
What are the arguments in favor of Tribes to have full sovereignty over their lands, reservations and natural resources?

1. What are the arguments in favor of Tribes to have full sovereignty over their lands, reservations and natural resources?

2. What are the arguments of some tribes, to keep the federal government involved as a Trustee of Indian lands?

3. How has the need for energy production sparked this centuries’ old discussion regarding tribal sovereignty and federal protection of lands?

4. What are the arguments in favor and against energy development playing a role in lifting tribes out of poverty?

5. What are the ethical and moral considerations illustrated by history? What are the moral considerations illustrated by the bible? Use biblical scripture where appropriate.

Compare and contrast postcolonial and decolonial theory

1.Compare and contrast postcolonial and decolonial theory.

2. How does liberalism enable international violence?

Analyze the effects of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement for the import sector of your Member State’s economy, by comparing the situation of a No-Deal (hard Brexit) with the situation of the EU-UK agreement.

Your assignment will be to write a well-argued essay in which you explain to the general audience of a Member State of the EU of your choosing, what the economic consequences are of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, compared to a No-Deal Brexit.

Prepare a brief essay with a well-formulated research question, a clear introduction, a well-structured middle part, and a well-argued conclusion.

Structure your essay as follows:

Decide which Member State to focus the analysis on.
Explain what the four EU-UK relationships (including EU membership) outlined by the UK Treasury entailed? How would the various arrangements have affected trade with the country that you selected? How would they affect its imports and how would it affect their exports? What are the benefits, rules and contributions involved, if any? Explain what arrangement ultimately prevailed in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and what would have been the arrangement in case no trade agreement would have been reached (so-called ‘hard’ Brexit).
Use the website referenced above to research existing trade flows between the Member State you selected and the UK. Give a general description of the trade relation between the Member State of your analysis and the UK. How intensive is trade between these two countries? Is this primarily an import or export relation? Subsequently focus your analysis on both an exporting and importing sector with a relatively high intensity of trade. Provide references for your claims.
Also, research for both the export and import sectors, what new tariffs would have been put in place after Brexit, if there would have been no trade deal (the so-called ‘hard’ Brexit).
First analyze the effects of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement for the import sector of your Member State’s economy, by comparing the situation of a No-Deal (hard Brexit) with the situation of the EU-UK agreement. Draw a graph that depicts the imports from the UK (using abstract prices and quantities). Assume that in case no deal would have been concluded, your Member State would have imported its goods from another Member State of the EU. What are the welfare effects of the EU-UK agreement compared to not having a trade agreement (compare: situation-before = ‘No-deal’ with situation-after = with a trade deal)? Are the effects positive or negative; and what parties benefit, and which do not?
Now analyze the effects for the exporting sector of the economy of the selected Member State. Draw a simple graph that depicts the export sector of the Member State that you selected. What would happen to the export sector if a No-Deal Brexit would have materialized. Depict the No-Deal scenario in the graph as if the exports from your Member State would fetch a lower price on the world market due to less demand (why would the latter be the case?). Are the welfare effects for this sector positive or negative; and what parties benefit, which do not?
On the basis of the analysis of these two sectors, derive some more general conclusions about the economic consequences of the benefits of the EU UK trade deal for the Member State you selected. Try to generalize from your analysis of the consequences of the one exporting and one importing sector to arrive at a plausible conclusion for the economy of the selected Member State as a whole (also think of the trade patterns as a whole). Is the EU-UK trade agreement favorable for the Member State selected? Make a convincing argument that is accessible to the general audience. Explain economic concepts where necessary.
Concentrate the analysis in your essay on one Member State only. You can also opt to take the UK as the unit of analysis. In that case you should pick one trading partner of the UK, to derive more general conclusions for the UK as a whole.

Write 2 paragraphs explaining if Christine Linde is a frenemy to nora or not.

Write 2 paragraphs explaining if Christine Linde is a frenemy to nora or not.

Discuss The Evolution of Democracy and Democratic Values.

Discuss The Evolution of Democracy and Democratic Values.

How does the movie Vice portray Dick Cheney as a neoconservatist and how does it differ from the reality of his vice presidency?

How does the movie Vice portray Dick Cheney as a neoconservatist and how does it differ from the reality of his vice presidency?

 Describe the relationship between National or Army Strategies and Guidance and MDEPs.

Describe the relationship between National/Army Strategies and Guidance and MDEPs. Combined, how do the two shape the Army as we know it today? (150-250 words)

Write a minimum of two pages in which you analyze how an organization can use ground rules and dialogue to grow as a learning organization.

Write a minimum of two pages in which you analyze how an organization can use ground rules and dialogue to grow as a learning organization.

The team learning discipline helps a team sustain and reinforce its learning, and increases the capacity to act synergistically and learn how to learn. Dialogue is a fundamental skill in the discipline of team learning, and is essential to the effective practice of the other learning disciplines. Dialogue makes meaningful, shared vision building possible. It makes systemic insight possible by facilitating reflection and inquiry in work groups. Consequently, it is important to understand the value and nature of dialogue, and how it differs from other forms of conversation.

Analyze how ground rules and dialogue can be used to grow a learning organization. Address the following elements:

Describe the differences between debate, discussion, and dialogue.
Analyze the value of dialogue in helping a team learn and change.
What are the ground rules required to reach this level of conversation?
Describe what you are learning about how to design an effective dialogue session.
Analyze the ease or difficulty of conversing at this level. Comment on the dangers and obstacles.
Your assessment should be a minimum of 2 pages in length, double-spaced.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Apply change management interventions.
Define and compare debate, discussion, and dialogue.
Analyze the value of dialogue in helping teams learn and change.
Describe the ground rules required to reach conversational level in a dialogue.
Analyze learning related to designing an effective dialogue session.
Analyze the ease or difficulty of conversing in a team dialogue session, including the dangers and obstacles.