany. In your essay, you will first analyze this assessment by carefully analyzing the road to war in the Europe of 1914. Discuss and assess, in detail the growth of Europe’s armies, the war plans of the major powers, and the road to war from the end of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 to the opening rounds of the Guns of August in the Summer of 1914. Second, when war broke out in 1914, the nations involved included two alliance systems: Germany & Austria-Hungary vs. France, Russia, and Great Britain. This European war soon became a world war. Discuss and assess the entry of other nations into this war, especially that of the United States. Finally, discuss and assess the Treaty of Versailles which ended the war. What were its provisions and, in your assessment, were they a fair and realistic conclusion to the war?

2. The Cold War dominated world attention from the closing days of World War II through the collapse of the Soviet Union in Discuss and explain the attitudes and actions of the United States, the Soviet Union and their allies during this period making sure to explain the significant events which occurred. In other words, tell me everything you know about the Cold War!

What do you think of this statement, do you agree? Explain your answer.

• Realistically, delegation just leads to more follow-up and monitoring, therefore it is easier and more efficient just to keep the task yourself, even if it means putting in some extra hours.
• What do you think of this statement, do you agree? Explain your answer.

Research and find a company’s mission statement. Then, state how the mission statement provides guidance for the company’s organizational activities.

Research and find a company’s mission statement. Then,
state how the mission statement provides guidance for the company’s organizational activities.

Identify two people, at two different levels that you need to communicate with for your project and compare and contrast your communication with them based on each of the five rights of communication.

Think about all of the stakeholders and colleagues that must be kept up to date on the status of your project. The recipient of your communication may be upstream (higher on the organizational chart), lateral (an equal organizationally), or downstream (i.e. end user) in relation to the project. A student in a prior CGE course compared communication in project management to the five rights of medication administration…we need to give:
The right person
The right information
(via) the right route
(at) the right time
(in) the right dose
Identify two people, at two different levels (upstream, lateral, downstream) that you need to communicate with for your project and compare/contrast your communication with them based on each of the five rights of communication.