
Write in the template provided by the instructor and then develop a PowerPoint in relations with understanding the topics for this week. Write about all three topics per column in the K-W-L

Humanities Question

PowerPoint Presentation. Learning how to use PowerPoint is vital due to the business world of today. Technology has changed our dynamics into a dynasty of which you must become familiar in order to stay current with today’s trends.

  • You are to write in the template provided by the instructor and then develop a PowerPoint in relations with understanding the topics for this week.
  • Write about all three topics per column in the K-W-L

What have you learned from the film All the President’s Men? Why is it important to understand the Watergate scandal?

Political Science Question

Choose one of the following questions.

(1) What have you learned from the film All the President’s Men? Why is it important to understand the Watergate scandal?

(2) All the President’s Men follows the story of two Washington Post journalists who worked to uncover the Watergate scandal. Discuss the role of the media or journalism in American politics.

You can look it up inline if you never watched before also here is some more sources about watergate scandal.

Outline security operations program activities. Select three methods to monitor events and detect suspicious activity. Compare the relationship between security monitoring and incident response.

Security Operations Program

Scenario: After the security team investigation of the Petya ransomware attack, it is determined that several critical security patches were missing from the CFO’s computer that led to the infection. Furthermore, the ransomware spread across the network to other connected systems, including the servers that manage online credit card transactions and personal records of past and present students. Due to the nature and extent of the cyberattack, you decide to call on your computer security incident response team (CSIRT) to track down other infected systems, clean them up, and restore any lost data. While the CSIRT responds to the threat, the chief technology officer (CTO) emails you asking for details of the tools the incident response team will be using and what other mechanisms should have been in place to detect the cyberattack.

As you are preparing a response to the CTO, the CSIRT team lead comes to your office and informs you that they have evidence that someone extracted personal information of staff members and students during the ransomware attack. You immediately contact your on-call security vendor to conduct a digital forensics investigation. As part of the communication and planning to address these issues, you decide to create some guidance.

Part 1

Using the Wk 5 Assignment Template, create a 2- to 3-page security operations program outline in which you:

  • Outline security operations program activities.
  • Select three methods to monitor events and detect suspicious activity.
  • Compare the relationship between security monitoring and incident response.

Part 2

Write a 1- to 2-page email response to the CFO and CTO in which you:

  • Select five incident response tools.
  • Outline event monitoring and detection, stating the purpose of each.
  • Explain response and recovery, and describe their importance from your current perspective.
  • Frame a digital forensic investigation, and explain the three benefits they can provide.
  • Format your references according to APA guidelines.

Note: Images should not be copied unless author permission is obtained or copyright-free images are used.

Can you measure it? Is it attainable? Is it realistic? What is the time frame you have set for completing that goal?

SMART goals

For this assignment, you will work on setting goals for yourself using the SMART method. You will find an explanation of this method in the module that will guide you in your goal-setting process. You will list a minimum of five professional goals that you would like to accomplish during the clinical experience in this term. For each goal, you must provide an explanation of how the goal is representative of each of the SMART characteristics: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely.

Be sure to answer the following questions for each goal summary: Can you measure it? Is it attainable? Is it realistic? What is the time frame you have set for completing that goal?

Considering the ideas and concepts covered this week, what crime or crimes has Maria committed? Explain your reasoning, especially with regard to actus rea, mens rea and corpus delicti. What might be some valid defenses that Maria may assert?

W2: Actus Rea and Mens Rea/Defenses

The following discussion comes from your Week 2 readings. Outside research to address these issues is required. Use the online library for additional sources of information and research. In addition, I recommend utilizing the Legal Studies Program Guide.

There are two basic elements required for any crime: actus rea and mens rea. A crime must be the result of a voluntary act and it must have the evil intent at the time of the crime. This is established by looking at the state of mind of the offender at the time of the crime.

Defenses to a crime can be justifications or excuses. A justification defense indicates that the act was criminal, but the actor was justified, while defenses of excuse indicate that the act was not a crime due to some extenuating circumstance.

Read the following scenario and and answer its questions:

Maria has been angry with Carlos for a very long time. She had threatened to kill Carlos on a couple of occasions. One day, Maria sees Carlos standing on a street corner waiting to cross the street. There are several people standing around Carlos, also waiting to cross. Maria pulls out a gun and fires at Carlos. The bullet grazes Carlos’s arm, injuring him. However, the same bullet strikes and kills Raquel, who was unknown to Maria.

1) Considering the ideas and concepts covered this week, what crime or crimes has Maria committed? Explain your reasoning, especially with regard to actus rea, mens rea and corpus delicti. What might be some valid defenses that Maria may assert?

2) Now, research the relevant statutes in your state that correspond to the crimes and defenses that you discussed in your answers to Q1. In light of what you see in your state statutes, how might your answers, including about possible defenses, change (if at all)?

3) How did conducting research and going through each step of legal analysis help you to reach this conclusion? Analyze how you applied critical thinking and legal analytical skills to assist you in this regard. What new research and/or analytical tool or method did you try for the first time this week? What do you think you do well and what would you like to strengthen so that you continue to improve?

4) Collaborate with each other as the week goes on to make all aspects of this Discussion as robust as possible.

Research and compare some of the current SIEM products on the market. As the CISO presenting to senior management, prepare a 1- to 2-page recommendation summary of your recommendation. Describe the capabilities you are looking for as a CISO.

Security Information and Event Management

The readings from Wks 4 and 5 in Security Operations Center: Building, Operating, and Maintaining your SOC covered SOC operations. One of the tools of the SOC is the use of a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system. Many vendors provide these systems. We read in Wk 4, “Taking the same multiple failed login attempts example used in the discussion about first-generation SOC, the Microsoft Windows systems would most likely be configured to forward logged events to a SIEM tool.

The SIEM tool should be capable of receiving, parsing, normalizing, and correlating the different events and eventually alerting a security analyst that there have been multiple login failures for the account “administrator” on multiple systems. This behavior could indicate a possible brute-force attack, assuming that the SIEM tool is configured with correlation rules that can detect and assign a relevant and meaningful alert to this suspicious activity.“ By using a SIEM tool, we are able to correlate events from multiple devices. This allows the SOC to identify patterns that may have been overlooked by an administrator.

Your company does not currently have a SIEM. You are standing up a SOC and want to add a SIEM as a tool for your team.

Research and compare some of the current SIEM products on the market.

As the CISO presenting to senior management, prepare a 1- to 2-page recommendation summary of your recommendation. Include:

  • Recommended SIEM tool for your company.
  • List two reasons for choosing that SIEM.

Describe the capabilities you are looking for as a CISO.

In at least 300 words, discuss your thoughts on harm reduction programs and whether they are effective in reducing harm within communities.

Short 300 word response

Several states have developed “harm reduction” laws or policies in an effort to curb the spread of disease that is often attributed to intravenous drug use or other drug use. This often includes needle exchange programs or other educational programs. In at least 300 words, discuss your thoughts on harm reduction programs and whether they are effective in reducing harm within communities.

Research more about these studies, or one of the others found in the resource link above, and create a PowerPoint presentation (or other) covering possible ethical concerns while also citing the relevant principles and standards of the ethics code.

Would these studies be considered unethical today?

  • Solomon Asch’s Conformity experiments
  • Stanley Milgram’s “Obedience to Authority” experiment
  • Philip Zimbardo’s “Stanford Prison Experiment”
  • John Watson’s “Little Albert” experiments
  • Harry Harlow’s rhesus monkey studies.
  • Marin Seligman’s “Learned Helplessness” studies on dogs
  •  Jane Elliot’s “Blue-eyed/Brown-eyed” exercise

Consider these landmark studies in the field of psychology mentioned in this video linked here.

  • Would these studies be considered unethical today?
  • What ethical issues stand out as possible concerns?

Research more about these studies, or one of the others found in the resource link above, and create a PowerPoint presentation (or other) covering possible ethical concerns while also citing the relevant principles and standards of the ethics code. Use references from this module and include APA in-text citations.

Create a business overview diagram for “Health Network Inc”.

Business Overview Diagram for “Health Network Inc”

Your Task: Create a business overview diagram for “Health Network Inc”.

To do this:      

  • Read the Scenario
  • Study the list of Diagram components below
  • Create Diagram according to the criteria and rubric below
    • Diagrams must be entirely your own work and created with computer software such as, Visio, or PowerPoint.

Diagram Components

  1. The six primary elements of your diagram are:
  • Headquarters
    • Production Data Center Minneapolis
  • Corporate Facility: Portland
    • Data Center Portland
  • Corporate Facility: Arlington
    • Data Center Arlington
  1. Your diagram should also show the three main products. This can be done with text or with an image. For example, next to the Headquarter element, you could have text that says “Hosts HNet Exchange” or you could place an icon inside your Headquarters element and label it “Hnet Exchange.” It is up to you where (Minneapolis, Portland, Arlington) each product is hosted/supported.
  2. Users

Your diagram should use person images/icons to represent:

  • Doctors
  • Patients
  • Employees

Pick a Place. How will you get there? How will you get around at your location? Where will you stay? Name 3 attractions you want to go to? What can you do there?

Plan an accessible vacation in a 6-8 slide

Step 1: Pick a Place (1st slide)

Step:2: How will you get there? How will you get around at your location? (1 slide)

Step 3: Where will you stay? (1 slide)

Step 4: Name 3 attractions you want to go to? What can you do there? (3 slides)

Bonus: Always by prepared for the unexpected, what other resources might you need? (1-2 slides)