
Explore the website for the Research their goals, strategies, and campaigns.

Explore the website for the Research their goals, strategies, and campaigns.

1. Locate a web site for an association of retirees. Research their goals, strategies, and campaigns.

Note: Some of these associations can be found on the web site of the

Write a 2-page business brief to your professor that addresses the following questions. Include a rationale for your answers based on labor relations principles.

1(a) How is the National College Players Association like a labor union? 1(b) How is it different from a union?
1(c) What advantages does it have over a union? 1(d) What are the disadvantages?

2(a) How is the association for retirees that you explored like a labor union? 2(b) How is it different from a union?
2(c) What advantages does it have over a union? 2(d) What are the disadvantages?

Liberal ideas have won the ideological battle. Discuss

Liberal ideas have won the ideological battle. Discuss

Discuss at least two conclusions Brennan made from examining the bones or scene.

Watch an episode of the popular TV show “Bones” online or on television (except for the ones we discussed in class). Provide the title and a brief summary (one short paragraph) of the episode. Discuss at least two conclusions Brennan made from examining the bones or scene. Given what you have learned in class, how realistic and accurate were her results for each of the conclusions you choose to discuss? What was correct or incorrect? Use specific information from lectures and your textbook to support your arguments. How would you have changed the story to make it more accurate? The assignment should be two to three double spaced pages. Use complete sentences. A bibliography is not required. Proper use of spelling and grammar are required. This assignment must be turned in over Blackboard by May 13.

What will happen if the polarity of charge will be opposite. Predict the result and run the simulation.

Motion of charge particle in electric field

Open program

Set the following values

Voltage  = 40 V

Distance between plates  = 5 cm

Initial velocity = 8 x 105 m/s

Charge on particle = 0.3 μC

Mass of particle = 0.3 x 10-16 kg

Particle enter in the field at a vertical distance on 2.5 cm

  • Calculate how much time the particle will strike the plate (lower or upper?)

4.2 Horizontal distance travelled in this time.

4.3 Run the program and check your results obtained in calculations. Include the screen shot in the lab report.

4.4 What will happen if the polarity of charge will be opposite. Predict the result and run the simulation. Are the results same as you predicted? Include the screen shot in the lab report.

Identify and discuss significant expense items that have caused major changes in profit margin.

The company website :
– Discuss key ratios such as ROE, RNOA, PM, ATO, FLEV and NBC.
– Break down and analyse PM and ATO ratios in further details. Identify and discuss significant expense items that have caused major changes in profit margin. Identify and discuss major assets or liabilities whose turnover ratios have contributed to the overall change in assets efficiency.
– Briefly describe the ratios trend. The analysis should elaborate on the economic, industry and business factors that drive the changes in ratios.
– Discuss other relevant liquidity, solvency and cash flow ratios that are not covered in DuPont analysis. Analyse financial risk and cash flow management of the company based on these ratios.



Discuss Water Pollution Caused by the Manufacturing Industry.

Discuss Water Pollution Caused by the Manufacturing Industry.

Critically discuss why states become belligerent in contemporary times.

War is the continuation of politics by other means’ wrote Karl von Clausewitz in 1833 in his book ‘On War’. Critically discuss why states become belligerent in contemporary times.

Briefly describe the main features of the EU’s trade policy and industrial policy.

Briefly describe the main features of the EU’s trade policy and industrial policy. Which of these have a greater effect on the competitiveness of European SMEs? (This is the question chosen)
Have trade policy and industry policies separate.
Look at criteria attached need to be aiming for 70%+