
Provide a list of human resources required for the project. Identify the specific skill set needed. Describe the roles and key responsibilities for each job type.

7-1 Final Project Milestone Three: Resource Management Plan

Prompt: Thus far in the course, you have completed a case study overview, a project charter, and a project scope statement. You have also set up your project using MS Project software. In this milestone, you will develop a resource management plan and update your project with this material using MS Project software. An Excel spreadsheet template has been provided for your use in creating a resource management plan. If you prefer a different format, you are free to use the format you prefer.

You will determine what your resource management plan will need, but at a minimum it should include the following critical elements:
Provide a list of human resources required for the project.
Identify the specific skill set needed.
Describe the roles and key responsibilities for each job type.
Provide a list of equipment items to be used.
Identify the purpose of each equipment item.
Identify the types and quantities of equipment needed.
Provide a list of materials needed.
Identify people or resource constraints (dates of availability).
Identify the specific planning dates when resources are needed.

Create a job description that includes the information defined in the job analysis. Provide a rationale for the chosen design. Explain the purpose and importance of each section within the job description.

Job Design

For this assignment, you will create the job description using the information from your Job Analysis assignment in Week 2. The job analysis is a critical step in the process for a job description to be reliable and useful. Remember, as an HR leader, you would typically have input from more than one position questionnaire to complete a job analysis.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

  • Read Chapters 2 and 3 in the textbook, Job and Work Analysis.
  • You may consider reviewing Chapter 4 in the textbook, Job and Work Analysis.

Using the job analysis that you conducted for the Week 2 assignment,

  • Determine the appropriate design for the position.
  • Analyze the various elements required for creating a job description for the specific position. Consider addressing the following to get started:
    • What would this person do and to what extent?
    • What is the job title and purpose?
    • What education or skills are required?
    • What duties and responsibilities are required?
    • What are the working conditions?
  • Create a job description that includes the information defined in the job analysis.
  • Provide a rationale for the chosen design.
  • Explain the purpose and importance of each section within the job description.

Support your reasoning with at least two credible or professional resources.


Discuss with your mentor what you observed and noted about the identified students during your classroom observation. Collaborate with your mentor to develop research-based intervention and remediation strategies to strengthen the literacy skills of the students in the small group.

Clinical Field Experience C: Research-Based Intervention and Remediation Strategies

English language arts can be challenging for many students, often due to difficulties with reading comprehension and written expression as well as speaking and listening skills. It is important to identify the specific areas in need of improvement so the appropriate intervention can be implemented to thoughtfully differentiate instruction for students to develop necessary skills.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Part 1: Identifying Student Challenges

With the help of your mentor, identify three students with similar literacy challenges who would benefit from differentiation, intervention, and remediation strategies in ELA. Observe the students during at least one ELA lesson and complete “Part 1: Identifying Student Challenges” on the “SPD-581 Research-Based Intervention and Remediation Strategies” template.

Part 2: Selecting Research-Based Intervention, Remediation, and Differentiation Strategies

Discuss with your mentor what you observed and noted about the identified students during your classroom observation. Collaborate with your mentor to develop research-based intervention and remediation strategies to strengthen the literacy skills of the students in the small group. Identify one specific intervention strategy and one specific remediation strategy you can implement in the “Clinical Field Experience D: Applying Intervention Strategies.” Work with your mentor to complete “Part 2: Selecting Research-Based Intervention and Remediation Strategies” on the “SPD-581 Research-Based Intervention and Remediation Strategies” template.

Use any remaining field experience hours to provide support or assistance to the class as directed by your mentor.

Your school has recently decided to start serving genetically modified food as part of school lunches. Give a multimedia presentation to the student council arguing for or against the new policy. Include engaging visual elements and strong evidence that support your position.

Presenting the Argumentative Essay

Assignment Prompt
Your school has recently decided to start serving genetically modified food as part of school lunches. Give a multimedia presentation to the student council arguing for or against the new policy. Include engaging visual elements and strong evidence that support your position.

Assignment Instructions

Step 1: Gather materials and necessary information.
a) Retrieve your revised argumentative essay.

b) Ask your teacher which presentation software you should use and where you should save your presentation as you work on it. For example, you may use Microsoft PowerPoint. Your teacher may also have specific guidelines about the file name you should use.

Step 2: Create your title slide.
a) Begin by creating the title slide. This slide will ensure that you receive credit for your work, but it is not actually part of your speech.

b) Include your presentation title, your name, your teacher’s name, and the presentation due date on the title slide.

c) Remember to save your work as you go.

Step 3: Create your introduction slide.
a) Create the second slide by clicking on the “new slide” option (in the “home” menu of PowerPoint). Remember that you can right click your mouse, click on tabs, and use drop down options to access other menus and tools.

b) Place the introduction text in the notes section below the slide by copying and pasting the introduction paragraph from your revised essay. This text will serve as the script for your presentation.

c) Use your script as a basis to create bullet points on your slide. Remember to engage your audience, introduce your topic, and present your thesis.

d) Add an image or a series of images to reinforce your argument. You can do this by using the “insert” tool. Ask your teacher for guidance if you need help finding appropriate images.
e) Resize the images by clicking on the edge of each picture and using your mouse to drag the image to the desired size.

f) When appropriate, add animations to the image and text by using your mouse to select the item you want to animate and using the “animations” menu.

g) Remember to save your work as you go.

Step 4: Create three bodyparagraph slides.
a) Use the “new slide” option to create three new slides, one for each body paragraph.

b) Place the bodyparagraph text in the notes section below the slide by copying and pasting the first body paragraph from your revised essay.

c) Use your script to create bullet points on each slide. Use what you have learned in the lesson to create effective bullet points that convey the
essential parts of each body paragraph.
d) Use the “design” menu to change the look of the slide.

e) Add an image or a series of images to reinforce your argument. You can do this by using theinsert” menu. Ask your teacher for guidance if you need help finding appropriate images.

f) Resize the images by clicking on the edge of the image and using your mouse to drag the image to the desired size.

g) When appropriate, add animations to the image and text by using your mouse to select the item you want to animate and using the “animations” menu.

h) Remember, clicking the button on the righthand side of the mouse is often the easiest way to access menus and options.

i) Remember to save your work as you go.

Step 5: Create the conclusion slide.
a) Use the “new slide” option to create the conclusion slide.

b) Place the conclusion text in the notes section below the slide by copying and pasting the conclusion paragraph from your revised essay.

c) Use your script to create effective bullet points for the conclusion. Remember to
restate your claim, briefly summarize your presentation, and end with a gripping conclusion.
d) Use the “design” menu to change the look of the slide.

e) Add an image or a series of images to reinforce your argument. You can do this by using theinsert” menu. Ask your teacher for guidance if you need help finding appropriate images.

f) Resize the images by clicking on the edge of the image and using your mouse to drag the image to the desired size.

g) When appropriate, add animations to the images and text by using your mouse to select the item you want to animate and using the “animations” menu.
h) Remember, rightclicking the mouse is often the easiest way to access menus and options.

i) Remember to save your work as you go.

Step 6: Cite your resources on a Works Cited slide.

Step 7: Evaluate your presentation using the following checklist. When you can answer “yes” to all of the questions, you are ready to submit your presentation.
No Evaluation Question
Does your presentation use visuals effectively?

Does your presentation present information in ways that will engage your audience?

Does your presentation use language that is appropriate to your audience and format?

Does your introduction slide capture the interest of the audience?

Does your introduction slide have a brief statement about the issue?

Does your introduction slide have a strong thesis statement that clearly states your claim?

Does the body of your presentation have three bodyparagraph slides?

Do the bodyparagraph slides introduce the topic of each body paragraph?

Do the bodyparagraph slides provide supporting evidence in the form of details, statistics, facts, and images?

Do the bodyparagraph slides address counterarguments?

Does the conclusion restate the main ideas and how they support the claim?

Have you cited all the resources you may have used in MLA format?

Step 8: Revise and submit your presentation.
a) If you were unable to answer yes to all questions on the checklist, revise and save the presentation before submitting it.

b) When you have completed your presentation, return to the virtual classroom and use the “browse for file” option to locate and submit your assignment. Congratulations! You have created a multimedia presentation.

c) Ask your teacher for further instructions about presenting your speech and multimedia presentation to an audience of your peers

Review and reflect upon development, and how have grown on both an individual and professional level. Organize thoughts. Demonstrate practical application of the underpinnings of knowledge, link theory with clinical practice and vice versa.

Reflective Journal

Reflective writing is one way of citing evidence of practice and learning in practice. Reflective writing involves thinking about and reviewing events to try to make sense of them, using acquired nursing knowledge and understanding.

Reflective journaling also provides insight into context and emotions and addresses the matching of intellect, decision-making and problem solving appropriate for a complex and dynamic situation.

A key component of this assignment will be a reflection on specific incidents occurring during a practicum experience. The reflective journal is more than a description of what was seen, and the tasks have performed. This journal is a chance to comment on actions and experiences in a practicum placement and to explore feelings about the same. Include how these could/should affect personal and professional development.

As a novice nurse, it will be required to plan, implement and evaluate performance; the reflective journal gives the scope to begin to develop these skills while completing a practicum.

A reflective journal is a learning tool that can be used to look at experiences and help to do the following:

  • a)Review and reflect upon development, and how have grown on both an individual and professional level.
  • b)Organize thoughts.
  • c)Demonstrate practical application of the underpinnings of knowledge, link theory with clinical practice and vice versa.
  • d)Demonstrate practical competence.
  • e)Decide what new learning is needed; provide evidence to show where, when and how practice outcomes/standards of proficiencies have been achieved.

Was there a difference with media coverage about your topic in other parts of the world? Were the reactions from media consumers varied in other parts of the world? Did different movements happen in other parts of the world based on the topic/event?

IDS3 Capstone

For this part of the project, you’re going to continue using the same topic/event that was used in Capstone Part #1 and do a compare-and-contrast case study. It will require you to view your topic from three different angles: locally, nationally, and globally. Your case study should be written in APA style, have 800 words, and compare and contrast your topic with how it was portrayed from a local, national, and global standpoint.

JUST TO CLARIFY: For this assignment, the local news is where the event took place. For example, the local news coverage for the Columbine school shooting that occurred in 1999 will be Columbine, CO. National news for the event can be any other news coverage that covered the event in the USA including Miami, and the global news will be any country outside of the USA regardless of the native language of the country that covered the event, including Canada, UK, Spain, etc.

  • Was there a difference with media coverage about your topic in other parts of the world?
  • Were the reactions from media consumers varied in other parts of the world?
  • Did different movements happen in other parts of the world based on the topic/event?
  • What were the similarities?
  • What were the differences?

DO NOT include the questions within your case study and do not summarize the event.


How many bond pairs and lone pairs in CH3 Cl?

Drawing Lewis dot structure

How many bond pairs and lone pairs in CH3 Cl?

Use the Research Summary Table Template to develop your table. For each article/study that will be used in your paper, fill in the table in your own words.

Week 4 Lit Review

1.Research Summary Table:

Collect a minimum of 10 current (within 5 years) scholarly research studies related to your proposed executive CGE project intervention.

Use the Research Summary Table Template to develop your table. For each article/study that will be used in your paper, fill in the table in your own words.

Review of the Literature Paper

Examining your table column by column, identify major themes in your articles.
Use your major themes to organize your Review of the Literature under subheadings. You are likely to have two to five themes or subheadings.
Briefly summarize the major themes from your synthesis of the literature to end your review of the literature.

2. The paper should be 3-5 pages long, not including the title page, reference list, and Research Summary Table. This is an estimate to guide you and not a strict requirement.

Place your Research Summary Table at the end of the template labeled “Appendix A, Research Summary Table.”

Provide an example of government economic intervention designed to influence, regulate, or control trade for a specific industry from one of the articles and summarize the government’s reasons for the interventions.

Political and Economic Environments

As governments and political leaders respond to economic and political changes, they create incentives for companies to do business within their market and restrictions for certain businesses that could be harmful to the domestic market. In this discussion, you will explore how these incentives and restrictions have influenced and can continue to influence trade and the impact of government interventions on business.

Using the resources from your required reading, address the following as part of your response:

Provide an example of government economic intervention designed to influence, regulate, or control trade for a specific industry from one of the articles and summarize the government’s reasons for the interventions.
Identify which parties and organizations were or will be impacted by the government intervention, including any impacts on the price of commodities.
Briefly summarize key pieces of information a business in the industry from your example needs to know to fully understand how the intervention will affect its business.
In your responses to two or more of your peers, address whether the government accomplished its goals for the economic interventions and describe any unintended consequences of the government intervention.


For change models with a series of steps or phases, identify which phase/step you are at now with your project and how the change model guides you in moving to the next phase/step.

Week 4

1. Leading and managing change is an important part of successful project execution and implementation. The nurse leader and project manager should be intimately familiar with a particular change theory or model that serves as the framework for leading the change represented by a project.

2. Spend time researching and investigating some evidence-based change models such as Kotter, Lewin, Lippitt, & Rogers (aka – Diffusion of Innovations). Identify your “go-to” change leadership framework and discuss how you will use that framework to guide organizational change.

3. Application: For change models with a series of steps or phases, identify which phase/step you are at now with your project and how the change model guides you in moving to the next phase/step.