
Explain what motivated the European world powers to explore the Americas. Describe the economic effects of exploration based on the Colombian exchange. Analyze the effects of exploration on Native Americans.

HIST405N Case Study

Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic:

Option 1: Exploration and Effects on Native Americans

  • Explain what motivated the European world powers to explore the Americas.
  • Describe the economic effects of exploration based on the Colombian exchange.
  • Analyze the effects of exploration on Native Americans.
  • Based on research, analyze if Europeans might be held accountable for transmitting Old World diseases to people in the Western Hemisphere.

Option 2: Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude

  • Explain how and why slavery developed in the American colonies.
  • Describe in what ways the practice of slavery was different between each colonial region in British North America.
  • Analyze the differences between slaves and indentured servants.

Option 3: Women in Colonial America

  • Pick two colonies (New England, Middle, or Southern colonies) and explain how women’s roles differ in the two colonies of your choice.
  • Describe what legal rights women held during the colonial period.
  • Analyze how Native women’s lives were different from colonial women’s lives.

Make sure to use your course text and incorporate an additional scholarly source from the Chamberlain Library in your response.

What went wrong in the auditor’s risk assessment procedures? Which of the three methods for substantively testing the estimate did the auditor choose? What could or should the auditor have done differently?

Auditing accounting estimates

Read the Case 7.1 Ligand Pharmaceuticals in the Knapp casebook. you will find it in the book. page 433-338

Prepare and submit a 2-3 page paper analyzing the Ligand Pharmaceuticals case.

  • What went wrong in the auditor’s risk assessment procedures?
  • Which of the three methods for substantively testing the estimate did the auditor choose?
  • What could or should the auditor have done differently?

The standard should be used for this case + reading that on the attachment

  1. PCAOB AS 2501: Auditing Accounting Estimates, including Fair Value Measurements
  2. AICPA Statement on Auditing Standards No. 14

Explain the meaning of cost objects, direct cOsts, and indirect costs (provide example). Describe the difference between a fixed cost and variable costs (provide example). Explain the role of direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead in a company.

Week 2 Assignment

Read the Chapter 2 of your Cornerstones of managerial Accounting 6th ed. and write a 700 word essay that covers the following:

  • Explain the meaning of cost objects, direct cOsts, and indirect costs (provide example).
  • Describe the difference between a fixed cost and variable costs (provide example).
  • Explain the role of direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead in a company.
  • Describe the role of period, selling, and administrative costs.

Describe the three key elements of motivation. How are motivational theories culturally bound? In what ways can employees be motivated through changing the work environment?

Motivation Concept

Answer the following questions in detail and provide examples whenever possible.

1. Describe the three key elements of motivation.

2. How are motivational theories culturally bound?

3. In what ways can employees be motivated through changing the work environment?

4. Define employee involvement and participation and identify the two major forms of employee involvement.

5.Can motivational theories be applied across cultures?

What are organometallic compounds? What are current organometallic compounds approved by the FDA for treating cancer? Why are ferrocene derivatives or analogs needed? What advantages would these ferrocene molecules present to the metal-based drugs?

Week 9 — Literature Search Questions (Virtual Session)

Main Goals

  1. Establish proper literature search to explore ferrocene compounds and their usage.
  2. Provide a list of associated socioeconomic and safety regulations.
  3. Design potential instrumental approaches for the chemical analyses of ferrocene analogies.

Ferrocene Questionnaire
To get a pass for this activity, students’ groups will be required to discuss their findings when asked at the end of the session. It is common to regroup students for 30 minutes and request from them to demonstrate their findings and the resources they utilized. (No notebook pages are required as the OneNote is used, and a record of the work is saved.)

1. What are organometallic compounds?

2. What are current organometallic compounds approved by the FDA for treating cancer?

3. Why are ferrocene derivatives or analogs needed?

4. What advantages would these ferrocene molecules present to the metal-based drugs?

5. Why are we focusing on the investigation of well-known ferrocene standards in this research project?

6. What technique(s) do you recommend for investigating solubility of ferrocene analogs? What results do you expect to see?

7. What technique(s) do you recommend for investigating the purity of ferrocene analogs? What results do you expect to see?

8. What technique(s) do you recommend for investigating the structure of the ferrocene analogs? What results do you expect to see?

9. In what ways do ferrocene compounds have socioeconomic relevance?

10. Share a list of your literature sources.

What criteria should be considered when making the decisions? How will the decisions made influence the production process performance? Summarize key points from the supply chain decision-making analysis.

MGMT465 Unit 2 Individual Project

The ability of a supply chain to collaborate cross-functionally to manage materials, production, packaging, and transportation effectively is imperative to today’s supply chain operation. Supply chain managers need to practice thoughtful decision making during production planning to achieve its goals.

Complete a supply chain decision-making analysis of a given supply chain production problem. Create an infographic in PowerPoint, showing the decisions that you would recommend to resolve the problem and how each decision resolves.

Use this template to complete the assignment: Unit 2 template. Complete the following:

  • Introduce the practice of decision making in a supply chain operation, including the types of decisions required to manage a supply chain effectively.
  • Assess the given supply chain production problem, and create an infographic slide that includes how each recommended decision contributes to resolving the production problem.
  • Examine a given supply chain production decision.
  • Assess how making a different decision would improve the production process. Consider the following:
    • What criteria should be considered when making the decisions?
    • How will the decisions made influence the production process performance?
    • Summarize key points from the supply chain decision-making analysis.

Watch one or both of the following videos on how to create an infographic:

What is the mathematical equation for the electric force between two charges? Identify each variable. Describe the direction of the electric force between two opposite charges, between two like charges, and when a charge is in an electric field.

Physics Electricity and Magnetism

Question 1 (4 points)

a. Make a drawing of the electric field lines around a positive charge, then make a second drawing of the electric field lines around a negative charge. (1 point)

b. What is the mathematical equation for the electric force between two charges? Identify each variable. (1 point)

c. Describe the direction of the electric force between two opposite charges, between two like charges, and when a charge is in an electric field. (1 point)

d. A metal sphere is neutral because it has an equal number of protons and electrons. Draw how the charges in the sphere are redistributed when a negatively charged rod is brought near it. (1 point)

A metal sphere is neutral because it has an equal number of protons and electrons. Draw how the charges in the sphere are redistributed when a negatively charged rod is brought near it


Question 2 (3 points)

a. Describe how electric potential energy, kinetic energy, and work change when two charges of opposite sign are placed near each other. (1 point)

b. Complete the table to show the effect of each change on each electric quantity. (1 point)

Change Effect on electric
Effect on electric
potential energy
Effect on potential
Multiply one
charge by 2
distance by 2

c. What is the mathematical equation for capacitance? Identify each variable. (1 point)

Question 3 (4 points)

a. What is the mathematical equation for Ohm’s law? Identify each variable. (1 point)

b. What is the potential difference across a 15 Ω resistor that has a current of 3.0 A? (1 point)

c. Review quantities associated with electric circuits by completing the table. (1 point)

Symbol Units (full name
and abbreviation)
Potential difference

d. Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph to correctly identify the conductive properties of materials. (1 point)

A metal such as copper is a(n) _______________ because it provides a pathway for electric charges to move easily. A material such as rubber is a(n) _______________ because it _______________ the flow of electric charges. A material that partially conducts electric current is a(n) _______________. These materials include _______________ elements.


Question 4 (3 points)

a. Review the properties of meters used in electric circuits by placing an X in the correct column. (1 point)

Ammeter Voltmeter
Measures current
Measures potential difference
Connected in parallel
Connected in series
Measurement expressed in amperes
Measurement expressed in volts
Measures the amount of charge
per second passing through
Measures the change in energy per
unit charge between two points

b. Write a few sentences comparing three different kinds of circuits: complete, open, and short circuits.

c. Describe how fuses and circuit breakers protect against electrocution and household fires. How do you restore a broken circuit after the problem has been corrected? (1 point)

Question 5 (4 points)

a. Examine the lightbulbs in the circuit below. Write a sentence explaining what would happen if lightbulb A burned out. Repeat this for lightbulbs B, C, and D. (1 point)

Image of two metal spheres of which one is charged and the charged rod is brought near the uncharged sphere

b. What is the equivalent resistance if you connect three 10.0 Ω resistors in series? (1 point)

c. What is the equivalent resistance if you connect three 10.0 Ω resistors in parallel? (1 point)

d. Calculate the current in each 10.0 Ω resistor in the series circuit and in the parallel circuit if the power supply is 60.0 V. (1 point)

Question 6 (3 points)

a. What are the ends of a magnet called? Describe the forces that occur when two magnets are brought close together. (1 point)

b. Draw a bar magnet, label its poles, and draw the magnetic field lines around it. (1 point)

c. Explain what happens when you cut a magnet in half. (1 point)

Question 7 (4 points)

a. Compare permanent magnetism, induced magnetism, and electromagnetism. (1 point)

b. Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph to correctly identify the properties of devices that use electromagnetism. (1 point)

A(n) ____________________ changes mechanical energy into ____________________. A(n) ____________________ changes electric energy into ____________________. A(n) ____________________ changes the voltage of an alternating current. A(n) ____________________ transformer has more loops in the primary coil than in the secondary coil. A(n) ____________________ transformer has ____________________ loops in the primary coil than in the secondary coil.

c. Describe how to use right-hand rules to relate the directions of magnetic fields, currents, moving charges, and forces. (1 point)

d. What is the mathematical equation for calculating the force on a charged particle moving through a magnetic field? Identify each variable. (1 point)

Explain the Impact of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Business.

Leadership and Organizational Culture

Explain the Impact of Leadership and Organizational Culture in Business.

Identify a trending issue related to this course from the latest SIOP top 10 trends list, or you may consider a theme that was a hot topic from the most recent SIOP conference (either from your experience of attending the conference or by looking at the searchable conference program).

Trending Issues

Identify a trending issue related to this course from the latest SIOP top 10 trends list, or you may consider a theme that was a hot topic from the most recent SIOP conference (either from your experience of attending the conference or by looking at the searchable conference program).

Looking through the lens of an I-O consultant, if someone in the media wanted to interview you about this trending issue, what would you say? Now that you are an expert, give your professional opinion about how it is relevant for selection, the state of research in this area, and consider any unanswered questions that would be important to study in a future SIOP conference.

Explain how long-run adjustments affect perfectly competitive, monopoly, and monopolistically competitive firms; discuss the ramifications of each of these market structures on social welfare. Decide whether a firm making short-run losses should continue to operate or shut down its operations.

Competitive Managing

As we continue on the topic of Managing in Competitive, Monopolistic, and Monopolistically Competitive Markets, please share your observations and takeaways of this week’s learning objectives as they relate to nursing role. Your initial post should comprise a minimum of 250 words supported by at least two (2) scholarly peer-reviewed references

Use this point to elaborate.

  • Explain how long-run adjustments affect perfectly competitive, monopoly, and monopolistically competitive firms; discuss the ramifications of each of these market structures on social welfare.
  • Decide whether a firm making short-run losses should continue to operate or shut down its operations.
  • Illustrate the relationship between marginal cost, a competitive firm’s short-run supply curve, and the competitive industry supply; explain why supply curves do not exist for firms that have market power.
  • Calculate the optimal output of a firm that operates two plants and the optimal level of advertising for a firm that enjoys market power.