
How was conflict addressed by both parties?

1) What does success look like for me? List short-term and long-term goals and dreams related to the negotiation.

2) What are my strengths—values, skills, and assets—in this negotiation?

3) What are my weaknesses and vulnerabilities in this negotiation?
4) What is my best alternative to a negotiated agreement, or BATNA? That is, what option would I turn to if I’m not satisfied with the deal we negotiate or if we reach an impasse? How can I strengthen my BATNA?

5) What is my reservation point–my indifference point between a deal and no deal?
6) Is there a zone of possible agreement (ZOPA) between my reservation point and the other side’s? If there clearly is no room for bargaining, then there’s no reason to negotiate—but don’t give up until you’re sure.Journal Step 2: Mock Negotiation Reflection
Use the following question in addition to items you feel are important during the negotiation process. Please be inclusive and provide the instructor with detailed insight into your thought process during to the negotiation. In your preparations, you will develop your own list of questions. Include those in this section of the journal as well.

Below are a few guiding questions to ask during the negotiation. You will have many more as you work through the negotiation process. Be sure to research many questions more questions as you read through the case and your role profile (May Case B).
1) What is our process for this meeting? Agenda? [Example agenda could be developed prior to meeting via email or pre-meeting]

2) How was conflict addressed by both parties?
3) Was this a win-win negotiation? [Both parties will ask this question]


Compose a 3 – 5 paragraph essay that provides your rationale for integrating technology, i.e. how and why you are using technology to enhance instruction in your course.

Compose a 3 – 5 paragraph essay that provides your rationale for integrating technology, i.e. how and why you are using technology to enhance instruction in your course. Include APA (6th edition) format citations and references for each article you found. Any quotes that are included should also follow APA (6th edition) format. To emphasize, for this component you will have citations within your narrative and a reference list.

Describe factors that influence physical development from early to middle childhood.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that addresses the following in children from early childhood through middle childhood:

Summarize the physical changes that occur in children during this age and the factors that influence those changes. Include a comparison of males versus females.
Describe the changes that occur in a child’s brain and nervous system during this time frame and the corresponding changes in cognition, problem solving and judgment. Give specific examples of skills and abilities. Include a comparison of males versus females.
Summarize the major milestones in social and emotional development that take place in early and middle childhood. Include information on self-understanding and self-concept, emotional regulation, peer relationships, male and female differences, and family influences.
Describe factors that influence physical development from early to middle childhood.
Apply the principles of cognitive development to learning in various settings.
Describe major influences on social and emotional development in early and middle childhood.
3.4 Describe the importance of the caretaker-child relationship on social and emotional development during early and middle childhood.

Write a 2-3 page mini research grant proposal related to COVID-19.

Write a 2-3 page mini research grant proposal related to COVID-19. It can be related to one of the topics covered by this class, or a related topic.

The research plan should include sections: title, hypotheses and specific aims, significance, innovation, approach, timeline, bibliographical references.

Identify the relevant business cycles that are related in accounting.

plan for an audit of the financial statements with a focus on revenue. First, identify the relevant business cycles that are related in accounting. Include a brief description of each business cycle. For the revenue cycle, include following the audit objectives that you feel are the most relevant and that you will use in accordance with management assertions:

Accuracy or valuation
Rights and obligations
Presentation and disclosure

Write an essay discussing the differences between songs from the South and songs from the North during the Civil War.

Write an essay discussing the differences between songs from the South and songs from the North during the Civil War. Make sure you think about what the lyrics would have meant to the soldiers signing them. What can you tell about the meaning of the war and how it was different in the North and the South? Use some specific examples from the songs.”

What are some of the differences between the Reformist Environmentalist position and the Deep Ecology postion?

1. What does Devall mean by the “Dominant Paradigm” and what position does the Reformist Environmentalist take versus the Deep Ecologist? (about 150 words)

2. What are some of the differences between the Reformist Environmentalist position and the Deep Ecology postion? (150 words)

What is the biggest ethical issues faced by Netflix? Explain.

1.What is the biggest ethical issues faced by Netflix? Explain. (1 paragraph).

2.Find some news or articles sources and answer the questions: What has been the impact of COVID-19 on Netflix’s strategy in 2020, such as subscription pricing strategy, content strategy, and marketing and advertising strategy in 2019 to 2020?

3.Look at the current media reports in 2021 to answer the questions. What is currently the top priority issues that Netflix management needs to address in the impact of COVID-19 on the company’s strategy? Give some recommendations you would make to the CEO of Netflix to address the issues?

Is Online learning is good as face to face learning?

Is Online learning is good as face to face learning?

Discuss The basic form of the capital asset pricing model?

Discuss The basic form of the capital asset pricing model?