
What is the difference between the type of treatment of children engaged in by Rosa and that engaged in by Lourdes and many others in the village?

  1. What is the difference between the type of treatment of children engaged in by Rosa and that engaged in by Lourdes and many others in the village?
  2. If Rosa’s report is correct, how did her children’s behavior differ from most of the children discussed in the article who received a folk diagnosis of doenca de crianca and fraqueza?
  3. Background for question 3: Scheper-Hughes argues that widely held assumptions of maternal love and mother-child bonding derive from the modern Western, bourgeois family.  Scheper-Hughes further asserts that such maternal thinking was foreign to most of European history and is currently foreign to many women living in the third world.  By contrast, as discussed several times in class, evolutionary theory (parental investment theory) asserts that there is strong investment in children among women.

Actual question: Do Scheper-Hughes’ observations mean that women in general (independent of cultural background) are not biologically predisposed to invest heavily in the young (as she seems to suggest)? Alternatively, can her observations be reconciled with an evolutionary perspective which indicates considerable investment in the young?


Discuss death and afterlife belief

Discuss death and afterlife belief

Discuss the governance, finance and management implications of the social and demographic changes.

1. You are interviewing for the position of Director of Human Resources for a school district or college. Develop a presentation for the interview panel that includes your vision of the role of human resources in the organization. Also develop a plan that includes a philosophy and a rationale for how you plan to address the following issues in the work setting: recruitment, professional development, employee motivation, employee evaluation, compensation, contract oversight, retention of staff and conflict in the work setting. Address any legal and financial considerations related to these issues.
2. In the era of results-driven goals and high expectations for students, what are the knowledge and skills that school leaders need to lead their schools? What understandings do school leaders need about student assessments and their use in gauging student progress toward academic standards? What technical skills are needed to translate student outcome data into appropriate strategies? What policy decisions are warranted to support school efforts toward improvement? Develop a strong rationale for your response, citing studies and research that supports your rationale.
3. Select one of the following curriculum issues: homeschooling, privatization of public schools, grade level retention policies, creationism, censorship, online education, single sex classes or schools or sexuality education. Review the literature related to the issue. Relate the issue to educational practice in your setting. Document the issue’s impact at the local, state and/or national level. Develop a position related to the issue, a research-based rationale for the position and a plan for addressing the issue in your setting.
4. Public schools face a myriad of challenges related to funding in the coming years. Changes in demographics are creating new challenges related to governance, finance and management. Social problems such as poverty, drugs and crime are creating new demands for services. More parents are looking to private schools and choice alternatives for a quality education. Discuss the governance, finance and management implications of the social and demographic changes. Develop a plan for policymakers to coordinate local, state and federal funding to support education in the future. Include a rationale based on historical and legal issues.

Describe in 200 words why you desire to become a counselor and indicate the type of counselor certification you plan to seek after graduation.

• Describe in 200 words why you desire to become a counselor and indicate the type of counselor certification you plan to seek after graduation.
• Describe in 200 words an occasion in which you have interacted with an individual or a group of individuals from another culture. Identify the cultural differenced which were present and how you demonstrated respect for those differences.
• Describe in 250 words how you form effective interpersonal relationships with others in individual and group settings.

Discuss clinical leadership in nursing.

Discuss clinical leadership in nursing.

Explain Transition to Professional Practice in Mental Health Nursing.

Explain Transition to Professional Practice in Mental Health Nursing.

Discuss the effects of stress on working memory.

Discuss the effects of stress on working memory.

Discuss conducting a thematic analysis of focus group transcripts on the subject of body image.

Discuss conducting a thematic analysis of focus group transcripts on the subject of body image.

Minority governments are preferable to majority governments. Do you agree or disagree? Defend your answer.

Minority governments are preferable to majority governments. Do you agree or disagree? Defend your answer.

Discuss School Dropouts Causes & Remedies.

Discuss School Dropouts Causes & Remedies.