
Research an organization that uses an innovative model of care. How does this innovative model affect interprofessional collaboration?

Research an organization that uses an innovative model of care. How does this innovative model affect interprofessional collaboration? How might this model contribute to the delivery of cost of effective health care? Make sure to identify the organization and model in your response.

*The organization researched should be a health care organization

Write a speech about great places to go to in the world.

Write a speech about great places to go to in the world.

Explain how a mission statement reflects personal competitive advantage.

Participate collaboratively and respectfully.
Explain how a mission statement reflects personal commitment to responsibility.
Communicate effectively.
Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Plan strategically.
Develop a personal mission statement.
Employ high-performance business management techniques.
Explain how a mission statement reflects personal philosophy of quality and image.
Explain how a mission statement reflects personal core competencies.
Explain how a mission statement reflects personal competitive advantage.
Explain how a mission statement identifies a target customer.
Use appropriate financial models and principles.
Explain how a mission statement reflects personal economic goals.

Describe the potential power of using the five disciplines to support team learning.

Integrate your understanding of change management and the use of the five disciplines for team development, based on your findings from your two team development sessions, to write an analysis of what you learned about change as a facilitator, and about yourself as a facilitator.
Include the following sections:

1.)Theory of the five disciplines as a method of change: Describe a relevant theory of change management and two of the five disciplines. (You are not required to choose the same two theories that you used in your team sessions, but you may use them if you wish.)
Consider your audience as you choose your theory, and decide how to discuss it and what to present. Ideally, this audience would be the larger organization in which the team functions, but it could also be to the session team itself, members of an educational forum, or another group. Make judgment calls about the audience’s needs and setting. Note: After successfully completing this assessment, you may wish to actually present your paper to a professional audience at your organization, in order to demonstrate your own development.
Invent your own unique metaphor and use it to explain your chosen theory. That is, develop a graphic or verbal image of something familiar to explain an unfamiliar thing or process. An important part of considering an audience is to provide a powerful metaphor to help audience members understand and remember the relevant information. Causal loops and the ladder of inference are examples of graphic metaphors.
2.)Team development summary findings: Present your summary findings from the two team development sessions, in which you completed the team exercises.
Use the best stories and quotes from your session experiences to illustrate the disciplines and how they support change.
Synthesize your learning from the sessions about team dynamics and the value of the five disciplines for team development.
Illustrate some action statements made by your team and the subsequent changes you observed.
3.)What you have learned from facilitating both team-development sessions:
Write a section on your learning as a facilitator for the team development sessions. What worked? What did not work? What would you do differently next time?
How would you change your contract, your explanation of change management, the disciplines, the exercises, your exercise choices, or your behavior during the team sessions, in order to enhance the quality of the team learning?
4.)Recommendations: Provide your recommendations for enhancing team development in the future in a way that is practical, justified, memorable, and actionable for your team and your audience (ideally, the larger organization to which the team belongs).
Include some of your best quotes and stories from your session experiences as examples.
Show how your recommendations for building more effective teams will help the audience move closer to its preferred future.
Include some models from your learning about disciplines that support team learning.
Describe the potential power of using the five disciplines to support team learning.
5.)Learning resources: To assist your team in learning more about the change management process, list a selection of books, articles, Web resources, and organizations containing the most important resources you would recommend.

Explain the spoken or unspoken ground rules that describe expectations for behavior in an ineffective team.

Apply change management interventions.
Describe how ground rules help an effective team perform and work well together.
Analyze prospective differences in ground rules for team members and tensions that may result.
Analyze how differences in unspoken ground rules and team members’ expectations cause conflict and damage performance.
Describe the effect of discussing ground rules as a method of team learning.
Analyze applications of change management principles.
Describe an effective team from a real-world experience, including the tasks of the team.
Describe the ground rules applied in an effective team.
Describe an ineffective team from a real-world experience, including the tasks of the team.
Explain the spoken or unspoken ground rules that describe expectations for behavior in an ineffective team.

Describe one example of a crime that has high news value.

Describe one example of a crime that has high news value.

Does section 1(2) of the Flood Compensation Act prevent Helen from seeking judicial review of the decision of the Flood Compensation Tribunal?

Read the following scenario and then answer the question

The UK experiences several months of unprecedented storms which, combined with a series of unusually high tides, cause severe flooding in low-lying coastal areas. In some areas the flooding is on a scale never seen before, extending several miles inland and threatening towns and cities which had always been regarded as safe from coastal flooding. The government’s scientific advisors officially designate this as a “1 in 500 years” event.

During the crisis the government, acting under the Royal Prerogative, seizes a number of areas of land which it has decided are necessary for the construction of emergency flood barriers which are needed to protect particular towns and cities which are currently undefended. Owing to the urgency of the situation, the government informs the landowners in question that issues of compensation will not be addressed immediately, but that all landowners affected will in due course  be able to submit a compensation claim to a tribunal which will be established solely for this purpose.

When the crisis has eased, the government therefore secures the passage through Parliament of the Flood Compensation Act (FCA), which establishes the Flood Compensation Tribunal (FCT). Section 1 of the FCA contains the following provisions:

S.1 (1): “The FCT shall have sole jurisdiction to receive and adjudicate upon compensation claims arising from the seizure of land for the construction of flood defences.”

S.1 (2): “Decisions of the FCT, including decisions as to its jurisdiction, are final and conclusive and may not questioned in any court of law.”

S.1 (3): “When considering claims for compensation under this section, the FCT may follow whatever process it deems appropriate.”

Faced with a large number of potential cases, the FCT decides that it will deal with all claims by written submission, but that individual applicants may request a personal hearing and that any such request will be judged on its merits.

Helen is one of the landowners whose land was seized by the government. She submits a detailed written claim to the FCT, providing all of the information requested. For many years Helen has suffered particularly badly with mental health issues, and she feels that the written details do not fully convey the impact which the loss of her land has had on her wellbeing. She therefore asks to be allowed to appear in person before the FCT in order to emphasise this, and receives the following written response from the FCT:

“We can assure you that all payments to successful applicants are calculated to recognise not just the financial but also the personal impact of the measures taken. We do not therefore believe that a personal hearing in respect of this issue would serve any useful purpose.”

Helen’s claim is subsequently successful, but she believes that the amount awarded would have been much greater had she been allowed to appear in person before the FCT.

Giles is the owner of farmland on the outskirts of Melchester, a small town 10 miles from the coast which has never before been affected by coastal flooding. Although his land was seized by the government under the Royal Prerogative, no flood barriers have been constructed on it as yet because the crisis had begun to ease before work had started. The government, however, has informed Giles that it still plans to proceed with the erection of the barriers as they may be needed in future. Giles believes that this conclusion is unreasonable, because if the barriers weren’t required for a “1 in 500 years” event they are unlikely to be needed in the foreseeable future.  Rather than claim compensation, he therefore wishes to seek judicial review of the government’s decision to seize his property.

Following criticism of its use of the Royal Prerogative to seize land for flood defences, the government also secures the passage through Parliament of the Emergency Flood Defences Act (EFDA). This Act contains a new statutory scheme and procedure for the provision of emergency flood defences. The Act makes no mention of the Royal Prerogative, but the Prime Minister explains in Parliament that “it won’t replace the Royal Prerogative but will operate alongside it.”



What contribution do the authors make for the study of Black and Africana philosophies?

What is or was the individuals’ background?

What contribution do the authors make for the study of Black and Africana philosophies?

Would you identify these individuals as philosophers? If so, why. If not, why not? Provide examples.

Analyze an author’s view on a specific subject.

1st annotate bib- (Bob Marley)
2nd person to answer those questions is-

Fredrick Douglas

How does the program meet your specific needs and goals?

After studying both of the assigned readings, Chapter 55: Media Portrayals and Representations and Chapter 57: Agenda Setting and Framing in 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook, answer the following questions and prompts regarding your favorite program or other chosen media content.
1. What device do you most often use for your favorite program watching or other chosen media? Do you agree that you favor the device that gives you access to the information and programming that most meets your needs?
2. How does the program meet your specific needs and goals? Who else do you know that also seeks out this programming (movie, TV, radio show, game) and do they do so for the same reasons as you? Why are their uses of this programming similar or different from your own?
3. What does this program or other media tell you about your place in the world in relation to how much access you have to things you want in the “real” world? When you are stressed out, do you turn to this programming more or less? Why?
4. What does this programming tell you about people who are different from you in terms of race, age, sexual orientation, political beliefs, socio-economic status, gender, religion or nationality? Are they portrayed in a positive or negative light? What kinds of power do they have?
Support your responses with research from the Learning Resources. Use APA in-text citations where necessary and cite any outside sources. Create an APA Reference List at the end of the document.

Critically analyse Tuchman’s claim that journalists perform the ‘strategic ritual’ of objectivity.

Critically analyse Tuchman’s claim that journalists perform the ‘strategic ritual’ of objectivity.