
Discuss the Adoption and Diffusion of Innovations from Chapter 14. Label all parts of each process and explain each one. Next, I would like you to use the two processes to explain how and why Apple has been so successful.

Business Question

Here are the questions.  You need to answer four out of the five questions.

  1. Provide a summary of the data results of your Research Project. Be sure to highlight how the results were used to develop your Market Segmentation and Product Positioning for the company you chose.
  2. Discuss the Internal Influences of Perception and Learning, and highlight at least 2 different Figures or Tables from Chapters 4 and 8 (2 for Perception and 2 for Learning) that you think represents the most important insight into each influence.
  3. Discuss the Adoption and Diffusion of Innovations from Chapter 14. Label all parts of each process and explain each one. Next, I would like you to use the two processes to explain how and why Apple has been so successful.
  4. Using the 5 Values Consumer Choice Model as a strategic framework, I would like you to discuss how Ford will be able to compete with Tesla successfully with their new hybrid SUV (Edge L) model.
  5. Go through each of the 5 Values in the Consumer Choice Model that you used for your research study and explain how each one was used by the company you chose to sell their products and/or services.

What are the ethical issues here? Is it fair to hold someone accountable for something they did years ago? Should there be a statute of limitations on how far back it is fair to go?

Ethics In Practice Case Better Check Your Old Yearbooks and Social Media Posts

In 2019, Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia faced perhaps the biggest crisis of his political career when a photo of the governor from his 1984 medical school yearbook showed a man dressed in blackface and one in a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood. When the photo came to light, the governor first apologized, then said it was not him, and then divulged that he had once darkened his skin as part of a Michael Jackson costume. Eventually, he acknowledged appearing in the “clearly racist and offensive photograph” and asked his constituents to forgive him.

This was not the first political figure to have his character questioned, based on old yearbook information. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was questioned extensively during his appointment hearing, when his personal yearbook page boasted, “100 Kegs or Bust,” and some interpreted his references to a young woman as boasting about a conquest. Justice Kavanaugh vehemently denied the allegation before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Of course, old yearbook pictures are not the only potential source of reputational damage. Inflammatory tweets and social media postings are as well.

Incidents like this that involve offensive and damaging images surrounding race, gender, sexual orientation, or sexual acts increase the need for human resources departments to improve their due diligence when vetting employees. Additionally, in light of heightened social movements like the Black Lives Matter movement and increasing sensitivity to racial justice issues, many employers are doing background checks and screening candidates’ social media histories as part of their hiring processes. In fact, some of these screenings for senior level and board hires can go back 25 years or more.

  1. What are the ethical issues here?
  2. Is it fair to hold someone accountable for something they did years ago? Should there be a statute of limitations on how far back it is fair to go?
  3. What is an appropriate way to respond to allegations from old yearbook testaments or social media posts? Is it okay to say “I was (just) young at the time”? What is the appropriate response to such allegations?

How do each of these artist relate to the idea of Visual Culture? Did work work of these artist challenge your expectations of the creation and function of art? Give specific examples form the videos.

Art and Visual Culture


Part 1: Watch the Videos (You must watch all three)

Nick Cave: Nick Cave Brings Art, Sculpture to Life, 2016. (5:22 Min)

Nick Cave creates “Soundsuits”—surreally majestic objects blending fashion and sculpture—that originated as metaphorical suits of armor in response to the Rodney King beatings and have evolved into vehicles for empowerment. Fully concealing the body, the “Soundsuits” serve as an alien second skin that obscures race, gender, and class, allowing viewers to look without bias towards the wearer’s identity. Cave regularly performs in the sculptures himself, dancing either before the public or for the camera, activating their full potential as costume, musical instrument, and living icon. Cave’s sculptures also include non-figurative assemblages, intricate accumulations of found objects that project out from the wall, and installations enveloping entire rooms.

Tanya Aguiñiga, Borderlands, 2020. (17:25 Min)

The binational artist Tanya Aguiñiga pushes the power of art to transform the United States-Mexico border from a site of trauma to a creative space for personal healing and collective expression. Reflecting the cultural hybridity and community of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, the artist discusses her upbringing in Tijuana, her training as a furniture and craft designer, and her artistic beginnings with the Border Art Workshop/Taller de Arte Fronterizo collective.

Michael ArcegaSPAM/MAPS (Links to an external site.): World (Detail), Spam luncheon meat and pins, 3′ x 4′ x 2″, 2001

Food as a symbolic material that speaks to cultural exchange, in this case as a result of World War II. SPAM, if you aren’t already aware, is a loved/hated canned meat consumed by hungry people all over the world. It’s also “MAPS” spelled backwards. San Francisco-based artist Michael Arcega

Links to an external site. used SPAM in MAPS form, showing how the “Diasporic nature is symbolic of America’s ongoing influence on many nations.”

Prompt Guidelines:

Written Analysis – Essay Format:

(Worth 30 points)

After you watch the videos, in your written analysis, address the art and artists featured in each video in an essay:

  1. How do each of these artist relate to the idea of Visual Culture?
  2. Did work work of these artist challenge your expectations of the creation and function of art? Give specific examples form the videos.
  3. Can you relate to each of their experiences? If not, why do you think that is? Explain your answers.
  4. How does the art made by each of these artists specifically generate emotions related to pleasure, power, and fantasy.
  5. How does the work of Tanya Aguiñiga relate to humanity and nature, the theme of Chapter 13?
  6. How does the work of Micheal Arcega, relate to the term “Visual Culture?”
  7. Where does this art belong? Think about it for a second. You can literally watch this videos almost anywhere in the world with internet access and experience the power, creativity, and grace of the artists. Sure you can put the remnants of their art pieces within the walls of a museum, but is that the best place for it?

Discuss why you think this occurs. Is it down to lack of technological understanding on the part of clients or stakeholders? Is it the dreaded scope creep as stakeholders discover they can have more than they first envisioned through the design and prototyping stages?

Requirements gathering – As simple as it seems?

From initial discussions to the eventual end product, requirements can shift tremendously. The scope of a project can go from 0 to 100 in very short order.

Discuss why you think this occurs. Is it down to lack of technological understanding on the part of clients or stakeholders? Is it the dreaded scope creep as stakeholders discover they can have more than they first envisioned through the design and prototyping stages? Communication deficiencies? How does a software engineer (or their team) account for or mitigate the possibility of expanded scope in the midst of design and development? What happens if they don’t?

How would you create a preliminary architectural design for the first prototype for a mobile app that lets you create and save a shopping list on your device? Where would you get the historic date needed to estimate the development time for the user stories in a prototype before it is written?

Acceptance Criteria & Agility

Part 1

Textbook assignment (may be slightly altered from book):

3.1. Read the “Manifesto of Agile Software Development” [Bec01] noted at the beginning of this chapter. Can you think of a situation in which one or more of the four “values” could get a software team into trouble?

3.2. Describe agility (for software projects) in your own words.

3.7. Write a user story that describes the “favorite places” or “favorites” feature available on most Web browsers.

Part 2

Textbook assignment (may be slightly altered from book):

4.2. Write the acceptance criteria for the user story that describe the use of the “favorite places” or “favorites” feature found on most Web browsers that you wrote for Problem 3.7 in Chapter 3.

4.3. How would you create a preliminary architectural design for the first prototype for a mobile app that lets you create and save a shopping list on your device?

4.4. Where would you get the historic date needed to estimate the development time for the user stories in a prototype before it is written?

4.5. Create a series of sketches representing the key screens for a paper prototype for the shopping list app you created in Problem 4.3 (Visio can be used for this or create them by hand then scan or photograph to insert into the document).

4.6. How can you test the viability of the paper prototype you created for Problem 4.5?

4.7. What data points are needed to make the go, no-go decision during the assessment of an evolutionary prototype?

Develop a holistic communications strategy to promote and protect Bitdeer’s value and position through engagement with multiple actors across several possible scenarios.

Investment relationship proposal

Our Recommended Approach

FTI will work with Bitdeer and its external advisors to:
Develop a holistic communications strategy to promote and protect Bitdeer’s value and position through engagement with multiple actors across several possible scenarios.

Develop an overarching narrative, messaging, and content to distinguish Bitdeer from the broader digital asset and mining industry.

Develop and be prepared to execute tactical programs and protocols for engagement with key stakeholders, including regulators, legislators, reporters, and market observers.

Provide ongoing counsel to manage and mitigate emerging political risk arising from heightened scrutiny of the wider industry, digital assets, international trade, or SPACs.

We will develop a comprehensive communications playbook to surface potential risks, identify key drivers, develop strategy, and map tactics to prepare for engagement. This includes messaging and narrative development, landscape risk and scenario planning, third party mapping, and preparing an actionable media strategy.

Concurrently, we will provide ongoing strategic support to communicate Bitdeer’s value and market positioning to a key political, policy, and financial audiences. We will provide media relations, political intelligence, and civic and government affairs engagement.

Who is your round character and what makes this character round? Who is your dynamic character, and what makes this character dynamic? Who is your flat character and what makes this character flat?

Lit Studies

Characterization Narrative/Short Story
Your assignment will be to create a 600850 word narrative/short story that focuses on using the elements of characterization. Although other characteristics of the short story (theme, plot, setting, conflict, etc.) will not be required, they will help with the development of your own original characters.
You will need to use at least 2 characters in the story: one flat/static and one round/dynamic. You may base this character on yourself, a friend, a compilation of people you know, etc. However, you may NOT use a character that has already been created in another piece of fiction/nonfiction. Be creative and have funpossibilities for characters are endless!

First, decide on a genreDo you want your character to be part of a science fiction, romcom, fantasy, drama,coming of age, adventure, etc.

Next, complete the character chart for two of the characters you will use in your story (attached to this assignment). This graphic organizer will be worth 10 points and will fall under the Unit 2 Assumptive Assessment.

After completing the Character Development graphic organizer, work in conjunction with the plot line graphic organizer (attached to this assignment) to frame your story. You will not need to hit all parts of the plot outline, but each may help shape your story and allow for your audience to really understand your characters. The plot outline will NOT be collected or considered as part of your grade.

Specifically, you will need to use the following to create your characters:
1 round/dynamic character (changes within the story)
1 flat/static character (does not change within the story)
5 instances of direct characterization (total)
8 instances of indirect characterization (total). Each instance of Indirect Characterization should be used at least once in order to get a 10/10 on this part (see attached rubric)

Some use of dialogue
Some sort of central conflict (man v man, himself, nature, fate, technology, society, etc.) Story should be typed,doublespaced, and written in Times New Roman Twelve Point Font. Story will also
need to be submitted to both Google Classroom and (instructions will be given in a later post.)

**Although this story will only reflect 60 points (10pts graphic organizer, 50pts for the story/rubric), this project will be worth 25% of your final Lit Studies grade.

Along with your written portion, you will need to complete and/or answer the following, then copy and paste #14 after the end of your story

1. Who is your round character and what makes this character round?
2. Who is your dynamic character, and what makes this character dynamic?
3. Who is your flat character and what makes this character flat?
4. Who is your static character and what makes this character static?
5. In your story/document, highlight in yellow the 3 examples of direct characterization.
6. In your story/document, highlight in green your 5 instances of indirect characterization.
7. After each instance of indirect characterization, label (in parenthesis) the type of indirect characterization you used and what it tells the reader about that character.

Are there two or more substantial views on the issue? Is there a meaningful action step you can use? For example, Texting and Driving is a poor topic because it is already illegal in Ohio.


In addition to the skills in the previous speeches, this speech emphasizes the effective use of argumentation.

As you consider topics, ask these two questions:

  1. ) Are there two or more substantial views on the issue?  For example, Organ Donation and Wear Seat Belts are not good topics because there is no substantial opposition.
  2. ) Is there a meaningful action step you can use?  For example, Texting and Driving is a poor topic because it is already illegal in Ohio.

A good way to find a topic is to look at current issues in the news. For example: Minimum Wage, How to Deal with the Heroin Epidemic, Voter Suppression, Immigration Reform, Rights of Unions, Sex Education in public schools, How to make College More Affordable, Humane Treatment of Farm Animals, Income Inequality, Changing from Electoral College to Popular Vote for US President, Rights of Same-Sex couples to Adopt, US involvement in the war in Ukraine, and Fracking.

News and government web sites are good places to look for topic ideas. Closely look at several possible topics to help you select one that you are confident about.

Present your position on a current health-care issue in a one-page paper, following the assignment guidelines below. Select your issue topic from newspapers, national news magazine articles, professional journals, or professional association literature.

Nursing Question

A position paper is a document you could present to a legislator to seek support for an issue you endorse. Present your position on a current health-care issue in a one-page paper, following the assignment guidelines below. You can select your issue topic from newspapers, national news magazine articles, professional journals, or professional association literature.

Your position paper should:

  • Be quickly and easily understood.
  • Be succinct and clear.
  • Appear very professional with the legislator’s name and title on top and your name and your credentials at the bottom.
  • Condense essential information in one, single-spaced page, excluding the title and reference list pages.
  • Be written using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and APA format.
  • Clearly describe the issue that you are addressing in the opening paragraph.
  • Include 3–4 bullet points regarding why you are seeking the legislator’s vote, support, or opposition. Bullet points should be clear and concise but not repetitive and should reflect current literature that substantiates your position.
  • Summarize the implications for the nursing profession and/or patients.
  • Conclude with two recommendations that you wish to see happen related to your issue, such as a vote for or against, a change in policy, or the introduction of new legislation.
  • Use current APA Style, correct grammar, and references as appropriate.

The literature you cite must be from peer-reviewed journals and primary source information.

After learning about tort laws in this module, address the following questions: How are tort laws helpful in protecting against invasion of privacy? What limitations do internet torts have? How can people protect against these limitations?

Discussion: Principles of Tort Law

After learning about tort laws in this module, address the following questions: How are tort laws helpful in protecting against invasion of privacy? What limitations do internet torts have? How can people protect against these limitations? Include an example that illustrates the difference between internet torts and traditional torts.