
Compare and contrast the roles and social status of women in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

Compare and contrast the roles and social status of women in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

Discuss the role of the nurse in promoting health and preventing ill health.

Discuss the role of the nurse in promoting health and preventing ill health.

Explain the three theories of cash holdings including: trade-off theory,pecking ordertheory and agency conflicttheory.

Explain the three theories of cash holdings including: tradeoff theory,pecking ordertheory and agency conflicttheory. (30 marks)

b)Based on the empirical evidence in Faulkender and Wang (2006) and

Dittmar and MahrtSmith (2007), discuss the relationship between the value of cash holdings andcorporate characteristics, including corporate leverage, cash reserves, financial constraintsand the quality of corporate governance.(70 marks)Total: 100 marks

Question 2a)What is a credit rating game model? What does the credit rating game model imply about the quality of credit rating?(40 marks)

b)Discuss how CRAs can monitor and discipline corporate managers with their credit watch procedure. Your discussion should be supported by the theory of credit watch in Boot et al. (2006)and the empirical evidence in Bannier and Hirsch (2010).(60 marks)Total: 100 marks

SECTION BAnswer ONEquestion from this Section

Question 3a)Dreamline Company is a leading firm in the heavy machines sector, manufacturing plants for both corporate entities and the government. Following a successful government policy, Dreamline is in line to win a big contract to manufacture plants for waste recycling across the country. The company’s most recent revenue is £2 million per year; this revenue will potentially increase by 20% or decrease by 25% depending on the outcome of the bid for the contract. There is an equal probability of the revenue increase or decrease. It will also cost £1.6 million annually to run the plants. However, Dreamline has the option to sell the plants to another company for £5 million. The cost of capital is10%.i.Find the value of the plant given the embedded option to sell theplant.ii.Assume that Dreamline is not able to sell the plant, but it is able to shut down the plant at no cost at any time. What is the value of the option to abandon production?iii.Assume that it will cost the firm £1 million to shut down the plant, but it is able to sell the plant for £5 million at any time. Determine the value of the option to sell the plant.iv.Draw a decision treeassuming Dreamline is not able to sell the plant, but it is able to shut down the plant at no cost at anytime. (60 marks)b)“A complete contract would completely specify every action of every party to the contract in every state of the world”. However, most realworld contracts tend to be incomplete. Identify and explain four (4) consequences of incomplete contracts. (40 marks)Total: 100 marks

Question 4a)You are a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a Boutique Fashion firm that is ready to enter the leather bagsbusiness.Despitethecoronaviruspandemic,demandforfashionproductsseemstoberisingand you believe that it is right today to enter the business. You also believe that exactly a year from now wouldalsobeagoodopportunitybecauseofthemassvaccinationtocontainthepandemic.Itwillcost you £35.2 million to enter the market. You can construct a perfectly comparable company to mimic existing public companies in this sector of the fashion industry. Hence, you have decided to use the BlackScholes formula to decide when and if you should enter theleatherbagsbusiness.Your analysis implies thatthecurrentvalueofanoperatingleatherbags companyis£40.4million.However,the flow of customers is uncertain, and your analysis indicates a volatility of 25% per year. Twenty percent of the value of the company is attributable to the value of the free cash flows expected in the first year. If the oneyear riskfree rate of interest is4.1%:i.Should the Boutique Fashion firm enter this business and, if so,when?ii.How will the decision change if the current value of a leather bag company is £35.6 million instead of £40.4million? (40 marks)b)Asymmetric information in markets arises where different market participants have different information. Using appropriate examples, discuss the implications of the following concepts:i.adverse selection ii.moral hazard iii.winner’s curse

 Evaluate the implementation of initiates that prevents, omeliorate or control risks to health and wellbeing at a community level within the north east of england.

1500 word report critically explore and evaluate the agencies who implement public health interventions in specific geographical area (north east England),

Evaluate the implementation of initiates that prevents, omeliorate or control risks to health and wellbeing at a community level within the north east of england.
Appraise the rold of the NHS, local government, and third sector agencies within the identification of and implementation of public health needs.

Critically reflect on how environmental changes have impacted on modern organizational design and the management function.

Critically reflect on how environmental changes have impacted on modern organizational design and the management function.

Explain the reason behind the importance of ensuring the correct recruitment of staff

Explain the reason behind the importance of ensuring the correct recruitment of staff

Carry out some market research in your area in order to ascertain the following

The demand for children
The current competition
The different types of provision available

Produce a marketing campaign which includes the proposed budget, how it will be spent and what you hope to achieve

Explain the importance of effective advertising and how this can be monitored

Critically analyse and discuss existing literature and contemporary HR practices

To undertake a systematic analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative information with the aim to analyse the practices of human resource management and its impact on employee engagement and retention.

Problem Statement:
Employees engagement and retention has emerged as one of the crucial business priorities for the management and HR Practitioner’s in the present rapid changing economy.
Engaged employees are able to support an organisation to overcome sudden changes in the wave of an economy with their outstanding performance, innovativeness and ability to transform crisis into opportunity. Therefore, owing to the competition for scarce skills, the retention of quality employees has emerged as the biggest challenge in human capital management.
In that pursuit, HR practices play a crucial role as a centre of business entity that manages not only recruitment and selection but also responsible for employee performance, engagement and retention.

The Key Research Parameters to consider are:
1) Critically analyse and discuss existing literature and contemporary HR practices (Three research articles are provided to comprehend the literature for your references)
2) Evaluate and select appropriate theories/frameworks based on the given theme
3) Undertake a systematic analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative information and present how HR practices mediate relationship between employee engagement and retention (Raw data provided see appendix 1)

The Tasks
The following tasks should be carried out to complete the research report
According to CIPD survey (2017) it is difficult to retain staff and the difficulties are rising years after year. According to the report about 4/5th of the organisations in UK had the challenges in retaining their staff.
HR practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, compensation and rewards were identified to understand their impact on employee engagement and retention
1) Critically analyse at least two HR practices from the given data to establish how the chosen HR practices mediates relationship between employee engagement and retention.
2) Draw realistic and appropriate conclusions and make recommendations supported by relevant literature and secondary research

Task Considerations
• Few research articles provided for your consideration related to the above themes.
• However, you are encouraged to do detailed desk research and explore sufficiently more of relevant and up-to-date academic literature and published research.
• Your research report should be based on analysis of a robust desk research/secondary data only
• You should develop and present a well-structured persuasive business report which would be based on logical development of arguments.
• You should also provide a clear reference list. It should contain all the published sources referred to in the report. The citation and the reference list should conform to Harvard convention.
• Your work should demonstrate the knowledge, understanding and critical discussion appropriate for level 6 studies.

• The report should include a discussion on the limitations of the data provided

Recognise how and why communication may need to be adapted to meet differing abilities and preferences.

Understand the importance of effective non-verbal communication.
2. Demonstrate appropriate verbal communication to encourage a therapeutic relationship.
3. Recognise how and why communication may need to be adapted to meet differing abilities and preferences.
4. Understand the significance of an appropriate attitude and approach when working with individuals and groups

Is the leadership of Mark Zuckerberg lead to success of Facebook?

The real world of management – Is the leadership of Mark Zuckerberg lead to success of Facebook?

Provide an explanation and examples of how you see one’s beliefs are displayed in actions in our sphere of influence. What philosophy is being displayed? How does this align with Scripture?

Write a 300-word post (not counting references) that addresses the prompt below.Create a clear title for your post and be APA compliant with references.

Epistemology answers the question, “What is true?” Chapter 1 of Driscoll emphasized that what educators believe to be true is reflected within the curriculum and how one teaches. For example, Idealists believe that knowledge consists of only ideas and so as educators we should develop the mind. Realists believe that knowledge can be seen and touched so educators provide hands on experience. Pragmatists believe reality cannot be known directly, so we examine what works. After reading chapter 1 and possibly further research (suggested reading by Knight), provide an explanation and examples of how you see one’s beliefs are displayed in actions in our sphere of influence. What philosophy is being displayed? How does this align with Scripture?