
Watch the film, Beauty and the Beast by Jean Cocteau and write a three page reflection paper about the use of mise en scene in the film.

Watch the film, Beauty and the Beast by Jean Cocteau and write a three page (at least) reflection paper about the use of mise en scene in the film.

include in your paper, your thoughts about:

camera movement,
camera angle and shot size,
wardrobe and
acting choices,
props and set decoration,
composition of the shots.
mood and feelings evoked
how do these elements work together to create the vision of the director. What do you think he wanted to achieve?
Choose one scene (not discussed in the previous lecture) to focus your analysis. List the time of the scene in the movie (ie. the father lost in the forest @ 10:14).

Briefly explain the theory of utilitarianism, along with two of the strongest objections often posed against it.

1. Briefly explain the theory of utilitarianism, along with two of the strongest objections often posed against it.

2. Briefly explain the theory of ethical egoism, along with two of the strongest objections often posed against it.

3. Briefly explain Kant’s ethical theory, including how one uses both version of the Categorical Imperative in order to derive one’s moral duty.

4. Briefly explain Hobbes’s approach to justice, including what a ‘state of nature’ is supposed to be, and what Hobbes thinks will take us out of that state of nature.

5. Briefly explain Aristotle’s virtue ethics, including how “habit” and political discourse are fundamental to the Good Life.

6. What is determinism, and what are a few things about life that seem to indicate that perhaps determinism is true in some regards?


Assess the results and significance of the ‘Peace of Westphalia’, in terms of both the peace treaties and the so-called ‘Westphalian System’.

Assess the results and significance of the ‘Peace of Westphalia’, in terms of both the peace treaties and the so-called ‘Westphalian System’.

How might one overcome resistance to implementing evidence-based practice?

Choose one of your peers and provide strategies for overcoming the barriers identified in their postings. How might one overcome resistance to implementing evidence-based practice?

Write a 4-6-page report for a senior leader that communicates your evaluation of current organizational or interprofessional team performance, with respect to prescribed benchmarks set forth by government laws and policies at the local, state, and federal levels.

Write a 4-6-page report for a senior leader that communicates your evaluation of current organizational or interprofessional team performance, with respect to prescribed benchmarks set forth by government laws and policies at the local, state, and federal levels. In addition, advocate for ethical action to address benchmark underperformance and explain the potential for improving the overall quality of care and performance, as reflected on a performance dashboard.

Write about “Hills Like White Elephants” is a short story and online.

Write about “Hills Like White Elephants” is a short story and online.

Discuss the radicalisation pathway from Wahhabism to Salafi Jihadism’

Discuss the radicalisation pathway from Wahhabism to Salafi Jihadism’.

Explore how the early Christian Communities were structured to flourish in hostile environments.

This paper has specific details that need to be followed!!! All writings are based on an excerpt from the book of Acts in the Bible

Period 3 – Organizational Culture
• ESSAY: The early days of the Church could not be characterized as easy for those who proclaimed Christ as Savior. For the most part, Roman authorities were tolerant of other religions as long as those belief systems included homage to the Roman emperor; however, the Romans became increasingly hostile towards Christians as they refused to take a syncretic approach to worship. But despite persecution, the followers of Christ increased in number. What facilitated this growth? As believers, we know that the Church’s growth is of the Lord and that we can learn from His work in the lives of early Christians.

For this assignment, you will consider the ROLE OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE and explore (a) how the early Christian Communities were structured to flourish in hostile environments, and

(b) how contemporary organizations can utilize these principles.

Focus your work on a selected text from the Book of Acts.