
What are the principal causative factors of the problems? Were they reasonably foreseeable? Who or which groups are responsible, what was their role?

MGMT 601: Leadership in the Global Context

Final Case Study
This assignment will allow you to demonstrate your analytic and critical abilities, both of which are essential components of leadership. A case study is not mealy descriptive, it is an indepth self contained critical analysis of an actual problem involving actual clients or subjects.

Here are some of the aspects you might consider inserting into your analysis:
What are the principal causative factors of the problems?
Were they reasonably foreseeable?
Who or which groups are responsible, what was their role?
Were there any marginalized or discounted groups or perspectives?
How do the facts affect the client, subjects or victims of your case study?
Are there leadership or ethical gaps, what leadership styles prevailed throughout?
What is the best possible outcome, what are your recommendations?
Are there any interdisciplinary (eg. legal, regulatory, HR, media …) considerations?

What is the student’s role in his/her education? How will you reach the diverse children in your classroom? What will be your relationship with the community, parents, teaching colleagues and administration?

EDUC 2130: Philosophy of Education

Outline of Paper Sections

Section 1: Introduction.

Write one paragraph, on-page maximum length, double-spaced.

  • What is your analogy for the education profession?
  • How does your analogy (e.g., “The Drill Sergeant”: My Philosophy of Education) connect with the upcoming content in the document?

Section 2: Why You Teach (Refer to Chapter 2 in Dr. Brown’s Course Ref. Material)

Write two or three paragraphs, one and one-half pages, double-spaced

  • What is the purpose of education?
  • Which philosophical beliefs do you support (Complete the Philosophic Inventory, Chapter 2, Dr. Brown’s Reference Material)?
  • What is your role as a teacher?

Section 3: Whom You Teach

Write three paragraphs, one and one-half pages, double-spaced.

  • What is the student’s role in his/her education?
  • How will you reach the diverse children in your classroom?
  • What will be your relationship with the community, parents, teaching colleagues and administration?

Section 4: How and what you teach?

Write two paragraphs, one page, double-spaced.

  • What are your beliefs about how children learn?
  • How do your beliefs affect classroom management, instructional strategies, curriculum design/content, and assessment?

Section 5: Conclusion

Write one paragraph, one-half page, double-spaced.

What is an analogy?

What is your analogy of the education profession?
Educational Philosophy

Assignment Dropbox. Section #2. Why You Teach

  • What is the purpose of education?
  • Which philosophical beliefs do you support? (Remember to complete the philosophic inventory.)
  • What is your role as a teacher?

Discuss at least two factors that would facilitate the development of the walkways. Discuss at least two factors that would hinder the development of the walkways.

Nursing’s Role in Transforming Health Care

In the chapter, “How Community-Based Organizations Are Addressing Nursing’s Role in Transforming Health Care,” the authors describe the community as the focus of advocacy action for change. They list a series of questions that help community teams develop organizing principles to guide their interventions, and the aim is to attack social determinants of health to make community change. Suppose a community team identifies lack of access to exercise modalities as a public health issue. If the team were to determine that pedestrian walkways need to be constructed:

-Discuss at least two factors that would facilitate the development of the walkways.
-Discuss at least two factors that would hinder the development of the walkways.
-Include in your discussions ways that the team might work to overcome those hindrances.

Which stakeholders are impacted (who is directly or indirectly impacted)? How did this issue come about (from your perspective based on research, data, etc.)? What available data are available on the issue (statistics, research studies, media coverage, etc.)? What has been done politically in recent years to try to address it?

Ethnic Studies Question

  • State your interest in learning more about and/or doing something about a particular sociopolitical problem in society. Focus on an issue that you are concerned about in your community, city, state, or in the country generally. Succinctly delineate and describe the problem and frame as a policy issue that you feel should be addressed; briefly unpack its social and especially its political aspects. Address the following: Is this a local, regional, or national problem? Why are you concerned about it? Why should others be concerned about it. In addition to the social and political implications of this problem, are there concerning fiscal (financial) issues at play.
  • Specifics relating to this problem; for example, address these questions: Which stakeholders are impacted (who is directly or indirectly impacted)? How did this issue come about (from your perspective based on research, data, etc.)? What available data are available on the issue (statistics, research studies, media coverage, etc.)? What has been done politically in recent years to try to address it?
  • Some political rights, processes, protocols, timelines, and institutions that can be used to help you address the problem, including: protesting and raising awareness, recruiting people to join the effort and organizing support, involving and acquiring the backing of some elected public office holder or public institution, utilizing the legal system/judiciary if appropriate, establishing a start date and end date with some steps briefly outlined, soliciting for funds and using this funding, etc. While you are not expected to include all these areas, select at least two from this list (those that are most relevant to your issue). Example: (1) raising awareness and protesting publicly, and (2) contacting specific elected public officials to get their support.
  • Share the relevant theoretical and practical politically-related ideas and concepts you plan to use from this course or from other appropriate courses in your analysis of the problem and in your plans to address it. Clearly specify the political theories, concepts, or ideas.
  • Sources you used to develop this paper: include in text citations and a formal reference section at the end (use an APA, ASA, or applicable format). Your references page should be an additional one to two pages beyond the minimum requirement. At least 2 to 4 references (aim for one source to be research-oriented; you can include more than the specified number of sources).
  • Summary of the structure of this paper: (1) keep in mind that this assignment in many respects is a policy paper; (2) identify at least two items from the list under the third bulleted guideline above and emphasize the political nature, propose a policy, and include a timeline; (3) write using the formalities typical of an analytical essay or short research paper—focused on a policy issue, include an introduction, body, conclusion, and references; (4) consider using headings and come up with a descriptive and catchy title to convey at-a-glance the sociopolitical problem you identified; and (5), while not expected in this paper, you may develop and share a thesis or hypothesis if it helps you.

Describes your funding strategies. Explains how funding strategies promote diversity of cultural expressions. Discusses measurable outcomes of the funding strategies.

Gender quality issues

Assignment Content

  1. You are working on supporting gender equality in your community or culture. You are writing a proposal that will focus on gender equality because it is an important development (and human rights) issue. Create a developmental proposal (for example, cultural and diversity programs, diversity mentoring, and outreach programs) that will focus on building greater gender equality. Your proposal should help to increase awareness of inequalities, offer constructive solutions, and enable all genders to have a voice in the initiative.Write a 1,050 to – 2500 word proposal that includes or does the following:

    • Section 1: Initiative Overview
    • States the community or culture you hope to influence.
    • States the mission, vision, and program objectives.
    • Section 2: Visibility, Awareness, and Participation
    • Develops appropriate awareness-raising tools to stimulate broad interest.
    • Develops a communication strategy that leverages national and local-level education and culturally sensitive activities.
    • Section 3: Funding Strategy that Promotes Cultural Diversity
    • Describes your funding strategies.
    • Explains how funding strategies promote diversity of cultural expressions.
    • Discusses measurable outcomes of the funding strategies.

Create a pivot chart in Excel. Analyze sales data using a pivot table and a pivot chart. Determine the net impact on retained earnings using data from a pivot table. Create a calculated field in a pivot table.

Introduction to Financial Accounting

Cabinet Accessory Company: Sales, Cost, and Gross Profit Analysis[*]

Learning objectives

  1. Find and correct errors in a data set (clean the data)
  2. Add columns containing formulas to a data set
  3. Create a pivot table in Excel
  4. Create a pivot chart in Excel.
  5. Analyze sales data using a pivot table and a pivot chart.
  6. Determine the net impact on retained earnings using data from a pivot table.
  7. Create a calculated field in a pivot table.
  8. Sort a pivot table by stated criteria
  9. Filter a pivot table
  10. Interpret findings from a pivot table

Data set background

This dataset represents sales and cost data for a fictitious company, Cabinet Accessory Company (CAC), covering the four-year period from 2015 to 2018. CAC sells cabinet hardware including knobs and pulls. In the project, the student is asked to calculate the net impact on retained earnings each year from the sales and cost data. The project also focuses on the calculation of gross profit from a set of sales data and how that sales and cost data can be viewed from the perspective of the region, product line, etc.

Data dictionary

  • customer number: Description
  • region: There are eight regions: Central, East coast, Midwest, Northeast, Northwest, South, West, and International.
  • date_of_sale: Description
  • item: Description
  • brand: There are three brands: Elements, Jeffrey Alexander and Riders
  • collection: Description (there are several collections, all have sold more than 1 unit)
  • description: Description
  • list_price: Description
  • cost: Description
  • quantity_sold: Description

Prior to the analytics quiz date, all students will have access to:

  • this document with instructions
  • the video tutorial
  • the video tutorial sample dataset
  • the video tutorial slides and script
  • the dataset for a mock quiz and the mock quiz

The complete dataset will be released on Sunday March 19th at 10am, and analytic quiz will start at 11am and closes at 11:30am. Students will answer a eClass quiz with 6 questions each pertaining to variations of requirements 2 to 6:

Requirement 1 – Create three columns in the Data worksheet that calculate sales revenue, cost, and gross profit for each sales record (each row.) Use the columns already named in the Data worksheet “sales revenue,” “total cost,” and “gross profit,” respectively. Format numbers in the three columns as Accounting with two decimal places.

Requirement 2: Create a pivot table that shows sales revenue by region for each of the four years and quarters. Correct any errors in the original dataset in the worksheet that are revealed in this initial pivot table. Once you have corrected the errors in the original data set, refresh the pivot table to reflect the corrected data. Insert a pivot chart that shows the sales revenue trend by region over the four-year period. In the pivot chart, the x-axis should be years and the y-axis should be sales revenue. What trends do you see in the pivot table and pivot chart?

Requirement 3 – Create a pivot table that shows sales revenue, total cost, and gross profit for each year. What would have been the net impact on retained earnings in each of these years from the transactions listed in the data set? Ignore any tax effects.

Requirement 4 – Create a pivot table to answer questions like “What was the most profitable brand in each year, as measured by gross profit?” Link in the same pivot table gross profit percentage and sales revenue; you will need to add a calculated field to the pivot table to calculate the gross profit percentage.

Requirement 5 – Create a pivot table to answer questions like: “Within each brand, what was the most profitable collection in 2018, as measured by the gross profit percentage? The least most profitable collection for each brand?” Use the field “years” to filter the data to include just the year of 2018. You will need to use the calculated field added in requirement 4 to calculate the gross profit percentage. Within each brand, sort the collections by gross profit percentage, from the largest to the smallest. Interpret your findings.

Requirement 6 – Create a pivot table to answer questions like “Which region was the most profitable in 2018, as measured by the gross profit or its percentage?” Include gross profit (dollars) in the pivot table. Use a filter to include only sales from 2018 in this pivot table. Sort the regions by gross profit dollar or percentage, from largest to smallest.


To be submitted by students (eCalss online quiz)

All sections: Answer the online quiz in eClass (6 marks in total, 1 mark each question)

* Case/Exercise developed by Wendy Tietz, professor of accounting at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, USA. More exercises and tutorials are available at

Calculate the market risk premium by subtracting the risk-free rate from the average annual return of the S&P 500 for the last 10 years obtained from Yahoo Finance .

Estimating the cost of equity and WACC for hospitality and tourism companies.

Objective: The objective of this homework is to provide students with an understanding of cost of equity and WACC analysis in the hospitality and tourism industry sector. Students will be able to compare and contrast the cost of capital of two publicly traded companies, determine their cost of equity, cost of debt, and WACC, and provide critical analysis of their findings. By completing this homework, students will develop critical thinking and analytical skills, as well as a deep understanding of the factors that influence cost of capital.


Imagine that, as the CEO of a hospitality and tourism company, you want to estimate the cost of equity and weighted average cost of capital (WACC). It is crucial to know the cost of capital as it helps determine whether to accept or reject a new project or investment for your business. If the cost of capital is too expensive or poses a significant risk or much higher than competitor, it may not be financially feasible to pursue the project. Therefore, calculating the cost of capital helps inform strategic decision-making and resource allocation for the company. To calculate the WACC, you would use the previous work on the cost of debt and capital structure, and estimated cost of equity, and finally determine the WACC for two companies.

  1. Use the same companies from the previous homework for the cost of debt and capital structure.
  2. Use the capital structure and cost of debt information obtained from the previous homework.
  3. Use the 10-year Treasury bond rate as the risk-free rate in the calculation, obtained from the St. Louis Fed Reserve website.
  4. Calculate the average annual return of the S&P 500 for the last 10 years obtained from Yahoo Finance * This data is available on class ppt notes.
  5. Calculate the market risk premium by subtracting the risk-free rate from the average annual return of the S&P 500 for the last 10 years obtained from Yahoo Finance .
  6. Determine the beta for each company by averaging the betas obtained from at least three different sources, such as Yahoo Finance, Reuters, and Bloomberg.
  7. Determine the effective income tax rate from each company’s 10-K filing and use it as an alternative to the marginal tax rate in the calculation of the WACC.
  8. Calculate the WACC for each company using the following formula: WACC = (E/V x Re) + ((D/V x Rd) x (1 – ETR)), where E/V is the proportion of equity to the total assets, Re is the cost of equity, Rd is the cost of debt, D/V is the proportion of debt to the total assets, and ETR is the effective income tax rate.
  9. Write a brief report (1 page) summarizing your findings, including the cost of equity, WACC, and critical analysis of the similarities and differences between your company and competitor’s cost of capital and overall financial performance. Include an explanation of the potential factors that may influence these differences.

Evaluate current business operations in one segment of the enterprise to identify performance gaps relative to cost, production, and delivery of products or services.

7-1 Final Project Milestone Three: Business Operations Opportunities Analysis

Prompt: To finalize this analysis, you will need to gather information about managing inventory, resource planning, and scheduling. Information can generally be found on the organization’s main website, in the annual report and mission statement, and in articles authored by the company or outside analysts, such as, buy/sell sites (e.g., Jim Cramer), and investment companies (e.g., Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, or Vanguard). As operations management students and professionals, you are encouraged to use your own experience, understanding, and knowledge of business and industry structure to drive your analysis. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

IV. Technology for Competitive Differentiation

  • A. Evaluate current business operations in one segment of the enterprise to identify performance gaps relative to cost, production, and delivery of products or services.
  • B. Based on the performance gaps you identified, describe specific opportunities that would benefit from technology enhancement or technical solutions. Ensure that your response focuses on using technology to reduce costs, increase production, and deliver consistently superior products or services.
  • C. How can the technology you described be utilized to mitigate the performance gap? Ensure that your response focuses on using technology to reduce costs, increase production, and deliver consistently superior products or services.

Choose two factors that differentiate the brands well and create a strategic map that visualizes the competitive landscape. The map should show the brands and their positions in relation to the two chosen factors. Summarize the findings from the strategic map by identifying opportunities and threats for the industry based on the map.

Strategic group analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis

1.Evaluate each brand for five factors using a 1 to 5 scale or categorical evaluation. Example factors are size(small to large), location (local, regional, national, international), price/quality (low to high), location (urban, suburban, rural, airport), customer segment (business, family, leisure, luxury), and brand identity (traditional, trendy, eco-friendly).

2.Choose two factors that differentiate the brands well and create a strategic map that visualizes the competitive landscape. The map should show the brands and their positions in relation to the two chosen factors. Summarize the findings from the strategic map by identifying opportunities and threats for the industry based on the map.

Write a theatre critic about the portuguese play “O Eterno Debate” available at Indentify the play’s (title, author, director, coreography, etc.).

Theatre criticism – “O Eterno Debate”

Write a theatre critic about the portuguese play “O Eterno Debate” available at
Avoid “in my opinion/perspective”
Avoid evaluating the play with a star or points system
Indentify the play’s (title, author, director, coreography, etc.)