
The Buffalo Soldiers as a group had mixed feelings about participating in the Spanish American War. Who were the Buffalo Soldiers who fought in this war? What were the controversies about?

History Discussion

1.) Why did Reconstruction fail? Who was president and why was he a failure in regards to Reconstruction? Should the Southern leadership have been punished? Refer to the “Disenfranchisement” section of your lessons in week two.

2.) It is surprising to see that so many black office holders existed in the South, just as Reconstruction was starting to fail. In what states did they hold office? But, then the situation changed and they were no longer in office. How were African Americans disenfranchised? What states had the worst voting rights laws? How did these states get away with doing this?

3.) Plessy v. Ferguson is one of the most famous Supreme Court cases in U.S. history. What happened in the case and what precedent did it set? Your chapters have an entire section on the legal system. Find your chapters under “lessons”. Be sure to incorporate that information in your answer (so expand on more than just the Plessy decision).

4.) The Buffalo Soldiers as a group had mixed feelings about participating in the Spanish American War. Who were the Buffalo Soldiers who fought in this war? What were the controversies about?

If you pick this question, start by referencing your lessons/text and here:

List three social media platforms you would use to promote your brand and explain why you have chosen the platform. Research niche platforms. Would a niche platform benefit your brand? How? or Why not?

Niche platforms for real estate business

List three social media platforms you would use to promote your brand and explain why you have chosen the platform. Research niche platforms. Would a niche platform benefit your brand? How? or Why not?

How many sets of numbers do you want to generate? How many numbers per set? Do you wish each number in a set to remain unique? Do you wish to sort the numbers that are generated? How do you wish to view your random numbers?

David Badal Math 40 Lab 2: Descriptive Statistics Revised 3/4/21

Math 40 Lab 2: Descriptive Statistics

You are to complete the following work in Excel. These instructions are for my version of Excel on a PC. Depending on your version of Excel or if you’re using a MAC, certain aspects may very slightly.

Once completed, you are required to upload your Excel file into the Lab 2 Assignment in Canvas.

If you don’t have Excel, you may download it for free through Office 365.

You need to make sure that you have completed all work yourself, and that you’re not sharing files with other students.

Random Number Generator

1. Generating Random Numbers
This is the same random number generator that you used in Lab 1, but please make sure to generate a new set of numbers.

You’re going to generate 50 random integers between 1 and 100, inclusive.

Since random numbers generated in Excel will often change with each new calculation, you’re going to generate your random numbers outside of Excel.

Follow this link to go to the Research Randomizer site.
At the site, enter the following information.

  • How many sets of numbers do you want to generate? 1
  • How many numbers per set? 50
  • Number range? 1 to 100
  • Do you wish each number in a set to remain unique? No
  • Do you wish to sort the numbers that are generated? Yes, least to greatest.
  • How do you wish to view your random numbers? Place markers off
  • Select Randomize Now!

You should now see your list of random numbers. Nice work!

2. Entering your random numbers into Excel.
On the results page, you have the option of either printing out your numbers or downloading them.

Selecting download, will create a csv file, which you can open.

Open the csv file and save it as an Excel file.

If for some reason you’re not able to save the document as an Excel workbook, simply open a new Excel file and type in your list of random numbers starting in cell A5.

3. Administrative
Delete anything that appears in rows 14.

Type your first name and last name in cells A1 and B1, respectively.

Enter your course name in cell A2 and your section number in cell B2.

Type Lab 2 in cell A3.

Leave row 4 blank.

Your data should begin in cell A5 and end in cell A54.

Create Two Transformed Lists
Youre going to create two new lists of numbers based upon your random numbers in column A.

For the first new list, youre going to add 4 to each of your random numbers.

o Starting in cell B5, type =, click on cell A5, type +4, and hit Enter. The number in cell B5 should be 4 more than the first random number in cell A5.

o Now lets copy this formula to generate the rest of the transformed list.

o Click on cell B5. Hover the cursor over the lower righthand corner of the cell until you see the black plus sign.

o Holding the mouse down, you can copy the formula by dragging down to cell B54. Once you release the mouse, the new numbers should be created. Please make sure that theyre 4 more than the original random numbers in column A.

For the second new list, youre going to multiply each of your random numbers by 4.
o Starting in cell C5, type =, click on cell A5, type *4, and hit Enter. The number in cell C5 should be 4 times the first random number in cell A5.

o Copy this formula to generate the rest of the transformed list.

o Please make sure that they’re 4 times the original random numbers in column A.

Descriptive Statistics
Youre going to use Excel functions to calculate descriptive statistics for each set of numbers in columns A, B, and C.

Since are data is from a random sample, you’ll want to make sure to use the sample versions of the functions. Please note that functions may vary slightly due to your version of Excel.

Starting in cell E5, put the function labels listed below in the left column.

Calculate the descriptive statistics of each set of numbers in columns A, B, and C.

o Column A: Starting in cell F5, use the formulas listed below in the right column.

o Column B: Starting in cell G5, use the formulas listed below referencing cells B5:B54.

Zscore of 5th smallest value: =(B9G5)/G6

o Column C: Starting in cell H5, use the formulas listed below referencing cells C5:C54.

Zscore of 5th smallest value: =(C9H5)/H6

Round the zscore to two decimals and all other results to one decimal. In Excel rounding is for display only. The actual values are still stored in the cells.
o Mean (average) =average(A5:A54)

o Standard Deviation =stdev.s(A5:A54)

o Variance =var.s(A5:A54)

o Minimum =min(A5:A54)

o 1st Quartile =quartile.exc(A5:A54,1)

o Median =median(A5:A54)

o 3rd Quartile =quartile.exc(A5:A54,3)

o Maximum =max(A5:A54)

o 40th percentile =percentile.exc(A5:A54,40/100)

o Zscore of 5th smallest value =(A9F5)/F6

What Did You Learn?

Type your answers to the following questions at the bottom of your spreadsheet.

1. Compare the descriptive statistics of the numbers in columns A and B.
a. What happened to the zscore of the fifthsmallest value?

b. What happened to the standard deviation and variance?

c. What happened to the other statistics?

2. Compare the descriptive statistics of the numbers in columns A and C.
a. What happened to the zscore of the fifthsmallest value?

b. What happened to the variance?

c. What happened to the other statistics?

3. Reflect on your experience with completing this lab assignment.

Write a short evaluation of the scientific article in your own words. Explore and cite the lay literature if the scientific paper is difficult to understand.

Discussion Post: In the Scientific Literature (PubMed)

In our Week 2 “IN THE NEWS” Discussion topic you were asked to explore news outlets to find a lay description of a recent discovery in the field of genetics. Now I’ll ask you to explore the scientific literature to find a primary source.

Go to the PubMed website ( site.) and insert search terms of your choice (e.g., genetics of schizophrenia. genetic predispositions to obesity, genetics of climate change resistance in coral….the possibilities are endless!)

Write a short evaluation of the scientific article in your own words. Feel free to explore and cite the lay literature if the scientific paper is difficult to understand. In addition to your chosen scientific article, you must cite at least one other source.

Your post must be at least 200 words for full credit. Properly cite your references.

Research and Discuss a case in the News that has occurred within the last five years involving a juvenile who committed a violent crime.

Youth Crime and Justice.

Research and Discuss a case in the News that has occurred within the last five years involving a juvenile who committed a violent crime.

Choose a Sociological theory from Chapter Five (strain theory, social learning theory, social control theories “labeling theory, conflict theory, and differential oppression theory” and describe that theory in detail. You may choose to talk about two theories at most.

Use this theory in an attempt to explain why the Juvenile committed the act./crime.

Is ”free will” a fiction? In other words, once we have found external causes for our behavior, is there less need to attribute to an internal act of will? Explain and/or provide examples to support your response.


Before completing this assignment, be sure to read and view the instructional materials for this week, specifically the ones on personality and how it defines us. Then, answer the following question in no more than two typed pages, double-spaced:

Is ”free will” a fiction? In other words, once we have found external causes for our behavior, is there less need to attribute to an internal act of will? Explain and/or provide examples to support your response.

Reference this short article for a clearer explanation:


Draw the graph y = tan x in the Cartesian plane below. Indicate if the representation is a function. Justify. Is the function periodic? If yes, what is the period? How does the graph y = tan x evolve when x goes from 0° to 90° and from 90° to 270°? What is the value of tan x when x = 90° and when x = 270°?

Unité 2: La représentation de fonctions

Travail formatif 2.1 (Section 1 et 2)

  • Section 1: Comparison of functions.
  • Section 2: Graphs of sine and cosine functions.

Question 1: Sketch the following functions and then determine the domain, image, y-intercept, x-intercept, and whether it is an increasing or decreasing function.

  1. a)
  2. b)
  3. c)


Question 2:  The chess club is holding a bake sale one lunchtime a week to raise money for the end-of-year trip to Stratford. If the chess club sells 65 baked goods per week, the club makes a profit of $3 per baked good. By reducing the profit by $0.5 per baked good, the chess club can sell 20 more baked goods per week. The equation  represents the relationship between profit per bakery per week and the number of $0.5 discounts.

  1. Sketch the graph of the relationship.
  2. Determine the domain, image, y-intercept, x-intercept, and whether it is an increasing or decreasing function.

Question 3:  Indicate whether the graph is periodic or non-periodic. Justify your decision.

  1. a)
  2. b)


Question 4:  Determine the period and amplitude of the functions below.

  1. a)
  2. b)
  3. c)


Question 5: Sketch a graph of a periodic function with the period and amplitude shown.

  1. a) A period of 6 and an amplitude of 4.
  2. b) A period of 3 and an amplitude of 5.


Question 6 :   Answer sub questions 1) to 3) about the periodic function shown here.

  • Describe how you would determine the period of the function.
  • Describe how you would determine:
  1. f(4)
  2. b)  f(5)
  3. c)  f(8)
  4. d)  f(13)
  • Describe how you would determine the magnitude of the function.

Question 7:

The period of a function, f(x), is 12. If f(7) = -2 and f(11) = 9, find the value of

  1. a) f(43)
  2. b) f(79)
  3. c) f(-1)

Question 8: Mid-season maximum temperatures were recorded for three years in Dorset, Ontario. The results are shown here.

  1. a) Plot a graph of temperatures versus dates. Draw a periodic function that represents the data as accurately as possible.
  2. b) Use the graph to approximate the period and amplitude of the function.


Season Date Température (C)
Winter 5 février 1998 -9
Spring 2 mai 1998 16
Summer 3 août 1998 25
Fall 2 novembre 1998 3
Winter 5 février 1999 -10
Spring 2 mai 1999 17
Summer 3 août 1999 27
Fall 2 novembre 1999 3
Winter 5 février 2000 -10
Spring 2 mai 2000 16
Summer 3 août 2000 26
Fall 2 novembre 2000 3


 Question 9 :

  1. Draw the graph y = tan x in the Cartesian plane below.
  2. Indicate if the representation is a function. Justify.
  3. Is the function periodic?   If yes, what is the period?
  4. How does the graph y = tan x evolve when x goes from 0° to 90° and from 90° to 270°?
  5. What is the value of tan x when x = 90° and when x = 270°?
  6. What is the maximum value of y?
  7. Quelle est la valeur minimale de y?
  8. What is the y-intercept?
  9. What are the abscissae at the origin?
  10. Determine the domain and image of the function.

Is it something depicting old stereotypes in a new contexts? Is it maybe challenging and defying racial stereotypes? Is it a form of popular culture that illustrates a particular conceptual idea covered?

How indigenous communities are negatively portrayed in the movie pochonots and overall how race is shown in disney movies

What you will then write is a 3 page paper that critically examines/discusses the media piece selected. You can plan to approach this paper through 2 general parts:

(i) A brief account/description/summary of your selected popular culture source/item. This doesn’t have to be an overly detailed or exhaustive summary, but something that identifies and describes what you will be examining in the paper. This summary description might also state whether there are certain specific elements of the media source in specific that you are focusing on (e.g., a character in a film, a scene from a TV series, etc.).

(ii) A discussion of the ideas/images/representations at work in your chose topic source. This should include some discussion of what ideas are being presented, as well as how they are presented. Is it something depicting old stereotypes in a new contexts? Is it maybe challenging and defying racial stereotypes? Is it a form of popular culture that illustrates a particular conceptual idea covered? Be sure to refer to specific examples from your source.

Make sure to incorporate at least 4 of them. It is a analysis of the movie, so basically how disney portrayed the movie pocahontas and how it had so many negative stereotyping and cultural appropiation can also include examples of other movies where disney does it.

Examine the facts and the data contained in the case, employ the analytical frameworks learned in earlier classes (and concurrently), reach conclusions, and make specific recommendations that will resolve the issues presented by the case.

Case Report

Cases provide a context for application of analytic concepts, and illustrate the issues that arise in the complex decision making situations that typically face top-management. As in real business problems, there are no “right’’ answers for case studies that we will examine in the course, although there are correct and incorrect ways to analyze or approach them. The challenge for the student is to

  • (1) examine the facts and the data contained in the case,
  • (2) employ the analytical frameworks learned in earlier classes (and concurrently),
  • (3) reach conclusions, and
  • (4) make specific recommendations that will resolve the issues presented by the case

To prepare for a case, you should read the case and analyze the data that it presents. Texts and readings from earlier courses should be used to the extent that they assist in your preparation. A thorough preparation for discussions includes systematically

  • (1) outlining the major issue presented by the case,
  • (2) identifying the analytical techniques or frameworks appropriate for resolving the problem, and (very important)
  • (3) outlining steps to implement a specific course of action that is supported by the analysis. Also need both excel and word file

Write an analysis of a company – introducing the company and state an issue the company wants to be remedied. State the implementation plan.

Systems Analysis and Design PROJECT PAPER Assignment:

Write an analysis of a company – introducing the company and state an issue the company wants to be remedied. State the implementation plan. You may use a fictitious organization, but a real organization would be better. Below is a sample outline of an analysis.

  • System Vision Document Problem description System capabilities Business benefits
  • Plan the Project Determine the major components (functional areas) that are needed Define the iterations and assign each function to an iteration Determine team members and responsibilities
  • Discover and Understand Details Do preliminary fact-finding to understand requirements Identify Use Cases Identity Object Classes Identify Object Classes Design System Components
  • Design System Components Design the database (schema) Design the system’s high-level structure Browser, Windows, or Smart phone and 2 Architectural configurations (components) Design class diagram Subsystem architectural design
  • Build, Test, and Integrate System Components
  • Complete System Testing and Deploy the System INSTRUCTIONS:
  • Follow the APA Publications Manual sixth Ed. Papers will be typed (use a word processor, Times New Roman, with font size 12).
  • Limit your paper – five to seven pages (exclusive of the title page, and bibliography); double[1]spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″) with 1″ margins on all sides.
  • Write clearly. Check your grammar and spelling.