
Explain the rise of Charlemagne starting with his family’s rise to power. Discuss the impact of/during his rule, successes and failures of his reign and the aftermath of his rule, including what happened to his vast empire.

Europe in M

In the first centuries since the coming of “the Barbarians” out of central Europe, it appeared that the previous understanding of stability and “nation-state” had been eradicated. Yet, by the 600-700 period, a few strong, former, tribes had gained control of old Gaul, the Iberian peninsula and the island of Albion. Still, no one central power had arisen and perhaps the legends of the old Empires would merely become myths. In the middle 700s, however, one man emerged with the drive to attempt to recreate the glory of the old Roman Empire. Your unit two assessment focuses on the rise, impact and world of Charlemagne.


You can best address this essay in four parts:

First, explain the rise of Charlemagne starting with his family’s rise to power.

Second, discuss the impact of/during his rule, successes and failures of his reign and the aftermath of his rule, including what happened to his vast empire.

Third, analyze the rising situation of church-state relative to the “Church as social glue” connected to his Empire, and then the impact of this in the years following. This section will go beyond Charlemagne into the 900-1100 time, looking at events or people from this time that reflect on the issue of church-state.

Finally make an assessment for the future of Europe (so, after Charlemagne, the years to come) based on his actions—what will be the impact of a new unified Europe, a new “Roman Empire”—a “Holy Roman Empire.” What do you perceive is going to happen? In other words, what sorts of issues, challenges or developments will emerge in the years to come BECAUSE of Charlemagne’s unificatio

Demonstrate understanding and competence in making decisions in nursing which will promote client-centered care, taking into consideration ethical, clinical, cultural, spiritual, and political implications. Demonstrate intentional learning with reflection as it relates to decision-making in nursing.

Case study

You wrote a paper for me similar to this last semester and it was perfect! If you could please do that again for this course, it would be AMAZING! Again, just speak as if you were me and feel free to create any experiences that you see fit in each category! I have completed a preceptorship in the emergency department in this last semester, so feel free to use that department within the created experiences. I will have a part B to this assignment and will need to create a powerpoint project that reviews the same experiences. I will be submitting that order shortly after this if you would be willing to help me with that as well!

Here are the instructions
This semester we have reviewed a various Issues and Trends in Contemporary Nursing Practice. Many objectives have been addressed and met. Please take a moment to reflect on the objectives of the course and develop an 8-10-page scholarly paper stating how you have met the outcomes of this course.

Course Outcomes
1.Demonstrate understanding and competence in making decisions in nursing which will promote client-centered care, taking into consideration ethical, clinical, cultural, spiritual, and political implications.
2.Demonstrate intentional learning with reflection as it relates to decision-making in nursing.
3.Understand processes of making decisions in nursing, and apply evidence in supporting concepts and processes which relate to practice.
4.Demonstrate knowledge of how decision-making in nursing practice relates to clinical reasoning and critical thinking, taking into consideration the many facets of decision-making in nursing.
5.Demonstrate leadership in organizational, local, and global environments as it relates to decision-making in nursing.
6.Communicate effectively and therapeutically, with and without the use of technology, while making decisions in nursing practice. (could talk about a stroke scenario here. The hospital I was working at is a rural hospital that uses a lot of telehealth/video calls for specialty/trauma cases)
7.Propose evidence-based, culturally-competent nursing care which promotes standard safe practices along with error and hazard prevention and quality improvement practices.
8.Participate as a collaborative team member in understanding and implementing client care, and in promoting the health of clients while making decisions as nurses in practice.
• Final Project – a scholarly paper is written in BSN465 on achievement of the eight outcomes associated with BSN465. The learner writes an APA formatted paper on meeting the course outcomes listed above.

How did your character develop their management traits? Identify three management traits that the leader possesses, and explain why they are necessary to a successful manager. How you can develop each skill or trait in your own life?

Management Question

For your paper, you will create a fictional character for a movie. The character should be in a management position. Your paper should utilize appropriate course material (and from your own research).

Ensure you address the following topics in your paper:

  • Describe the personality of your character (this is to help the reader understand the challenges your leader faces).
  • How did your character develop their management traits?
  • Identify three management traits that the leader possesses, and explain why they are necessary to a successful manager.
  • How you can develop each skill or trait in your own life? Training, education, experience, etc. – but be specific (if you create goals they should be SMART).
  • What are the possible disadvantages of having these traits?
  • How have you seen the selected traits utilized effectively in your own experiences in life?
  • How can you market the traits (for this I would like to see resume bullets for each of the traits)? – Put yourself in your character's shoes, as if they were writing a resume.
  • How do you relate to your character? Could you be managed by him/her/it?

Using the Article Critique: Phenomenology Template provided with this assignment, summarize the Koops (2017) article. Your summary should be at least three well-written paragraphs.

EDUC817-Article Critique: Phenomenology Assignment

After studying the phenomenological article in Appendix C and the authors’ written model on pp. 114 – 116 of the Creswell & Poth (2018) textbook, read the Koops (2017) article in the Read: The Enjoyment Cycle: A Phenomenology of Musical Enjoyment of 4- to 7-Year-Olds During Musical Play item in the Learn section of Module 3: Week 3.

Using the Article Critique: Phenomenology Template provided with this assignment, summarize the Koops (2017) article. Your summary should be at least three well-written paragraphs.

Describe the Research Problem and Questions. Describe the Review of Literature. Explain the design. Outline the sample selection.

Quantitative Research

Outline the following steps for conducting QUANTITATIVE Research:

Describe the Research Problem and Questions.
Describe the Review of Literature.
Explain the design.
Outline the sample selection.

Now that you have closely read the Beloved Novel by Toni Morrison, it is time for you to explain the central themes in the book in a formal literary analysis essay.

Project: Literary Analysis Essay

Now that you have closely read the Beloved Novel by Toni Morrison, it is time for you to explain the central themes in the book in a formal literary analysis essay.
“Literary analysis essay” might seem daunting, but it simply means explaining key aspects of the novel in writing.

This project will require you to demonstrate that you can write a concise, focused argument about some aspect of the novel that you understand and find important or interesting.

Your essay should mainly focus on a theme in the text, but more a advanced essay can also focus on the author’s use of the following in order to convey that theme:
– Characters and characterization
– Plot
– Conflict/ drama
– Narrative structure
– Narrative point of view
– Symbolism
– Motif/ repetition
– Feminist theory/ lens

Identify the chosen global health agency. Identify the Global Health Problem. Identify which vulnerable population is affected. Provide some history related to why there is a problem and where it exists as a problem.

Global Health PowerPoint Presentation

Choose a global health organization, examples include the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, Global Health Council, World Food Programme (WFP), the Global Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, and The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, and identify a global health problem that they are currently working on that has an impact on the health of a vulnerable population. Vulnerable populations include women, children, elderly or the disabled.

Put together a seven to ten slide PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

  • Identify the chosen global health agency.
  • Identify the Global Health Problem.
  • Identify which vulnerable population is affected.
  • Provide some history related to why there is a problem and where it exists as a problem.

What was the case about? Write a brief overview of the court case.Which laws were considered broken? Describe which legal issues were brought into question.


Pick a court case that involves social media and research it. Then answer the following questions:

What was the case about? Write a brief overview of the court case.
Which laws were considered broken? Describe which legal issues were brought into question.
Do you think the case violated any laws? Explain why or why you did not agree with the court ruling.

Write 5-6 full-sized paragraphs in response, or a minimum of 1 and ½ pages.

Journal unit 2

Introduction to Unit 1:

Unit 2 Continued:

Unit 2 Continued: Guide to the Readings:…
Attached reading 1 and reading 2 below

How To Do the Journal: Write 5-6 full-sized paragraphs in response, or a minimum of 1 and ½ pages.

Create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the normalized version of this table using Visio’s crows-foot notation. The ERD should show the PK and FK columns, plus all of the appropriate column attributes (column name, data type/size, null/not null) plus the relationships (with minimum and maximum cardinality) between tables.

To demonstrate your understanding of using ERDs and solving the multi-column problem

Assignment: This is a continuation of the previous Assignment 3 as an example of a horrible database design. Create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the normalized version of this table using Visio’s crows-foot notation. The ERD should show the PK and FK columns, plus all of the appropriate column attributes (column name, data type/size, null/not null) plus the relationships (with minimum and maximum cardinality) between tables.