
Compare and advise two publicly listed companies in same industry of their equity performance.

Compare and advise two publicly listed companies in same industry of their equity performance.

Explain the first time you realized you had a superpower.

Explain the first time you realized you had a superpower.

What are the themes and values communicated in this film?

Watch the film The Gods Must be Crazy the first one (1981)
Watch the film fully for the first time (you will watch it fully at least 2 times)

What are the themes and values communicated in this film? Cultural practices or ‘outsider’ perspectives (the people not in the majority or ideas not commonly accepted). What does the main character need to accomplish and why. How did you connect personally with those themes or activities?

How is this film and the way it uses the elements listed above different from a mainstream Hollywood film? How does this film tell it’s story that reflects it’s unique cultural values or ideas?

How were you affected by the film? What surprised you? What did you learn? How did you learn it? How do you think about the subject matter differently since seeing this film? What do you define as the part of the film that most resonated with your life?

Discuss How Social Media Is Turning Us Into A Fake Generation.

Discuss How Social Media Is Turning Us Into A Fake Generation.

Discuss mental health in criminal justice.

Discuss mental health in criminal justice.

Write an essay reflecting on the ways that digital technologies have influenced some aspect of your life

Write an essay reflecting on the ways that digital technologies have influenced some aspect of your life.

Assess the claim that it is a mistake to think of Machiavelli as a political philosopher, and instead he should be thought of as a political scientist.

Assess the claim that it is a mistake to think of Machiavelli as a political philosopher, and instead he should be thought of as a political scientist.

Answer with reference to the political advice offered by Machiavelli in The Prince.
1000 words per answer excluding reference list,
use a standard essay format: introduction, body, conclusion, reference list,
this is the link for the essential readings

Describe how the business requirements can be mapped into data fields in a database.

“This week for your course project assignment you will demonstrate your knowledge of the data and the logical relationships of entities that will be used in the database. The dataset you will used for this assignment is the Excel file for Rasmussen Company provided in Module 01. In a minimum of 3 full pages provide a report that includes the following:
Describe how the business requirements can be mapped into data fields in a database.
Explain the importance of mapping source and destination fields.
Review the dataset from the sample file and describe some of the data cleansing that may need to be done.
Discuss the benefit of developing an Entity Relationship model for your project.
Using the Excel file for Rasmussen Company provided in Module 01, create a graphical Entity-Relationship model to show the logical relationships of entities to be used in the database.
Your paper should be a minimum of 3 full pages in length.
You will need to include a minimum of 2 credible sources for your research, with 1 being an academic source, such as a book or an academic scholarly journal. Academic scholarly journals can be accessed through the Rasmussen Online Library. For business sources, ProQuest and EBSCO Host are helpful.
Include an APA formatted title page and reference page.”

Discuss how to use Timelines to Reconstruct History.

Discuss how to use Timelines to Reconstruct History.

Should we scrap the debate between “pro-choice” and “pro-life” when discussing abortions and adopt the “pro-voice” method as Aspen Baker recommends?

Should we scrap the debate between “pro-choice” and “pro-life” when discussing abortions and adopt the “pro-voice” method as Aspen Baker recommends?