
Describe the Preparation of Aspirin.

Describe the Preparation of Aspirin.

In a discussion debate, explain who was better 2 Pac or Notorious BIG? Why?

BLS 161…

Read and view: Chapter 5, 8 -9 in Somebody Scream and Chapter 14 of Can’t Stop Won’t Stop. Watch the videos “All in the Same Gang” and “Self Destruction”. Answer the following in discussion board and keep in mind you must respond to at least 1 of your classmates comments:

  1. In a discussion debate, explain who was better 2 Pac or Notorious BIG? Why?




Consider the following claim: “the view’s that arise in Plato’s Phaedo are the views of a complete and utter lunatic.” Do you agree or disagree or both?

Consider the following claim: “the view’s that arise in Plato’s Phaedo are the views of a complete and utter lunatic.” Do you agree or disagree or both?

What do you think were the most significant ways the Union and Confederacy’s political ends transformed the course of the war, if at all?

What do you think were the most significant ways the Union and Confederacy’s political ends transformed the course of the war, if at all? In what specific and significant ways can we consider the Reconstruction period as a culmination of these transformations? Use specific examples from the readings(Eric Foner, The Second Founding: How the Civil War and Reconstruction Remade the Constitution

Mark Grimsley, The Hard Hand of War: Union Military Policy toward Southern Civilians, 1861-1865

Brooks D. Simpson, Stephen W. Sears, Aaron Sheehan-Dean, eds., The Civil War: The Third Year Told by Those Who Lived It

Brooks D. Simpson, Stephen W. Sears, Aaron Sheehan-Dean, eds., The Civil War: The Final Year Told by Those Who Lived It).

Briefly discuss the idea that Human rights law is gendered because it was created by men and for men

1)Briefly discuss the idea that Human rights law is gendered because it was created by men and for men

2)This will be discussed in the context of women’s rights in armed conflict .The lack of adequate protection of women’s rights in armed conflicts especially in relation to sexual violence (focus on international humanitarian law and international human rights law)

Write a paper on the topic of trauma and addiction for foster care youth.

Write a paper on the topic of trauma and addiction for foster care youth.

The paper should focus on the following topics:

diagnostic criteria for your population as well as etiology for trauma and addiction for youth in foster care.

Current trends in addiction and trauma counseling, precipitating events that make these populations vulnerable, and where treatment for individuals is taking place for these individuals, the theories and interventions that are currently being used with this population.

Discuss inheritance tax,corporation tax,taxing individuals.

Discuss inheritance tax,corporation tax,taxing individuals.

Discuss how far sociologists would agree that living in a family benefits society and its members.

Discuss how far sociologists would agree that living in a family benefits society and its members.

Discuss Martin Luther’s Concept of the Two Kingdoms.

Discuss Martin Luther’s Concept of the Two Kingdoms.

Discuss Roles of adult nursing in managing anxiety in elderly adults in a health care setting.

Discuss Roles of adult nursing in managing anxiety in elderly adults in a health care setting.