
Discuss Teachers and Student relationships.

Discuss Teachers and Student relationships.

Describe the black codes in the American South. Next use the document from Mississippi to address how these codes defined race during Reconstruction.

write a 750 word informal response. The response does not need to be in essay format, but needs to have two section. In the first section, students will establish context. When did this happen (give a time frame: for example, in the late 1890s), and list or explain the series of events or a shift in cultural, social, economic, or political attitudes that shaped this event. This section should be at least five sentences long and will count for about 10% of the assignment. Next students will engage with the question posted below (Ignore any questions at the bottom of the document). In this section, students will be graded on their ability to think critically as oppose to simply telling me what the document says. I’m looking for you to analyze the document to help understand what Americans were thinking about these issues in that historical moment (not how we think about them now). This section should be about 700 words long and will count for about 90% of the overall grade.

Describe the black codes in the American South. Next use the document from Mississippi to address how these codes defined race during Reconstruction. Do you think these codes showcased equality? If not, how do the codes in Mississippi reinforce ideas about slavery. Use the document to back all of your claims.

Discuss Poverty in the United States.

Discuss Poverty in the United States.

post a Geographic Event that happened around the World in the last 3 weeks and respond to one of you classmates’ posting.

post a Geographic Event that happened around the World in the last 3 weeks and respond to one of you classmates’ posting. Extra credit Discussion closes on
The Geographic Event could be an earthquake, hurricane, cyclone, landslide, volcanic eruption, wild fires, dust storms to name a few. You need to give the specific location of the event and the day.

Reflect on how your professional mission statement will help guide you throughout your nursing career.

1. Create a professional mission statement (suggested length of 1 paragraph) that includes the following:

• a representation of your career goals, your aspirations, and how you want to move forward with your career

• an overview of where you would like to focus your time and energies within the profession

a. Reflect on how your professional mission statement will help guide you throughout your nursing career.

2. Complete a professional summary (suggested length of 3–4 pages) that includes the following:

a. Explain how the specific artifacts or completed work or both in your portfolio represent you as a learner and a healthcare professional.

b. Discuss how the specific artifacts in your portfolio represent your professional strengths.

c. Discuss challenges you encountered during the progression of your program.

i. Explain how you overcame these challenges.

d. Explain how your coursework helped you meet each of the nine nursing program outcomes.

e. Analyze how you fulfilled the following roles during your program:

• scientist

• detective

• manager of the healing environment

f. Discuss how you have grown professionally since the beginning of your program.

Compare and contrast communism and fascism. Select one example for each to examine the origins of the governments, their accomplishments, and their failures.

Examine Marx’s writings on communism and socialism and compare them to how they manifested in reality? What worked and what didn’t? What misconceptions do we have about his original intent based on what we see in past or current governments?
Compare and contrast communism and fascism. Select one example for each to examine the origins of the governments, their accomplishments, and their failures. What accounts for the fact that the masses mobilized to support these movements? Elaborate.
• Option 3: Examine Depression-Era social programs (select one or more to examine in detail). Were the fears of a communist take-over based on the implementation of these programs grounded in reality? Why or why not? How do they compare to social programs in place today?
Writing Requirements
• Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
• APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Identify and describe 3 aspects of the video you found most interesting that align with each of the following:

Watch the entire video on Benito Mussolini (noted in the Required Resources). Identify and describe 3 aspects of the video you found most interesting that align with each of the following:
1. Foreign policy.
2. Violent and/or non-violent movements for social, economic, and political change
3. Governmental authority/loss of personal liberties
Conduct additional research to provide an analysis of those 3 aspects. What information did you find that the video left out? How did the video enhance your understanding of those aspects?
Writing Requirements (APA format)
• Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
• 1-inch margins
• Double spaced
• 12-point Times New Roman font
• Title page
• References page

Identify two forces that lead to WWI. Examine how they contributed to the outbreak of war.

World War I is different from most other wars in that it was not a direct result of aggression by one entity towards another, notwithstanding the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Serbian elements. Instead, it was the consequence of a number of forces amidst a disruption of the tenuous balance of power in Europe.
For the initial post, select and address one of the following:
• Option 1: Identify two forces that lead to WWI. Examine how they contributed to the outbreak of war.
• Option 2: Select a major battle such as Verdun, Marne, Ypres, or the Somme and chronicle that battle. Add further details about the battles.
o What was the main strategy? What were they trying to accomplish?
o How did leaders influence and mobilize troops?
o What were the main consequences of the result?
Writing Requirements
• Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
• APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Write a research paper about exploring Racism in george orwell’s burmese days.