
When should a physician step in to stop a cultural practice?

When should a physician step in to stop a cultural practice?

What happened to the moral integrity of physicians during the Nazi period

The moral atrocities against Jews by the Nazi’s prior to and during WWII are well documented. But the policies of Hitler and other leaders of the Nazi party were carried out by those who, in other circumstances, would be considered “normal” people. Physicians who had thriving practices where they cared for patients prior to the war, for example, were part of horrific medical experimentation conducted at prison and death camps. How can something like this happen, where individuals – even “good” people – don’t stand up for what is morally unethical? Was this some type of brain washing? An overnight switch in cultural thinking? A slow slide down a dark pit? Something else? What might you have done to uphold moral integrity as a physician or a hospital administrator during that time? Is there anything happening today, albeit maybe not as drastic, that concerns you (nationally or globally)?

Is Online Learning good as face to face learning

Is Online Learning good as face to face learning.

Talk about  dance history of west Africa , ballet dancing, European early modern dance.

Talk about  dance history of west Africa , ballet dancing, European early modern dance. Use primary and secondary sources

Describe any core values or beliefs of your family of origin that shaped your personal identity.

Briefly explain your selected scenario and the therapeutic model you will use to approach the scenario.
Explain how the model you chose would help this couple explore their issues.
Describe the basic tenets and characteristics of the model as related to the selected scenario.
Explain the target of intervention and theory of change management for your selected theory.
What information is missing from the current scenarios?
What information would you need to uncover in order to develop an effective intervention strategy?

2.None of the above scenarios provide much context for the clients’ identified culture, personal beliefs, or values. Create 4–5 probing questions that are related to the selected couple’s identified culture, spiritual beliefs, personal beliefs, and values, as well as aligned to the selected model.

3.Consider your own culture and your reactions to the scenario you chose to explore.
Describe any core values or beliefs of your family of origin that shaped your personal identity.
Describe your own demographics including gender, age, religious/spiritual status, ethnicity/race, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation.
Identify the categories where you hold a cultural identity that is shared with the dominant culture. For example, are you heterosexual? If yes, then you share this identity with the dominant culture.
Provide an example of how your identified culture and values might impact your perspective on the selected scenario.

Because the scenarios did not provide any cultural context for the clients, you can be creative and provide those details for the characters in your selected scenario. Then, using the literature, identify specific cultural considerations to be aware of when working with clients in that identified population.

n this assignment, be sure to:

Describe the basic tenets and characteristics of the selected therapy model.
Explain the target of intervention and theory of change management.
Describe how missing information related to the presenting problem could facilitate a more complete case conceptualization.
Create questions that probe a client’s identified culture, beliefs, or values.
Characterize identified culture through personal demographics, values, and beliefs.
Provide an example of how the therapist’s personal background can impact their perspective on the selected scenario.
Identify cultural considerations when working with clients.

Length of paper: 4–6 pages, not including cover page and references.

Describe the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Determine how both job satisfaction and organizational commitment relate to employee performance at your selected company.

Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

Describe the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Determine how both job satisfaction and organizational commitment relate to employee performance at your selected company.
Evaluate your selected company in light of both motivational theory and performance management principles to determine if it is a place you would like to work.
Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not quality as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Determine how motivational theory and performance management principles are related to employee performance at a given company.
By submitting this paper, you agree:

(1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy;

(2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and

(3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Analyze the piece, explain the cultural relationships within the piece, and explain how that piece impacted their lives and the lives of others.

Students will analyze the piece, explain the cultural relationships within the piece, and explain how that piece impacted their lives and the lives of others.
5 (FIVE) sources in APA formatting are required. No Wikipedia allowed.

Could you write this paper about the song American Pie by Don McLean?

Why should each child be given a tablet computer at the age of five?

Why should each child be given a tablet computer at the age of five?

How is it different from the actual world? What is the importance of the difference? What does the difference mean to you–in terms of how you live your life?

Describe in detail some work of art–a painting, a piece of sculpture, a piece of music (such as a song), a film.
Spend several pages making this description. Then take each part of the description and compare it with the actual world in which we live. How is it different from the actual world? What is the importance of the difference? What does the difference mean to you–in terms of how you live your life? Questions to ponder: (i) could this difference arise without human language? (ii) could it arise without human thought? (iii) how do you access this difference? “

Discuss about feminists views on marriage and gender roles.

Discuss about feminists views on marriage and gender roles.