
Write a paper on ODE and how it is an ideal approach that can help in a quantitative description of how the disease can spread.

The topic i have chose to do is about pandemics (such as Covid-19) and to write a paper on ODE and how it is an ideal approach that can help in a quantitative description of how the disease can spread. The title has to be “ODE Models of Epidemics”. The discussion must cover how ODE helps in understanding the rate of infection and the spread of the pandemic (Covid19). Must have ODE models to have a proper analysis of this pandemic throughout the paper

Illustrate the differences between ancient art and modern art through examples and by referring to methods learnt from this course;

1.  Illustrate the differences between ancient art and modern art through examples and by referring to methods learnt from this course;

2.  Illustrate by examples the main conflict/dialectic underlying the transition between two art styles, such as medieval art and renaissance art, baroque and classicism, classicism and romanticism, realism and expressionism, abstractionism and abstract expressionism, etc. (any one pair of them, or based on your own judgement of making the pair);

3.  Provide analysis on one artwork (or one artist’s work) from the perspective of knowledge archaeology or other critical theories (feminism, westerncentrism, orientalism, etc.).

Discuss the key information provided by a Statement of Profit or Loss.

Discuss the key information provided by a Statement of Profit or Loss.

Identify at least three important elements you believe should be in the plan.

You are an HR Director for a U.S. firm that has just opened a factory in Beijing, China. You are preparing a plan to recruit, select, and prepare a U.S. national to assume a managerial position at this location.
By Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time:
In an initial post of between 300 and 500 words:
1. Identify at least three important elements you believe should be in the plan.
2. For each of the elements explain, based on the reading or other evidence you collect, why you believe it is important. (You may not use sources from Wikipedia.)

Write a written submission for a criminal law matter on the admissibility of evidence given by the plaintiff.

Write a written submission for a criminal law matter on the admissibility of evidence given by the plaintiff.

Write a position paper.

You are to write a position paper. The topics for the papers need to come from chapter readings (9-10) (thus, you must read before you start to write). For a position paper, you are to take up an argument for or against a particular topic. The topic is to be chosen from that week’s readings and is at your discretion. However, I urge you to choose something that interests you.

You may think that position papers are opinion papers, they are not! Position papers are about writing well-articulated thoughts on a topic that is backed up with facts, statistics, and in some cases, peer-reviewed scientific journal articles. When those items are not relevant, such as in a presidential race, you need to support your views with an example that helps others understand your point of view. In many ways, you are not only trying to show the reading of your position on a topic but help them understand why you have a particular position. Here are a few great resources to help you understand what you are writing: (Links to an external site.) (of course, you need to write these with ethics in mind, not government) (Links to an external site.)



Write an Argumentative Essay on why Fast Food Causes obesity.

Write an Argumentative Essay on why Fast Food Causes obesity.

Describe the patterns of physical maturation during puberty for males during adolescence.

1. Describe the patterns of physical maturation during puberty for males during adolescence.
2. Describe the patterns of physical maturation during puberty for females during adolescence.
3. Analyze the impact of early and late maturation on:
a. Self-concept
b. Self-Esteem
c. Social relationships
4. Describe what you believe is the biggest threat to adolescent well-being and why?
5. Select one a moral dilemma and describe how you would have responded to the dilemma in EACH of the stages of Kohlberg’s theory.

What values were demonstrated via the interaction and were those values discussed?

Consider a memorable classroom interaction that involved conflict. What values were demonstrated via the interaction and were those values discussed?

What are some -implicit and explicit- language ideologies that you have encountered in language classes that you have taken or in your teacher training? How have these ideologies affected your own teaching?