
Critically analyse and compare the movements of Expressionism and Abstract Expressionism in the works of Franz Mark and Jackson Pollok. In a Word file consisting of 1200 words, and then create a PowerPoint file explaining the solution in a brief manner.

Art Question

Critically analyse and compare the movements of Expressionism and Abstract Expressionism in the works of Franz Mark and Jackson Pollok. In a Word file consisting of 1200 words,  and then create a PowerPoint file explaining the solution in a brief manner.

While you are primarily addressing the topic selected, discuss or expand on a topic presented in the textbook, a case dealing with the subject, or a current event from the news or Internet, and present your viewpoint or perspective on that item as it relates to the issue present in your chosen topic.

Law Question

For this Module, choose from the following topics as the general subject of your paper:

  • Presumption of innocence
  • Ex post facto laws
  • Void-for-vagueness doctrine
  • Right to a jury trial

While you are primarily addressing the topic selected, discuss or expand on a topic presented in the textbook, a case dealing with the subject, or a current event from the news or Internet, and present your viewpoint or perspective on that item as it relates to the issue present in your chosen topic.

Reaction papers are a critical component of the conversation that will take place in this course. There will be a total of five different reaction papers throughout the course. Each of the five reaction papers will be approximately two pages in length. The text will be double-spaced and formatted using APA format. Students should clearly identify their topic and present their personal viewpoint or perspective; however, students must also present a factual basis for that viewpoint (as opposed to an opinion paper). All references supporting the factual basis must be properly cited to the original sources in accordance with APA guidelines.

What drug therapy would you prescribe? Why? What are the parameters for monitoring the success of the therapy? Discuss specific patient education based on the prescribed therapy.

Nursing : Dermatology

Initial Post

Answer the following questions and provide rationales with supporting evidence for your choices using APA formatting. Integrate two evidence-based resources to include clinical practice guidelines as well as the course textbook.

Jason Ferguson is a 15-year-old boy who weighs 110 pounds. Jason is seeking treatment for a very itchy rash consisting of linear streaks of papules, vesicles, as well as blisters on his arms, legs, and face. He tells you he was hiking in the woods two days ago on trails that were lined with patches of shiny weeds that had three leaves. He tried using calamine lotion and over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream but has had no relief from the itching.

Diagnosis: Contact Dermatitis (Poison Ivy)

  1. List specific goals of treatment for J. F.
  2. What drug therapy would you prescribe? Why?
  3. What are the parameters for monitoring the success of the therapy?
  4. Discuss specific patient education based on the prescribed therapy.
  5. List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would cause you to change therapy.
  6. What would be the choice for second-line therapy?
  7. What over-the-counter and alternative medications would be appropriate for J. F.?
  8. What lifestyle changes would you recommend to J. F.?
  9. Describe one or two drug–drug or drug–food interactions for the selected.

Summarize the article. Explain the ethical dilemma. Explain how each stakeholder is impacted by the ethical dilemma.

Discussion post

This is a discussion post for sport ethics class

Bring any article you want on : Media “sport media ” since its sport ethics classes

Follow this process for part one of the assignment:

  • Summarize the article.
  • Explain the ethical dilemma.
  • Explain how each stakeholder is impacted by the ethical dilemma.
  • Solution/Conclusion to the ethical dilemma

Review the Point-Counterpoint on page 95 regarding loyalty. Discuss your views on this debate. Include examples from your experience that support your arguments.

Employer-Employee Loyalty Is an Outdated Concept

Review the Point-Counterpoint on page 95 regarding loyalty. Discuss your views on this debate. Include examples from your experience that support your arguments. Include a title page and reference list (no abstract). Include citations and references.


What hypothesis was tested? How was it tested? Was the hypothesis supported or rejected? Who sponsored the research? What are some implications of this research? How to find out more information?

Article Analysis 1

For this first Article Analysis, you will be provided with 3 articles and you will need to pick one of them to analyze.

Here are the choices:


Analyze your article in an essay of 1000 words or fewer.  You need to address the following:

  • What hypothesis was tested?
  • How was it tested?
  • Was the hypothesis supported or rejected?
  • Who sponsored the research?
  • What are some implications of this research?
  • How to find out more information?

Recognize major historical events, theoretical perspectives and figures in psychology and their link to trends in current research.

Does it REALLY help?

Assignment Objectives:

  1. Recognize major historical events, theoretical perspectives and figures in psychology and their link to trends in current research.

Watch the following video, then read and follow the instructions below:


Functionalism is a school of thought that considers mental and behavioral structures to each serve a purpose. So, rather than looking at the structure of the mind, functionalists are primarily concerned with how each structure helps us adapt to our environment. For FIVE of the following mental constructs, clearly and logically describe a purpose served by the construct. For example: Color vision is useful because it allows us to more easily tell if fruit is ripe. Fruit is a main staple of our diet so this ability helps us (pre grocery store) to find food more easily.

  1. pain
  2. shyness
  3. love
  4. anger
  5. fear
  6. laughter
  7. socializing
  8. dreaming
  9. memory
  10. hunger

Explain an organizational or patient issue for which a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach would help achieve a specific improvement goal. Summarize an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to address an organizational or patient issue.


For this assessment you will create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment.

As a current or future nurse leader, you may be called upon to present to stakeholders and leadership about projects that you have been involved in or wish to implement. The ability to communicate a plan—and potential implications of not pursuing such a plan—to stakeholders effectively can be critically important in creating awareness and buy-in, as well as building your personal and professional brand in your organization. It is equally important that you know how to create compelling presentations for others’ delivery and ensure that they convey the same content you would deliver if you were the presenter.

You are encouraged to complete the Evidence-Based Practice: Basics and Guidelines activity before you develop the presentation. This activity consists of six questions that will create the opportunity to check your understanding of the fundamentals of evidence-based practice as well as ways to identify EBP in practice. The information gained from completing this formative will help promote success in the Stakeholder Presentation and demonstrate courseroom engagement—it requires just a few minutes of your time and is not graded.

Demonstration of Proficiency

Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
Explain how the interdisciplinary plan could be implemented and how the human and financial resources would be managed.

Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
Explain an organizational or patient issue for which a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach would help achieve a specific improvement goal.

Competency 3: Describe ways to incorporate evidence-based practice within an interdisciplinary team.
Summarize an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to address an organizational or patient issue.
Propose evidence-based criteria that could be used to evaluate the degree to which the project was successful in achieving the improvement goal.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed speaker notes are provided.
Organize content with clear purpose/goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years) with an APA formatted reference list with few errors.

Professional Context
This assessment will provide you with an opportunity to sharpen your ability to create a professional presentation to stakeholders. In this presentation, you will explain the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle and how it can be used to introduce the plan (P), implement the plan (D), study the effectiveness of the plan (S), and act on what is learned (A) to drive continuous improvement. By using this cycle, the stakeholders will have a tool and a proposal to expand on these ideas to drive workplace change and create improved processes to solve an interprofessional collaboration problem.

In addition to summarizing the key points of Assessments 2 and 3, you will provide stakeholders and/or leadership with an overview of project specifics as well as how success would be evaluated—you will essentially be presenting a discussion of the Plan, Do, and Study parts of the PDSA cycle. Again, you will not be expected to execute the project, so you will not have any results to study. However, by carefully examining the ways in which your plan could be carried out and evaluated, you will get some of the experience of the thinking required for PDSA.

When creating your PowerPoint for this assessment, it is important to keep in mind the target audience: your interviewee’s organizational leadership. The overall goal of this assessment is to create a presentation that your interviewee could potentially give in his or her organization.

Please follow the Capella Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX]. If you need technical information on using PowerPoint, refer to Capella University Library: PowerPoint Presentations.

Be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • Explain an organizational or patient issue for which a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach would help achieve a specific improvement goal.
  • Summarize an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to address an organizational or patient issue.
  • Explain how the interdisciplinary plan could be implemented and how the human and financial resources would be managed.
  • Propose evidence-based criteria that could be used to evaluate the degree to which the project was successful in achieving the improvement goal.

Communicate the PowerPoint presentation of the interdisciplinary improvement plan to stakeholders in a professional manner, with writing that is clear, logically organized, and respectful with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.

There are various ways to structure your presentation; following is one example:

Part 1: Organizational or Patient Issue.

  • What is the issue that you are trying to solve or improve?
  • Why should the audience care about solving it?

Part 2: Relevance of an Interdisciplinary Team Approach.

  • Why is using an interdisciplinary team relevant, or the best approach, to addressing the issue?
  • How will it help to achieve improved outcomes or reach a goal?

Part 3: Interdisciplinary Plan Summary.

  • What is the objective?
  • How likely is it to work?
  • What will the interdisciplinary team do?

Part 4: Implementation and Resource Management.

  • How could the plan be implemented to ensure effective use of resources?
  • How could the plan be managed to ensure that resources were not wasted?
  • How does the plan justify the resource expenditure?

Part 5: Evaluation.

  • What would a successful outcome of the project look like?
  • What are the criteria that could be used to measure that success?
  • How could this be used to show the degree of success?

Again, keep in mind that your audience for this presentation is a specific group (or groups) at your interviewee’s organization and tailor your language and messaging accordingly. Remember, also, that another person will ultimately be giving the presentation. Include thorough speaker’s notes that flesh out the bullet points on each slide.

How is your character first introduced and described? What do we know about them? What is their relationship to the poisoned woman, Emily Inglethorpe?

Critical Analysis

Character Analysis Activity
In a small group, please analyze your character based on the chapters we have read up to this point. Use the book for evidence–please don’t search online or read ahead. Please build out your character’s slide below. Be prepared to share what you find and discuss your character with the class. Prepare responses to the following:

1. How is your character first introduced and described? What do we know about them? Include a quote.
2. What is their relationship to the poisoned woman, Emily Inglethorpe?
3. What is this character’s role in the investigation into Mrs. Inglethorpe’s murder? Are they a suspect, a witness, etc.? What did they see or do?
4. What is your character’s status as of the chapter we’re in today?
5. What is one discussion question that you can pose to the rest of us about your character?

Craft an argument identifying the 2 best techniques employed (by any of the 3companies) to enhance environmental responsibility. Identify the technique from the case study narrative or videos that you believe to be the LEAST effective in having a positive impact on the environment and explain why.

Information Theory Case Study

Read the Case Study information and Watch the 3 videos below. As you watch the videos, consider the impact of “big data” on the environment and the responsibility of large online businesses to be socially responsible in terms of controlling both pollution and global warming. Using what you’ve learned, do the following:

A. Craft an argument identifying the 2 best techniques employed (by any of the 3companies) to enhance environmental responsibility. The 2 best techniques do not have to be from the same company.

B. Additionally, identify the technique from the case study narrative or videos that you believe to be the LEAST effective in having a positive impact on the environment and explain why.

C. Identify the company (of the 3 in this case study) that you believe to be most environmentally responsible and briefly explain why.