
What is (are) the most likely diagnosis (diagnoses)? What were the clinical findings that confirmed the diagnosis (diagnoses)? How is it (are they) treated according to the most recent clinical guidelines? Cite the guidelines.

Week 10 discussion

This week, complete the Aquifer case titled Internal Medicine 14: 18-year-old female for pre-college physical. To support your work, use your course textbook readings and the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Apply information from the Aquifer case study to answer the following questions:

  1. What is (are) the most likely diagnosis (diagnoses)? What were the clinical findings that confirmed the diagnosis (diagnoses)?
  2. How is it (are they) treated according to the most recent clinical guidelines? Cite the guidelines.
  3. Describe a plan of care for the patient, including patient education, and additional tests.

Keeping with the same topic you chose in Writing Assignment 1; how do the concepts of gender and sexualities (Chapter 12) relate to or affect your topic? Why?

Families / family structure

1. Keeping with the same topic you chose in Writing Assignment 1; how do the concepts of gender and sexualities (Chapter 12) relate to or affect your topic? Why? (3-4 sentences)

2. How do the concepts of Government and Politics (Chapter 17) relate to your topic? Why? (3-4 sentences)

How could you apply muscular strength and endurance exercises to maintain or improve your current fitness level?


How could you apply muscular strength and endurance exercises to maintain or improve your current fitness level?

Here are three job titles. Rank which job would devote the most of its time to conceptual, human, and technical skills. (a) Vice president of finance at a Fortune 100 company (b) Coding for a video game producer (c) General manager at a local McDonald’s franchise

Week 2 PB

In 500 words, answer the following question

Question #2

Here are three job titles. Rank which job would devote the most of its time to conceptual, human, and technical skills.

(a) Vice president of finance at a Fortune 100 company
(b) Coding for a video game producer
(c) General manager at a local McDonald’s franchise

Bright, D., & Cortes, A. (2019). Principles of Management. OpenStax.


After watching all three videos. Write a paragraph and discuss one thing you have learned from each video (so that’s three things total). Be sure to discuss how you plan to apply this knew knowledge into your life. Some thought questions to consider are: How will it help you? How will you perceive others differently? What will you do differently?


pink pig coin bank on brown wooden table

In this activity we will explore budgeting basics. Developing a budget in college is an important part to achieving financial success. As a college student, you typically don’t earn as much income as you will after you graduate college and land a job in the workforce. However, the financial habits you create in college will continue to follow you into the workforce. So it’s important to create healthy financial habits now, so you don’t bring any dysfunctional financial habits into your future.


Watch the following short videos:

After watching all three videos. Write a paragraph and discuss one thing you have learned from each video (so that’s three things total). Be sure to discuss how you plan to apply this knew knowledge into your life. Some thought questions to consider are: How will it help you? How will you perceive others differently? What will you do differently?

Links to an external site. and complete the Make Money Choices activity to practice budgeting from a starting salary.

  1. Once you complete the Make Money Choices activity, click on the print icon Screenshot (223).png on the top right of the Summary page to save a PDF copy of your results.

Determine where the organization is in compliance with its organizational mission. Substantiate your findings with evidence from your performance assessment. In other words, where is the organization complying with its stated goals to move the organization toward its mission?

7-2 Milestone four: Performance Report

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Performance Report: In this section, you will develop recommendations to improve the performance of the organization, basing your recommendations on evidence from your performance assessment.

A. Determine where the organization is in compliance with its organizational mission. Substantiate your findings with evidence from your performance assessment. In other words, where is the organization complying with its stated goals to move the organization toward its mission?

B. Determine where the organization is in noncompliance, or can improve its compliance with the organization’s mission. Substantiate your findings with evidence from your performance assessment. In other words, w here can the organization improve in complying with its stated goals to move the organization towards its mission?

C. Provide specific recommendations to improve the organization’s performance in meeting its goals and mission. Justify your recommendations with evidence from your performance assessment.For example,you might provide recommendations to bring areas of non compliance into compliance with the mission.

D. Explain how these recommendations might be implemented in the organization. Consider the short- and long-term approach to implementing the recommendations. Consider the costs involved in implementing, staffing necessary, or whether or not policies must be created.

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

What are the basic processes underlying the sense of vision? During the activity, what other senses were you using and how did you use them to accomplish your tasks to perceive the world around you? What information did you pick up on that you may have ignored if you were using your sense of vision?

Writing Question

In our reading this week, we learned about the processes of sensation and perception. Although they are two different processes, one often has an impact on the other. Some individuals aren’t aware of how much they rely on vision or hearing in their everyday lives, versus others who have vision or hearing impairments who may rely more heavily on their other senses and perceive the world differently than others. Choose ONE option below for either diminishing your vision or hearing with the goal of becoming more conscious of the relationship between sensation and perception.

Note: Be very careful when performing these activities. suggest doing them in a familiar environment, such as your home, and having a companion present.

Option 1: Vision

Spend between 15 to 30 minutes “observing” without using your vision. Rely on your hearing, smell, touch or taste (if appropriate) to navigate your environment. During this time try to perform several different tasks that you would normally, such as picking up an object, or if you’re at home try walking to the next room, all while not using your vision. To impair your vision, you can simply close your eyes or wrap a scarf to cover your eyes.

After your observation time is over, please answer the following questions in 2-3 pages.

1. What are the basic processes underlying the sense of vision?

2. During the activity, what other senses were you using and how did you use them to accomplish your tasks to perceive the world around you?

3. What information did you pick up on that you may have ignored if you were using your sense of vision?

4. Define habituation and sensory adaptation. Provide examples from your observation time of habituation and/or sensory adaptation to support your response. 5. While this activity was only for a short amount of time, describe how your perception might change if one of your senses was permanently lost.

Option 2: Hearing

Spend between from 15-30 minutes “observing” without using your hearing. Rely on your sight, smell, touch or taste (if appropriate). You can use earplugs or noise cancelling headphones (if you have them) to aid in diminishing your hearing. During this time try to perform several different tasks that you would normally, such as watching television (muted), or walking outside all while not using your hearing.

After your observation time is over, please answer the following questions in 2-3 pages.

1. Briefly describe how sound travels through the ear to the auditory nerve.

2. During the activity, what other senses were you using and how did you use them to accomplish your tasks to perceive the world around you?

3. What information did you pick up on that you may have ignored if you were using your sense of hearing?

4. Define habituation and sensory adaptation. Provide examples from your observation time of habituation and/or sensory adaptation to support your response.

5. While this activity was only for a short amount of time, describe how your perception might change if one of your senses was permanently lost.

What are the key assumptions of each theory or perspective? In other words, what are the central assumptions with regard to human nature, society and social order, the definition/nature of crime, the image of the criminal, and criminality — i.e., what causes crime?

Criminological Theory

Executive Summary IV: Differential Association and Social Learning Theories of Crime

Drawing on readings from the Differential Association/Social Learning section of the course, students are to submit a critical summary of this paradigm. Students are firmly expected to incorporate all of the assigned readings into their summaries, as they were included as a required reading because they are viewed as crucial readings within these paradigms. As outlined in the course syllabus, each critical summary is expected to accomplish a number of objectives, and as such, will not have a specific page requirement.

In particular, each summary should address the following dimensions:

Historical Background:
Here, students should provide an articulation of the social/historical factors that led to the emergence of the paradigm. What is the intellectual history that helped generate this theory/paradigm?

Central Assumptions:
What are the key assumptions of each theory or perspective? In other words, what are the central assumptions with regard to human nature, society and social order, the definition/nature of crime, the image of the criminal, and criminality — i.e., what causes crime?

Core Concepts and Propositions:
What are the central propositions/statements (or assumptions) associated with each perspective. Here, most theories articulate a series of statements or propositions as to what causes criminal behavior. Moreover, be able to identify the key historical figures that articulated these assumptions or statements.

Policy Implications:
Arguably, this is the most important component of theory or paradigm. Each theory has a series of policy ramifications that should be put into practice, if the theory is valid. If the causal logic is in fact valid, what can we do to contain, control, and predict Criminal


As a nurse educator, how might you design learning experiences for class and clinical environments to promote positive and effective learning for all students? Do you think students should use their preferred learning styles and perhaps risk becoming rigid and unable to learn in different ways (should a situation demand a different learning style)? Or should educators encourage students to be open to different methods of learning, moving them away from their comfort zones?

Nursing Discussion

1. The diversity of both students and faculty poses important considerations for teaching and learning. Reflect on the characteristic differences in gender, race, and culture, as well as the differences among the diverse generations in today’s nursing education classroom. When considering your personal philosophy of teaching, discuss how you might use these characteristic differences and diverse backgrounds and experiences of today’s nursing students as a teaching tool to connect students to nursing content and increase their understanding. In other words, how might you incorporate the background and experiences of your students into your teaching methods to enhance the ability of all students in your classroom to think critically and problem solve patient-care issues?

2. Nursing faculty is responsible for creating an environment that is conducive to learning and accommodates the multiple learning styles and abilities of students. As a nurse educator, how might you design learning experiences for class and clinical environments to promote positive and effective learning for all students? Do you think students should use their preferred learning styles and perhaps risk becoming rigid and unable to learn in different ways (should a situation demand a different learning style)? Or should educators encourage students to be open to different methods of learning, moving them away from their comfort zones?

What is the fundamental question, problem, or technological innovation addressed in this study? Explain (in your own words) the take-home message for the data presented in your assigned figure.

Biology Question

1 What is the fundamental question, problem, or technological innovation addressed in this study?
2. Explain (in your own words) the take-home message for the data presented in your assigned figure.
3. List at least one goal or hypothesis explicitly stated and tested in the paper.
4. What are the significant conclusions and future directions of this work?