
When analysing media, what is ultimately more important: the medium or the message?

When analysing media, what is ultimately more important: the medium or the message? Discuss with reference to one contemporary media technology.

Write a 1000-word essay that reflects on a selection of current journalism.

Write a 1000-word essay that reflects on a selection of current journalism.

Select 2-4 news pieces that respond to some or all the lecture topics over the first 5 weeks (Debates and challenges, Post-Truth, News Values, News Industry, Digital News)
Evaluate the news pieces in response to the lecture topics.
You may, for example, want to select news that shows News Values, or news that reflects Post-Truth, or digital news. Whatever you select, ensure that you reference the required/recommended readings from the appropriate lecture topics. Reference these readings with the Stirling Harvard style

Analyse the effectiveness of the law and governance principles relating to the shareholders say on pay.

‘The rules relating to the shareholders “say on” pay found in the Companies Act 2006 are needlessly complex and has proven to be an ineffective mechanism to combat excessive executive director pay’

Discuss this quote. Analyse the effectiveness of the law and governance principles relating to the shareholders say on pay.


Create a policy management system for a public agency of your choice.

The Signature Assignment requires you to create and implement a public policy administration system that will manage all agency policies for a public agency. Choose a public agency and assess the types of policies that the agency manages and operates from, and then determine how you would create a system managing all policies for the organization. This system will monitor policies across your agency and evaluate them for efficiency and make a determination as to whether policies will be changed, remain in place, or be eliminated. As the policy director, you must ensure you understand the historical context of each policy under your charge and be responsible to make decisions regarding the policies’ existence. Be sure to include the following in your paper:

Create a policy management system for a public agency of your choice.
Explain why you chose that agency.
Explain the importance of policy administration.
Describe the policy cycle and how it impacts policy decision-making.
Identify three main policy areas for the agency you chose and explain their functions and effectiveness.
Determine particular policies for your agency that would change and give appropriate reasons for your decision.
Determine existing policies for your agency that you would keep in place and explain your reasoning.

Discuss MSc Nationalism and Ethno-Religious Conflict.

Discuss MSc Nationalism and Ethno-Religious Conflict.

Prepare a short report on the feasibility of the 2020 Tokyo olympics that are now taking place in 2021.

Take on the role of project manager and prepare a short report on the feasibility of the 2020 Tokyo olympics that are now taking place in 2021. the assignment should involve a critical analysis in the form of stakeholder analysis. 3000 words max including tables and figures in appendix – defining the client needs, addressing the internal and external constraints and evaluating options and alternatives for executive level audience. The font used must be Calibri 11.

Guidelines – introduction (concise intro including the aims and scope of report) and selecting a sensible project to analysis and provide evidence that it is real and not yet completed (in the appendices)

A comprehensive feasibility study adequately addressing the area of analysis. this analysis must demonstrate that information has been gathered sensibly and synthesised to draw the conclusions (e.g. findings to enable critical evaluation and decision making)

An overview of the key findings and a clear conclusion to the feasibility study. Any significant areas of uncertainty, challenges and limitations should be reported.

Structure (e.g. sensible headings for intro, analysis&discussion, conclusion, appendices) and appropriate use of figures and tables and appendices (always cited in the main doc) and overall presentation.

Prepare a business report for an organisation of your choice: Marketing Plan to enter a new foreign market.

Prepare a business report for an organisation of your choice: Marketing Plan to enter a new foreign market.
Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure Expansion into Nigerian Market. As many references as needed.

Using a real example of a corporation or group of corporations, discuss how the proliferation of surveillance capitalism and technology-enabled decision making has weakened corporate accountability and resulted in poorer outcomes for civil society, whilst enriching a few.

Using a real example of a corporation or group of corporations, discuss how the proliferation of surveillance capitalism and technology-enabled decision making has weakened corporate accountability and resulted in poorer outcomes for civil society, whilst enriching a few.
consider including a discussion of
• what is meant by the term surveillance capitalism
• the importance of corporate accountability and how it helps manage corporate
• how financialisation may privilege particular groups in society and increase
corporate power to the detriment of others
• concerns that might arise when returns to financiers or small groups of
sophisticated or wealthy investors vastly exceed returns to the real economy.

Minimum word count 3250 words.

Discuss Enforcement of intellectual property rights in developing countries.

Discuss Enforcement of intellectual property rights in developing countries.

Discuss how the physical and cognitive process of vision and visual perception impact on pattern recognition.

Discuss how the physical and cognitive process of vision and visual perception impact on pattern recognition. Demonstrate understanding of the use of image display workstations and how images are manipulated and as part of the image interpretation process.
Evaluate the role of the radiographer in the multi-professional team, particularly the legal and professional responsibilities of the reporting radiographer.
Appraise how current legislation effects medical imaging service provision
Compose technically acceptable comments for a range of routine medical imaging examinations.