
Discuss the criminal liability of Dean, Clive and Lacey.

Dean has a psychiatric condition which sometimes causes him to experience delusions. One day, due to his condition he develops a belief that everyone around him finds him sexually irresistible. In the staffroom at his workplace, he notices his colleague Lacey looking at him and is certain that she wants to have sex with him. He walks up to her and starts fondling her breasts. Lacey is stunned and she freezes in panic until Dean stops touching her and leaves the room. Lacey then bursts into tears.

A few minutes later Lacey’s boss, Clive, comes into the staffroom and finds her in tears. Clive asks Lacey what is wrong, and she tells him what happened with Dean. Clive puts his arm around Lacey to comfort her. However, Lacey thinks he is doing it because he is attracted to her, and she screams at him not to touch her and runs out.
Lacey is extremely distressed by these events. The following day at work, whilst in a dream-like state, she goes into the staffroom and smashes all the coffee cups belonging to her colleagues. A psychiatrist diagnoses Lacey with post-traumatic stress disorder and states that this caused her to be in a dissociative state when she smashed the cups, such that she had not been acting with a conscious mind or will.
Discuss the criminal liability of Dean, Clive and Lacey.

Write a paper about how African American women and women of minority ethnicities experience unequal treatment when trying to receive medical care

Write a paper about how African American women and women of minority ethnicities experience unequal treatment when trying to receive medical care.

Write a paper on reforming the teacher evaluation process, but this should be a US-based paper.

Write a paper on reforming the teacher evaluation process, but this should be a US-based paper.

Discuss and form argument about American philosophy.

Discuss and form argument about American philosophy.

Explain the role of health education in health promotion. How is the nursing process used in developing health education?

Explain the role of health education in health promotion. How is the nursing process used in developing health education? Describe a contemporary issue, local or global, that a family may experience today. What steps would the nurse take to address these as part of a health education plan?

How could customer service be improved? What does Drucker say is the most important to a business?

-A. Identify/Name a business for which you are a customer. Describe the customer service you receive there. What do you like [or dislike] about the service?

-B. How could customer service be improved? What does Drucker say is the most important to a business?

How do they cater to or possibly impede the audience’s receptivity to the shared health education information?

Considering the various learning styles and education levels of the young adult native american in your selected community, explain your selection of teaching materials which are powerpoint presentations . How do they cater to or possibly impede the audience’s receptivity to the shared health education information?

Discuss the role and use of data in light of biblical and ethical principles; for instance, how should we avoid presenting data for our own benefit.

We see graphs and tables in everyday newspapers and magazines attempting to convey something to us. Select a graph or table from a recent article. Discuss the role and use of data in light of biblical and/or ethical principles; for instance, how should we avoid presenting data for our own benefit.

Discuss journal entries that would be of interest to investigate the economic value of the entry.

Discuss journal entries that would be of interest to investigate the economic value of the entry.

What did you find most useful about using XBRL?As a professional accountant, how would you use XBRL?


1.List the names of the 10 banks you selected.

2.Which bank has the most decrease in availableforsale securities?Draw a graph that shows the trend over the sample period.

3.Why did this bank experience the decrease in availableforsale securities?Find sources that support your answer from financial statements, news articles, and other sources. Provide links to your sources.

4.Which bank has the most increase in heldtomaturity securities? Draw a graph that shows the trend over the sample period.

5.Why did this bank experience the increase in heldtomaturity securities? Find sources that support your answer from financial statements, news articles, and other sources. Provide links to your sources.

6.What did you find most useful about using XBRL?As a professional accountant, how would you use XBRL?

7.What did you find most troubling about using XBRL?