
Calculate the weight average molecular weight for a thermoplastic that has the following weight fractions for the molecular weight ranges listed.

1.Calculate the weight average molecular weight for a thermoplastic that has the following weight fractions for the molecular weight ranges listed.Hint: consult pages17and 18 of lecture file 210426.Molecular Weight Range(g/mol)Weight FractionMolecular Weight Range(g/mol)Weight Fraction0 5,0000.0120,000 25,0000.195,000 10,0000.0425,000 30,0000.2110,000 15,0000.1630,000 35,0000.1515,000 20,0000.1735,000 40,0000.072.The average molecular weight of a random poly(isobutyleneisoprene) copolymer is known to be 77,630 g/mol with a degree of polymerization of 1250.

(a) Determine the number fraction of each of the two components. (b) Which type(s) of copolymer(s) will this copolymer be, considering the following possibilities: random, alternating, graft, and block? Why?

3.Compute the weight percentsulfur that must be added to completely crosslink an alternating acrylonitrilebutadiene copolymer, assuming that four sulfur atoms participate in each crosslink.

4.A polymer material, subjected to a constant strain of 0.5, undergoes stress relaxation from 3.5 MPa to 0.5 MPa in 30 seconds. What is its modulus of elasticity at 10 second?

5.Consider a unidirectional Kevlar 49fiberepoxy composite material containing 63 percent by volume of Kevlar 49 fibers. Calculate

(a) density,

b) modulus of elasticity under isostrain condition, and

(c) modulus of elasticity under isostress condition.MaterialDensity (g/cm3)Modulus of Elasticity (GPa)Kevlar 491.44207Epoxy Resin1.204.50

6.A unidirectional carbonfiberepoxyresin composite contains 65 percent by volume of carbon fiber and 35 percent epoxy resin. Calculate for the composite

(a) the average density,

(b) the weight percentages of carbon fibers and epoxy,

(c) the maximum possible tensile modulus of elasticity,

(d) the minimum tensile modulus of elasticity,

(e) the maximum tensile strength, and

(f) the fraction of the tensile load carried by the carbon fibers.MaterialDensity (g/cm3)Modulus of Elasticity (GPa)Tensile Strength (MPa)Carbon Fiber1.793402140Epoxy Resin1.204.5064

Explain what Nietzsche takes to be the basis of social rules and morality.

Nietzsche explores the idea of Bad Conscience and sees it as limiting our power. Specifically, he connects the idea to promise-keeping and promise-breaking, to punishment, and to cultural institutions. Write an essay in which you:
1. Explain what Nietzsche takes to be the basis of social rules and morality.
2. Construct and defend an interpretation of the text that connects Bad Conscience to
Ressentiment, showing the relation between them.
3. Explain what Nietzsche refers to as the Bad Conscience, and how it relates to power in
the individual case and in the case of a morality based on Bad Conscience. (What kind of
morality would this be, a morality based on Bad Conscience?)
4. Do you agree with Nietzsche’s claims about a morality based on bad conscience
(specifically regarding the drawbacks of such a system)? Explain what you think the view gets right, and what it gets wrong. Include an argument in favor of your own position, or against Nietzsche’s.

Discuss Covid-19 or other disease which can use  code to apply.

Discuss Covid-19 or other disease which can use  code to apply.

Penal supervision can help and can hold people, but it also hurts them, their families and their communities’. Critically assess this claim.

Penal supervision can help and can hold people, but it also hurts them, their families and their communities’. Critically assess this claim.

Develop a business proposal persuading the senior management of your organization to initiate a change in processes, procedures, products, people, or structure based on events currently happening in your company.

Develop a business proposal persuading the senior management of your organization to initiate a change in processes, procedures, products, people,

or structure based on events currently happening in your company. You may use experience with a past company if applicable.


What was the Mexican Porfiriato? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?

1) What was the Mexican Porfiriato? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?

2) What particular form did corporatism assume in Mexico? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?

3) What particular form did corporatism assume in Brazil? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?

4) What was the significance of the military dictatorship in Brazil? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?

5) What particular form did corporatism assume in Argentina? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?

6) What particular form did corporatism assume in Chile? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?

7) What was the significance of the military dictatorship in Chile? What were the causes and consequences of its rise and decline?

8) What was the significance of the Cuban Revolution (1956–1959)? What were its causes and consequences (to 1990)?

9) What were the chief characteristics of the military dictatorships in Brazil and Chile, and what were the main consequences of the rise and decline of these regimes for each country, both generally and with special regard to the particular forms of corporatism that each of these regimes had inherited at the beginning of their rules?

10) What were the chief characteristics of the military dictatorships in Argentina and Chile, and what were the main consequences of the rise and decline of these regimes for each country, both generally and with special regard to the particular forms of corporatism that each of these regimes had inherited at the beginning of their rules?

Discuss the Law of contracts.

Discuss the Law of contracts.

Examine the relationship between normality and the monster in the American horror film.

Using Robin Wood’s theory on the subject and with detailed reference to Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968), examine the relationship between normality and the monster in the American horror film.

Discuss how far sociologists would agree that women are less likely to commit crime than men.

Discuss how far sociologists would agree that women are less likely to commit crime than men.

What amendments to the functioning of international investment law would enhance its legitimacy?

What amendments to the functioning of international investment law would enhance its legitimacy? Critically discuss with reference to two or more examples discussed in the module.