
Write an essay compare and contrast between learning from books while learning from the internet.

Write an essay compare and contrast between learning from books while learning from the internet.

Critique the organization’s policies and practice based on the information presented in your readings, experience, and personal research.

1) Select an industry of interest (K–12, higher education, military, corporate training, and so on).
2) Select a specific organization to critique from the selected industry.
Use the Library or Internet to research, or share a personal experience of the selected training or educational organization.

Choose incidents, reports, or a case study revelation of the hiring, termination, compensation, or professional development practices of the selected organization for your critique.

3)Critique the organization’s policies and/or practice based on the information presented in your readings, experience, and personal research.

Focus on summarizing the current regulations (e.g., Equal Employment Opportunity [EEO] laws and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [EEOC] regulations, Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA], Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA], minimum wage, Family and Medical and Leave Act [FMLA], and so on), how they affect decisions in the area, and what ultimate mandates they require a training department/organization to address.

What are some pros and cons of Bilingual Education?

What are some pros and cons of Bilingual Education? What argument can you make for including Bilingual Education as a mandatory function of secondary schools?

Discuss the significance of preventing animal rights.

Discuss the significance of preventing animal rights.

Discuss sociological perspective in health and social care.

Discuss sociological perspective in health and social care.

Do you agree with John Hattie that excellence in teaching makes the greatest differences, not just teachers? Explain.

John Hattie writes, “Teacher[s] can and usually do have positive effects, but they must have exceptional effects.” What resources, habits of mind, or training do you think you will need to insure your ability to have exceptional effects on student learning? How can you compensate for insufficient resources or training?

Do you agree with John Hattie that excellence in teaching makes the greatest differences, not just teachers? Explain.

Revisit the Hattie’s attributes of expert teachers. Which attributes do you think you can demonstrate in your first year? Which might take longer to manifest?

Based on Hattie’s discussion of an expert teacher versus an experienced teacher, which of your own teachers can be classified as an expert? Discuss.

How are working class people impacted?

Economic changes have exacerbated class inequality. How are working class people impacted? Describe how these changes have reshaped the meaning of adulthood for working class men and women in the 21st century.

Where are the relationships of the US and China heading in the future?

China is a rising superpower on the global stage. Their intentions seem to be for global domination. Where are the relationships of the US and China heading in the future? Will a conflict be inevitable between the two superpowers? What US and Chinese foreign policies have and will help support an inevitable conflict or deter it?

Discuss the leadership style that made a team successful or unsuccessful.

Select an article that is relevant to this week’s topic. Research, critique and discuss this article in the light of our topic: “Team performance and productivity are dependent on the leader and the culture of the organization. Discuss the leadership style that made a team successful or unsuccessful.” Find & expound on an article related to this.

What special considerations might there be for a community mental health center embarking on this project?

You are the director of health information services for a community mental health center that is planning to expand its use of electronic information systems. You have been asked to serve on the steering committee that will be guiding this initiative.
What types of electronic systems might the committee investigate?
What special considerations might there be for a community mental health center embarking on this project?