
Carry out a small scale qualitative research study on : Gender and school performance, why do girls outperform boys in schools?

Carry out a small scale qualitative research study on : Gender and school performance, why do girls outperform boys in schools?

Report outlining a treatment plan for a mentally disordered patient who has just arrived within a medium secure hospital.

Report outlining a treatment plan for a mentally disordered patient who has just arrived within a medium secure hospital.

Compare the features of different types of Derivative Contracts including forwards, futures, options and Swaps.

  1. Compare the features of different types of Derivative Contracts including forwards, futures, options and Swaps.
  2. Assess the functioning of the global derivative markets and the ethical considerations as well as responsibility in the use of derivative contracts.
  3. Evaluate the price and value of different financial derivatives using the No Arbitrage Principle.

Estimate the Price and Value of different types of Derivative Contracts using financial theory and mathematical models.

Discuss analyses of a scene in King Richard 111 , creative writing and commentary on your writing.

Discuss analyses of a scene in King Richard 111 , creative writing and commentary on your writing.

Define ACOs and discuss their impact on the contemporary health care system.

Question 1
In 300 words
Research an organization that uses an innovative model of care. How does this innovative model affect interprofessional collaboration? How might this model contribute to the delivery of cost of effective health care? Make sure to identify the organization and model in your response.

Question 2
Define ACOs and discuss their impact on the contemporary health care system. How do ACOs drive cost-effectiveness, innovation, and collaboration in the delivery of health care?

Discuss the impact of environmental, social or physical issues on children’s cognitive development

Discuss the impact of environmental, social or physical issues on children’s cognitive development.

With reference to appropriate theory and the company, discuss the key tensions or dilemmas involved in being an ‘ethical’ company

In the clothing industry, keeping input and distribution costs under control are an important driver for financial returns. In the last few years, these costs have been rising. Profitability in the sector is under pressure. To address profitability concerns, the board of directors of Patagonia () are considering two proposals

Proposal 1: reduce product quality by reducing the quality of inputs

Proposal 2: maintain product quality but reduce the range of CSR initiatives it supports

The board of directors are sure, however, there may be other options.

Instructions on Assessment

1. You are required to produce a 3500 word essay based on the following tasks:

1. An introduction to the company and its current approach to corporate responsibility and sustainability(10%)
2. With reference to appropriate theory and the company, discuss the key tensions or dilemmas involved in being an ‘ethical’ company (30%)
3. With reference to your answer to part (1) and part (2), assess the proposal (40%)
4. Develop one further proposal that the directors should consider in light of your answers to parts 1, 2 and 3 (20%).
5. Conclusion

Write down your observations, then, ask researchable questions about your animal’s behavior. Avoid anthropomorphic questions

Exploratory observation is key in understanding animal behavior. Observation leads to developing new research questions and ways to create measures of the categories you observe. You will go out into the world and carefully watch an animal’s behavior and take detailed, time-stamped notes in your “field notebook”. Animals can be found in any number of places: your backyard, on campus, neighborhood parks, and zoos.

Choose a particular animal and observe it as it interacts with its environment and with other animals, both intra-species (within its own species) and inter-species (with animals of other species). In your “field notebook” you record the date, time, weather, & other conditions under which the observations are made. The goal is to try to understand your animal’s behavior so your notes should reflect this. Write down your observations, then, ask researchable questions about your animal’s behavior. Avoid anthropomorphic questions/comments.

Discuss whether the majority of resources in the penal system should be directed toward Punishment.

There are three elements the criminal justice systems uses to address incarceration:

1. Rehabilitation.
2. Deterrence
3. Punishment

In an analytical paragraph or two, discuss whether the majority of resources in the penal system should be directed toward Punishment (mandatory sentencing guidelines which judges must adhere to) or Rehabilitation (mental health, substance abuse, educational programs) in order to establish a Deterrence so criminals will not become recidivists (returning to jail for continuing criminal behaviour after being released). Currently, the criminal justice system, since the late 1970s, has emphasized Punishment rather than Rehabilitation. Remember, resources are limited, so the system must use most of its resources for either Punishment or Rehabilitation (half and half is not feasible). Jean Valjean believes circumstances other than simply the crime itself must be taken into consideration when sentencing, whereas Javert believes the law will become meaningless if it is subject to emotions and special circumstances when sentencing. Which position do you most agree with and why?

12 point font, double space, Times New Roman, no header required.

Discuss Refugee settlement and integration issues faced by Middle Eastern migrants in Australia.

Discuss Refugee settlement and integration issues faced by Middle Eastern migrants in Australia.