
Explain the subject of the artwork, providing specifics. Describe the style attributes. Guide your reader’s eye around the work by describing specifics. Are there style borrowings from the ancient world? How has the artist created an illusion of deep space and a tangible world?

Assignment Discussion 1a:

Choose one of the following thematic options, and find one piece of art for one of the following trends:

  • Artistic borrowing from the ancient Greco-Roman world. A work by Brunelleschi, Donatello, or Michelangelo might make a good choice.
  • The artistic skills used to convincingly recreate optical perception. A painting would be a good choice to illustrate this trend. Masaccio, Sandro Botticelli, Filippo Lippi, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Andrea Mantegna, Titian, Michelangelo, and Raphael all had the various skills to create believable depth and convincing illusion.
  • Contemporary portraiture as it celebrates individual achievement or personal wealth. A portrait often reflects an agreement between artist and sitter on how the sitter wants to be perceived. Great Renaissance portraits were produced by Sandro Botticelli, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Raphael, Leonardo, and Giovani Battista Moroni along with many others.

The pop-ups in the pictures will help you develop the power of looking, and train your eye to see art through the lens of a critic just like our curator

  • Filippo Brunelleschi, Church of San Lorenzo interior, completed 1470, Florence
  • Sandro Botticelli, Annunciation, 1490, tempera on panel, Kelvingrove Art Museum and Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Titian, Eleanora Gonzaga, Duchess of Urbino, 1538, oil on canvas, Uffizi Gallery, Florence

You will need to do some research to understand on the artwork that you chose, and the best place to start is with the museum website.

  1. Introduce the artwork by providing artist, title, date, medium (materials it is made from, such as oil paint on panel), museum that owns it, and the trend is represents. Following are two helpful sites to search for art samples: Metropolitan Museum in New York City;Uffizi Gallery in Florence.
  2. Explain the subject of the artwork, providing specifics.
  3. Describe the style attributes. Guide your reader’s eye around the work by describing specifics.  Are there style borrowings from the ancient world? How has the artist created an illusion of deep space and a tangible world?
  4. Supply some historic context for your artwork.
  5. Include an illustration or link to the artwork.
  6. Cite your source(s) within the text and provide a reference(s).



Describe the 4 most common elements found in each nursing theory and how “knowing” is related to theory foundation.


Respond to Lester post:

Describe the 4 most common elements found in each nursing theory and how “knowing” is related to theory foundation.
McKenna (2017) mentions that theories are made up of concepts, variables, statements, and formats. However, specific to nursing there are 4 common elements that are found in each nursing theory. These elements are the person, environment, health, and nursing. The person is basically the one that will receive the care. (McKenna, 1997). This person can either be viewed in terms of an individual client, family, or a whole community. (McKenna, 1997). The environment is the physical environment or can also be a particular situation. (McKenna, 1997). Health is most defined as a concept that includes the exchange or interaction between the person, environment, and the nurse. (McKenna, 1997). Nursing is defined as the diagnosis, care, and treatment of human responses to potential or actual problems which is in contrast to Medical Care that is based on a medical diagnosis. (McKenna, 1997). Within the concept of nursing, the nurse should create an “individualized plan of care” that is based on the patient’s personalized needs, their environment, and their current level of health. (McKenna, 1997).

Furthermore, according to Christensen (2011), knowledge can be considered Theoretical, which is “knowing-that” or Practical which is “knowing-how”. (Christensen, 2011). Knowing is related to theory foundation in the form of the inclusion of many different things. (Christensen, 2011). These points include things that are already known from many different written sources or media, things that are known from personal experiences, and things that are related to the common elements in nursing theory that are person, environment, health, and nursing. (Christensen, 2011).

Briefly describe the 4 types of theories in nursing and their purpose.
Theories in nursing according to Butts & Rich (2022), can be differentiated in many different ways depending on which sources are referenced. (Butts & Rich, 2022). However, they claim that the 4 types of theories in nursing are Descriptive, Predictive, Explanatory, and Prescriptive. (Butts & Rich, 2022). The purpose of descriptive theory is to present information and usually just involves one particular component. (McKenna, 1997). The purpose of predictive theory is to confirm knowledge and usually is the cause & effect relationship between 2 or more components. (McKenna, 1997). The purpose of explanatory theory is to build knowledge and usually involves 2 components that relate to each other in a specific way. (McKenna, 1997). The purpose of prescriptive theory is to utilize knowledge that builds on descriptive, explanatory, and predictive theories and goes beyond just cause & effect. (McKenna, 1997).

Choose one theory and briefly apply it to your chosen DNP CSP topic, explaining the type of theory it is and demonstrating the links of the theory elements to your clinical problem. (It should be clear that this is an appropriate theory for use in your clinical area and reflects your personal theoretical framework for advanced practice nursing.
One theory in mind is Martha Rogers and her model of unitary human beings based on the concepts of systems theory. (Aranha, 2015). This model and theory apply to my potential choice topic for my DNP Clinical Scholarly Project which is decreasing the prevalence of suicide with the use of new and advanced technologies; this is what describes my clinical problem and also addresses a cause & effect relationship. Thus, this particular model and theory is considered to be a prescriptive theory because my goal is to utilize the knowledge that goes beyond all comparative components and cause & effect. (Butts & Rich, 2022).

In Martha Roger’s model and theory known as the Science of Unitary Human Beings is centralized in the idea of how humans are intertwined with their environments and how this interaction comprises of different organizational patterns that are transmitted through waves. (Aranha, 2015). Different components that are also significant in Martha Roger’s model are “the use of energy fields, openness, patterns, and pan dimensionality as the building blocks”. (Aranha, 2015). Rogers theorized that “the universe is an open system within which individuals and their environment interact independently and continuously.” (Aranha, 2015). Applying this theory to the person, is seen as a “unified whole” or energy field that is comprised as whole and is “different from the sum of its parts,” which is the community or the suicidal population. (McKenna, 1997). Applying this theory to Nursing, which is seen as a profession that will maintain & promote health for the sick and disabled, or the methods that will help to decrease incidence of suicide. (McKenna, 1997). Applying this theory to health, it is defined by the community to classify behaviors as either high or low in value, which are the emerging technology tools used to compare and contrast the suicide prevention methods that are utilized. (McKenna, 1997). Lastly, applying this theory to the environment, means that there is a “Four-Dimensional negatrophic energy field identified by pattern, organization, and encompassing all that is outside any given field,” which will comprise of the descriptive visualization of technological methods utilized. (McKenna, 1997).

What information should be collected from Mr. Beatty before the administration of the penicillin G? Mr. Beatty asks why he cannot receive the medication in oral form. How should the nurse respond?

Chapter 18 Discussion

Ed Beatty is a 52-year-old client with a history of chronic renal insufficiency who presents to the medical clinic reporting a severe sore throat. He is diagnosed with a streptococcal pharyngitis. He is informed by the primary care provider that he will be treated with an IM injection of penicillin G. (Learning Objectives 2, 3, and 9)

1. What information should be collected from Mr. Beatty before the administration of the penicillin G?

2. Mr. Beatty asks why he cannot receive the medication in oral form. How should the nurse respond?

3. Describe the equipment that the nurse should have available before administering the medication to Mr. Beatty. Why is this necessary?

4. After receiving the penicillin G, Mr. Beatty experiences cardiac arrest. He is successfully resuscitated. Discuss the potential causes of the cardiac arrest.

5. Mr. Beatty has recovered from the arrest and the nurse is preparing his discharge teaching. What information related to the penicillin G should the nurse include?

Create a concept map for one of the topics from the list below: Hypertension.

Week 3 | Lesson 7 Concept Map

Create a concept map for one of the topics from the list below:

  • Hypertension

The content of the concept map must include:

  • pathophysiology
  • definition
  • etiology
  • risk factors (genetic predisposition and environment factors if applicable)
  • causative factors
  • common signs and symptoms for the disease
  • labs & diagnostic tests
  • nursing interventions
  • medical treatment
  • complications of the disease
  • patient & family education
  • 4-6 references using APA 7th ed. format

What is the median team salary for the 30 NBA teams? What percentage of teams had salaries at least 59 million? What salary represents the 75 percentile? What shape is the data? What percentile is the fifth position number of 59 million?

Minitab Assignment Number 2

  1. The following data are commute times (in minutes) from your professor’s home to work for 25 consecutive workdays. Key the data in Minitab in C1 and name the column Commute Times.
  2. Construct a histogram in Minitab of your professor’s commute times. Your first Minitab assignment walks you through how to create a histogram, and there are videos in your Canvas course.

Make sure your histogram includes the following:

  • Appropriate title
  • Appropriate time units identified in the plot on the x-axis (title)
  • Footnote explaining what the class length is and an example of the first-class lower and upper boundaries.


Copy graph below this line and size it as:   4 X 6

Explain the shape of the histogram in detail, what, why, when, how


What is the shape of the histogram, and explain in detail the what, why, when, how, etc.?  
What is the class length?  
What would you recommend at this point and why?  


  1. The 21stcommute time, 37.4 minutes, reflects a day when your professor left home without his laptop computer and had to turn around to retrieve it. Remove this outlier from the data set and reconstruct the histogram.


Copy the second histogram below this line and size it 4 X 6


Explain the shape of the histogram in detail, what, why, when, how

What is the shape of the histogram and explain in detail the what, why, when, how, etc.?  
What is the class length?  
What would you recommend at this point and why?  

Run Basic Statistics on the data in column C1. 

.> Go to Stat>Basic Statistics>Display Distributive Statistics and select the column. Select the Statistics button and select the options we have learned in class: mean, sd, variance, coefficient of variation, first quartile, median, third quartile, interquartile range, mode, minimum, maximum, range.


Variable Mean SE Mean StDev Variance CoefVar Minimum Q1 Median Q3 Maximum
C2 18.131 0.0883 0.442 0.195 2.44 17.200 17.850 18.100 18.435 19.100
Variable Range IQR Mode N for
C2 1.900 0.585 18 5  



Answer these questions

By looking at the results, what makes you think the shape is symmetrical? Explain  
Explain coefVar  
Explain Q1, Q3, IQR  
Explain the variance and how we use it  
What is the interval for 68, 95, 99 percentage of the data?  
What would be your cursory prediction be about the professor’s commute times?  


  1. Below is a stem-and-leaf plot of the NBA teams’ payroll salaries for the 2013-14 season, in millions of dollars.



  • How many teams had salaries of at least 70 million dollars?


  • What is the median team salary for the 30 NBA teams?
  • What percentage of teams had salaries at least 59 million?
  • What salary represents the 75 percentile?
  • What shape is the data?
  • What percentile is the fifth position number of 59 million?


  1. Below are the ages at which U.S. presidents began their first terms, increasing in order from George Washington to Barack Obama, with Grover Cleveland serving 2 nonconsecutive terms. This is an entire population of data, not a sample.

(a) Create a histogram and run basic statistics.


Explain what you see in detail:


Variable Mean SE Mean StDev Variance CoefVar Minimum Q1 Median Q3 Maximum
C3 54.432 0.895 5.935 35.228 10.90 42.000 51.000 54.500 57.750 69.000
Variable Range IQR Mode N for
C3 27.000 6.750 51, 54 5  



What are the benefits of administering fibrinolytic therapy, nitroglycerin, and oxygen in the early management of STEMI? What is the inflammatory response in the postinfarction recovery period? Why will Martha’s heart function be compromised after her STEMI?

Disorders of Cardiac Function, and Heart Failure and Circulatory Shock

Martha had just finished dinner with her husband, and they had just sat down to watch television. She is 72 years old and has had a history of angina. Shortly after they sat down, Martha said she had indigestion and went to take some antacid tablets. An hour later, she began to feel warm, restless, and anxious. Her husband noticed she was looking pale and said he would take her to a nearby walk-in clinic. By the time they arrived, Martha said her left arm and shoulder were sore. Suspecting Martha was having a heart attack, her husband turned the car around and rushed her to the hospital. Three hours after the onset of her symptoms, Martha was receiving oxygen, fibrinolytic therapy, and nitroglycerin in the emergency ward. Afterward, she was moved to the cardiac unit for STEMI (Chapter 27, Learning Objectives 5 and 6).

  1. An ECG of Martha’s heart demonstrated an elevated ST segment. What are the physiologic effects of myocardial ischemia that produce this finding? What variables affect the ECG tracing of a patient with ACS?
  2. What are the benefits of administering fibrinolytic therapy, nitroglycerin, and oxygen in the early management of STEMI?
  3. What is the inflammatory response in the postinfarction recovery period? Why will Martha’s heart function be compromised after her STEMI?

Who wrote this text and what are the goals of the author(s)? To what extent the goals described in this text have been achieved in the history of the Ottoman Empire?


Primary Source: The Edict of Gülhane (The Rescript of Gülhane– Gülhane Hatt-ı Hümayunu)


Discussion questions: Who wrote this text and what are the goals of the author(s)? To what extent the goals described in this text have been achieved in the history of the Ottoman Empire?

This post must be at least 175 words in length addressing straightforwardly the discussion question.

Discuss what you have learned about high performance and balanced scorecards/competing forces. Are measures missing? What measures are superior? What is your root cause analysis of what makes an organization high performing?

WK 10 Results Management

Each topic question should comprise a minimum of 250 words and should contain at least 2–3 peer-reviewed references. APA style

Assessing Outcomes:
Q1 – Discuss what you have learned about high performance and balanced scorecards/competing forces. Are measures missing? What measures are superior? What is your root cause analysis of what makes an organization high performing?

Defining Quality:
Q2 – Define what quality healthcare means from the perspective of one or more of these groups:

  • Providers
  • Patients & Family
  • Payers
  • Public Health
  • Political Players
  • Policy/Advocacy

Companies often use marketing principles to advertise open positions. What marketing principles and HR policies could be used to ensure that recruiting practices reflect diversity and inclusion?

Business Question

This course is the capstone to CTU’s BSBA HR concentration. Using what you have learned in the program as well as the resources provided, this assignment will seek to assess your knowledge by asking questions that a HR professional may face working in the global environment. Using the resources and CTU Library, please answer the following questions:

  • How might HR apply the accounting principle of auditing to uncover financial mismanagement on an employee’s expense reports?
  • How can a HR manager use ethical decision making to solve a problem with employees who are not appropriately using information technology for business operations?
  • Companies often use marketing principles to advertise open positions. What marketing principles and HR policies could be used to ensure that recruiting practices reflect diversity and inclusion?
  • How do positive labor relations contribute to successful strategic management?

Read Principles of Computer Security and in 400 words write about the most important information that stood out the most.

Cybersecurity INSS 4380 Chapter 1 & 2

Read Principles of Computer Security and in 400 words write about the most important information that stood out the most.

You can use the notes,

Or you can use the chapters, but they are not the best quality.