
Write a report on how it might explain ‘law’ to The Amesemians, in terms of these three concepts.

Representatives from the distant planet Amesemi have landed on Earth. They come in peace. Efforts are underway to enable Earthlings and Amesemians to understand each other; this involves an honest and accurate explanation of our respective civilizations. The newly established “United Kingdom Ministry of Extra-Terrestrial Affairs” (‘The Ministry’) has discovered that the Amesemians have no word for ‘law’ and no equivalent to this concept. They do, however, understand ‘justice’, ‘socially-constructed rules’, and ‘oppression’. The Ministry has commissioned you to write a report on how it might explain ‘law’ to The Amesemians, in terms of these three concepts.  Do so. Note that the report is to The Ministry and not the representatives from Amesemi themselves. As a result, you should feel free to use or explain other concepts, which Amesemians may or may not understand, as part of your recommendation.

Your report should take the form of an essay.

It should be a maximum of 5,000 words long, and include both footnotes and bibliography, with correct citation throughout.

What have been your experiences of Covid? How has the pandemic affected you, your family and community?

What have been your experiences of Covid? How has the pandemic affected you, your family and community?

What changes have you observed or nor observed in your neighborhood or community?

What do you think about the way the pandemic has been handled, medically, by the government and even by the college? Explain in specific ways and with specific illustrations to this question.

How did the Supreme Court define the term “search?” Does this definition mean that listening to a phone conversation was not a “search” under the Fourth Amendment?

look at the differences between the Constitution and constitutional law, by looking at two Supreme Court Cases.

Look at the text of the Fourth Amendment. Does the amendment define exactly what an “unreasonable search” is, or does the U.S. Supreme Court have to interpret the phrase when it decides cases?

What happened in Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438 (1928)? What are the facts of the case? Who is Mr. Olmstead and what happened to him? Why did the Supreme Court conclude that the government could listen to Mr. Olmstead’s phone calls without a warrant? What does physical presence have to do with the Supreme Court’s analysis? How did the Supreme Court define the term “search?” Does this definition mean that listening to a phone conversation was not a “search” under the Fourth Amendment?

The justices who wrote the Olmstead opinion were all born in the 1800s and were adults when the telephone was invented. How much experience do you think they had with a telephone, and how important was the telephone in the life of an average person in 1928? Do you believe that this had anything to do with the ruling?

How might the film alter or change the past, or present one interpretation of the material that is actually in dispute.

Dunkirk, Watch the movie and simultaneously do research to find out what the film “got right” and what “it got wrong.” What is fictional? What is more accurate? How might the film alter or change the past, or present one interpretation of the material that is actually in dispute. Why is it important to figure all this out? Millions of people see these movies, so the ways reality is represented is really important, right? Why?
PARAGRAPHS: Scenes from the film, what they say about an incident or event, how it accords with “reality” or does not.

Is involuntary euthanasia murder or mercy?

Is involuntary euthanasia murder or mercy?

The Use of Violence Both Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X argue that there are situations in which a resort to violence is legitimate. Compose an essay exploring the similarities and differences in their reasoning.

The Use of Violence Both Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X argue that there are situations in which a resort to violence is legitimate. Compose an essay exploring the similarities and differences in their reasoning. [Note: For Douglass, be sure to read “Is It Right and Wise to Kill a Kidnapper?” and “Why Should a Colored Man Enlist?”] 6 pages double spaced,  use only the resources provided and only two outside sources if you choose to do so.

Reflect on how the yoga course has impacted you. What lessons, postures or concepts resonated the most?

In up to 300 words, Reflect on
how the yoga course has impacted you. What lessons, postures or concepts resonated the
most? Were there things that you would have liked more time with or a deeper focus on. Have
you found that you were able to incorporate some of the lessons of this semester into your home
practice as well as other aspects of your life?

What were some of the geographical and political reasons which explain how Alexander was able to assemble such a vast empire in such a short time and why his successors were unable to hold it together?

What were some of the geographical and political reasons which explain how Alexander was able to assemble such a vast empire in such a short time and why his successors were unable to hold it together? Be sure to provide specific points to support your argument.

What are the influences of audit committee, board structure and the size of the firm?

The Quality of Revenue Disclosures regarding IFRS15; What are the influences of audit committee, board structure and the size of the firm?

Discuss Protein and Ash Determination for Gluten-free Flours.