
Discuss how  institutions threaten peoples identity?

Discuss how  institutions threaten peoples identity?

Critically evaluate the evolution of management to the present day

Critically evaluate the evolution of management to the present day: has management changed?

Explain why  Young People feel Obliged to vote in elections?

Explain why  Young People feel Obliged to vote in elections?

Identify and explain the general concepts of biological theory, psychological theory, and sociological theory as they pertain to drug use and abuse.

Identify and explain the general concepts of biological theory, psychological theory, and sociological theory as they pertain to drug use and abuse. Once you have done that, identify one specific theory out of the three areas (such as anomie, differential association, psychoanalytic theory, operant conditioning, behavior modification) that you believe best explains why an individual would choose to use drugs, and articulate why this is the best explanation. Be sure to include an assessment of the identified theory, including a discussion of relevant concepts and examples to support your choice.

Explain the differing positions between federalism and anti-federalism in Virginia during the debate over ratifying the U.S. Constitution.

• Explain the differing positions between federalism and anti-federalism in Virginia during the debate over ratifying the U.S. Constitution. How did these differing viewpoints concerning the role of the federal government linger through the state during the Antebellum era? What 20th century (1900s) political debates in Virginia also had their roots in that disagreement?
Include the school’s name, your paper’s title, my name, your name, the course’s title, and the submission date. See this sample title page for a visual.
Citation for Article 1 (in alphabetical order of author’s last name).
Brief paragraph summarizing the article and explaining its relevance to the topic.
An integrated quote from the article.
A paraphrase of a point from the article.
Citation for Article 2 (in alphabetical order of author’s last name).
Brief paragraph summarizing the article and explaining its relevance to the topic.
An integrated quote from the article.
A paraphrase of a point from the article.


Discuss all abnormal assessment findings on the patient’s physical exam and any recommended follow up.

Provide a short summary of why well-child visits are important and what pertinent health topics might be discussed between the provider and the child and parent for this particular age patient (list at least 5).

Summary of well child visit is thorough; health topics are discussed and are relevant to age of child.

Summary of well child visit partially discussed; topics are partially relevant to age of child.

Summary of well child visit is not thorough and topics are not relevant to age of child.

Identify the vaccines this patient will need to receive today. Include a short discussion of the diseases these vaccines will help to prevent.

Vaccines are correctly identified, and discussion of disease associated with vaccine is discussed thoroughly.

Vaccines are partially identified; discussion of diseases is partially completed.

Vaccines are not correctly identified; discussion is vague and incomplete.

Discuss all abnormal assessment findings on the patient’s physical exam and any recommended follow up.

Abnormal assessment findings are correctly identified, recommendations for follow up are appropriate and thorough.

Abnormal assessment findings are partially identified, recommendations for follow up are appropriate, but not thorough.

Abnormal assessment findings are not correctly identified, recommendations are not identified and/or are not appropriate.

Discuss the pertinent and specific patient teaching points based on the recommended vaccines to be given at the well-child visit. Be sure to include post immunization guidance. (20 points) In addition, develop a patient teaching handout for the parents. This is original work and should be creative in design. (30 pts)

Explain the idea that art represents reality by discussing Plato and Aristotle’s view of art.

Explain the idea that art represents reality by discussing Plato and/or Aristotle’s view of art. Discuss a work of art that you think illustrates this idea. For example, you might discuss a character/narrator/subject in a work of art (novel, poem, film, graphic novel, short story, television show, song, painting, etc.) who you think captures the idea that we have an essential, shared human nature and that art reflects this reality for us.

• Explain the idea that art is truth by discussing Schelling, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and/or Heidegger. Discuss a work of art that you think illustrates this idea. For example, you might discuss a character/narrator/subject in a work of art (novel, poem, film, graphic novel, short story, television show, song, painting, etc.) who you think captures the artichoke/post-modern idea.

You might also consider the following in developing your paper:

Is art mimesis/representation (as in Platonism and Aristotelian aesthetics) or is it a means of transforming the self and reality? Might it be aspirational, allowing us to achieve catharsis, as Aristotle suggests? Consider, too, how the idea of art as representation is akin to the avocado view while the idea of art as transformative is more like the artichoke view.

What is the relationship between art and philosophy? Do you agree with Plato and Descartes that philosophy is the best means of achieving certainty about reality and existence, or do you think that art is the ultimate expression of truth? How is the postmodern view of art a rejection of the natural standpoint we see adopted by empiricism and rationalism and rejected by phenomenology?

Evaluate the study Folk Devils and Moral Panics by Stanley Cohen, and explain the ways in which this research study has contributed to your understanding of culture and identity.

Evaluate the study Folk Devils and Moral Panics by Stanley Cohen, and explain the ways in which this research study has contributed to your understanding of culture and identity.

What benefits and challenges are associated with these kinds of relationships across the life cycle?

Developmental issues that are associated with sibling relationships and friendships. For this discussion, compare and contrast these groups and address the following:

What are key factors to understanding the impact of each type of relationship throughout the life cycle?
What benefits and challenges are associated with these kinds of relationships across the life cycle?
Identify a friendship or sibling relationship in your life (past or present), and provide one example interaction or experience from that relationship that illustrates a key concept from this week’s readings.