
Construct another metaphor that you believe would be a more accurate description for race and ethnic relations & provide rational.

Summarize the ideology of the Melting Pot. Does the Melting Pot accurately reflect the relations of racial & ethnic groups in America? Why or why not? Construct another metaphor that you believe would be a more accurate description for race and ethnic relations & provide rational.

How did Neha Mahajan and her research team measure whether rhesus monkeys distinguished between ingroup and outgroup rhesus monkeys?

1. How did Neha Mahajan and her research team measure whether rhesus monkeys distinguished between ingroup and outgroup rhesus monkeys?

With regard to this question, what did they find?

What explanation did they give for these results? In other words, what did these results suggest?

What was a potential alternative explanation for their results?

What did they do to figure out which of these two potential explanations was correct? By two explanations I am referring to your answers to questions b and c.

With regard to this last question, what did they find?

2. Mahajan and her team also tried to figure out whether monkeys had negative feelings toward outgroup monkeys.

Why does God’s perfect knowledge seem to present a problem for free will?

1. Why does God’s perfect knowledge seem to present a problem for free will?
2. Why isn’t this a problem for soft determinist accounts of free will? ——- Socrates and rite
One response to this problem says that there is actually no problem because there is nothing for God to know. Why is there’ nothingi to know, according to this response?
Es 4. Theistic voluntarism saysthat Good things are just the things that God approves of. This leads to an odd conclusion: to say that “God is good” is just to say that “God approves of God.” Sor MITy-to get around this by saying something like the following: God is Love, and this is why God is Good. Why doesn’t this seem to g solve the problem?
6. What does Retributivism hold? How is this idea used as argument for felon disenfranchisement?

7. What does the “All-Affected Principle” hold? Describe the three different meanings this principle might have.

8. How does Wall respond to the “Harms to Adults” argument against child and youth voting? Mill and Harm


Summarize the ideology of the Cult of Domesticity. Do you believe that American society continues to uphold the values contained within the Cult of Domesticity?

Summarize the ideology of the Cult of Domesticity. Do you believe that American society continues to uphold the values contained within the Cult of Domesticity? Why or why not? Provide rationale/support for your opinion.

Select one issue that you think reflects a women′s issue in society. Describe and discuss the issue and explain why it is of particular importance to women in society.

Select one issue that you think reflects a women′s issue in society. Describe and discuss the issue and explain why it is of particular importance to women in society. Include any statistics or other information to support your ideas. Discuss how this movement has materialized in today′s society. How would you describe the goals of the movement or activism around the issue? Are there key organizations? How has the movement been defined and what are the key issues being addressed? Are there any key leaders associated with the movement? Offer any critical insight that you may have, including your thoughts about the future direction of social activism on this issue, and what you would like to see accomplished to address the issue you have highlighted.

Write a Literature review which critically analyses a legal issue of your choosing.

Write a Literature review which critically analyses a legal issue of your choosing.

Explain the compromises reached at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, including the plan agreed to.

Final Exam Part 1 – Short Answer
Answer the following questions (10 points each):
1. Explain the compromises reached at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, including the plan agreed to.
2. Explain the Madisonian Model of Government (Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances). How does this work in our governmental system?
3. Choose one of the provisions in the First Amendment (religion, speech, press, assembly, petition) and explain how the provision has been interpreted by the Supreme Court of the United States.
4. Define/Explain the following: Apportionment, Redistricting, Gerrymandering (including packing and cracking).
5. Why is voting important?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article?

Choose any economics related article

Article must have some type of Economic concept

Summary should be at least 1 page, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt font

Possible questions to answer in your summary

Where did the article come from?

What is the article claiming?

Do you agree/disagree with the article’s claim​?

What is your opinion about the article?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article?

Do you consider the article biased?

Provide Reference information

Describe your personal characteristics for building effective relationships that also attend to inclusion of diversity with individuals and groups.

Part I. Career Goals and Leadership. Write a cohesive essay response to the below questions. Minimum Length requirement: 200 words
a) Your career aspirations relating to the field of professional counseling
b) One or more significant events for seeking a career in professional counseling
c) One or more activities demonstrating leadership or commitment to the field of professional counseling

Part II. Appreciating diversity is an important value of our program. Write a cohesive essay response to the below questions. Minimum Length requirement: 300 words.
a) Tell us about experiences with various cultural and diverse groups and describe what you have learned from these experiences.
b) How have you demonstrated your learning in this area?
c) Describe your personal characteristics for building effective relationships that also attend to inclusion of diversity with individuals and groups.

Part III. Anticipated Challenges. Write a cohesive essay response to the below questions. Minimum Length requirement: 300 words.
a) What challenges do you anticipate as a student in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program?
b) After reflecting on this question, describe a specific plan that might help you address the challenges and sustain a commitment to your professional development and identity.
c) How will you know that you have been successful in overcoming/coping with those challenges?