
What is your understanding of community

What is your understanding of community.briefly explain.

write why you admire your mom and how she has influenced you

write why you admire your mom and how she has influenced you

Write a computer program that implements the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.

Write a computer program that implements the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm (consider implementing a non-zero gap penalty approach). Upload a video recording of you describing the implementation and performing several sequence alignment examples using your program.

CODE MUST BE ORIGINAL, Python preferred

Discuss Child development and observation methods.

Discuss Child development and observation methods.

Write a ‘compare and contrast’ style essay comparing the literature reviews of the papers, the methods used in the papers, the findings in the papers, and the strengths and weaknesses of the papers.

Write a ‘compare and contrast’ style essay comparing the literature reviews of the papers, the methods used in the papers, the findings in the papers, and the strengths and weaknesses of the papers.
Your essay is to be 3000 words and it should be structured as follows but it is up to you whether you want to use additional subheadings and how you wish to allocate words per section.
Discuss the context of the papers and provide a general outline of the topic of each paper.

Evaluating sources
Discuss how the authors approach reviewing the literature. Do any of the papers stand out for providing contextual information? Do all of the papers rely on the same body of literature?

Consider the research questions or topics of the papers: which paper’s papers methods are most suited to accessing the central question or topic? Are there any weaknesses to the research design or methods used?

Address how well the papers discuss their findings. Are you convinced by what the authors write? Do their findings answer their research questions?


Discuss and explore some of the distinctions, principles, concepts and issues that you encountered in this course Relate and explain the issue using prior research and theories.

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
Critically evaluate and reflect on your studies during this course. Discuss and explore some of the distinctions, principles, concepts and issues that you encountered in this course Relate and explain the issue using prior research and theories.


Explain and elaborate on what Jane Jacobs was attempting to say in the quote below.

Explain and elaborate on what Jane Jacobs was attempting to say in the quote below. In particular, explain (using examples and images) what she meant by “the best thing that can be said of the conception is that it did afford a chance to experiment with some physical and social planning theories which did not pan out.” Finally, explain whether or not you agree with her, and why.



 Assess how organisational behaviour can be affected by changes in international trade and globalisation of business.

Analyse the impact of globalisation on business, business behaviour and strategy Guideline word count: 1250 words

Assess how organisational behaviour can be affected by changes in international trade and globalisation of business.

Identify measures and economic groups that aim to restrict trade and evaluate how successful they are.

Critically evaluate how international trade relations and regulation affects the supply of materials, labour, products and services in different industries Assignment Brief – Unit 07 – Global Trade and its Impact on Strategy Page 2 of 3

Task 2:
Critically evaluate how the internet, politics and ethics has affected trade, business behaviour and strategy Guideline word count: 1250 words

Discuss how the internet has changed global trade and critique how it has affected different industry sectors and individual companies using case study evidence

Discuss how global brands and other companies have been affected by the politicization of issues and ethical considerations.

Identify policies and ways of working that companies use to protect themselves against shifts in trade, national or international barriers and policy that restrict trade.