
Identify the target market and market segmentation for Pretty Little Thing

Identify the target market and market segmentation for Pretty Little Thing
Develop two customer personas for Pretty Little Thing
Propose a digital marketing campaign (which must include social media). Apply the RACE framework as part of this for Pretty Little Thing
As part of your proposal, specify a set of objectives you want to achieve for Pretty Little Thing
Summarise the traffic-building metrics and performance evaluation mechanisms you plan to incorporate into your digital marketing for Pretty Little Thing

What is the conception of substance crucial to modern philosophers? Explain the different theories of substance in Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz.

1. Explain the core beliefs of rationalism and empiricism, two major intellectual camps in Modern philosophy.

2. What is the conception of substance crucial to modern philosophers? Explain the different theories of substance in Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz.

3. Analyze Spinoza’s and Leibniz’s treatment of freedom in light of the idea of mechanical determinism. Present their arguments and critically assess them.

4. Explain Locke’s representational realism and Berkeley’s idealism. Berkeley thinks his idealism is closer to common sense and a better defense against skepticism than Locke’s theory. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

5. Is it possible to infer that there is a supreme deity behind the universe as its cause? Discuss two or more modern philosopher’s notions of God and critically assess them.

6. Explain what Descartes, Locke and Hume have to say about our knowledge of ourselves. Compare their theories of the nature of personal identity, and evaluate them.

Explain the difference between knowledge and opinion for Socrates as illustrated in the Meno and the Republic.

What is Wisdom?

In a 3-4 page essay, address/discuss the following:

* Define “dialectic” and discuss how Socratic dialogue differs from other conversations.

* Illustrate your understanding with examples of some specific beliefs one might examine via the Socratic Method.

* Explain the difference between knowledge and opinion for Socrates as illustrated in the Meno and the Republic.

* Explore your own response to the question of whether human beings can ever know the truth for certain. Can we ever achieve perfect wisdom about the kinds of ideas philosophers explore? Why or why not?

Abraham Lincoln had the greatest impact of any individual in advancing the position of African Americans in the USA, how valid is this view of the years 1776-1877?

Abraham Lincoln had the greatest impact of any individual in advancing the position of African Americans in the USA, how valid is this view of the years 1776-1877?

Discuss how to use digital devices in a day.

Discuss how to use digital devices in a day.

Explain how the Freedom Rides, the Birmingham Campaign, and the Selma-to Montgomery march became a crucial turning points in the civil rights struggles of the 1960s?

1. What factors explain the growing tensions between SNCC and SCLC and the increasing criticisms of Martin Luther King, Jr. by SNCC workers?

2. Explain how the Freedom Rides, the Birmingham Campaign, and the Selma-to Montgomery march became a crucial turning points in the civil rights struggles of the 1960s?

3. How successful were Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. in providing ideological and tactical guidance for the mass protests of the 1960s?

4. What was the purpose of the March on Washington? Did it achieve its goals?

5. Explain the emergence of and sudden popularity of the “Black Power” slogan

Discuss Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism Book Review.

Discuss Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism Book Review.