
Describe the middle ground in the pays d’en haut (as depicted by Richard White) and the Comanche Empire in the Southwest plains (as depicted by Pekka Hamalainen).

Native Power in Colonial America

Although European empires sought to control Native people’s lands and lives in colonial North America, historians including Richard White and Pekka Hamalainen have demonstrated that Native societies were able to exercise considerable power in certain circumstances.

For this essay, describe the middle ground in the pays d’en haut (as depicted by Richard White) and the Comanche Empire in the Southwest plains (as depicted by Pekka Hamalainen), making sure to discuss

  1. ) The conditions that allowed each system to emerge
  2. ) How Native people exercised power in each system
  3. ) How European empires (New France and New Spain) attempted to exercise power in each system.

Based on your analysis, what political, environmental, cultural, or other factors helped Native people to exercise power in the colonial era?

  • Note: for this question, you may use only two readings—White and Hamalainen.

Are there any movies in your list that are also on the official top 10 movies of all time? How have movies impacted your life (childhood and now)? Include specific movies that have impacted you. Explain in detail.



1. What do YOU think the top 10 movies of all time should be. List them out 1-10.

2. Next to each movie explain why you think it should be in the top 10. It’s ok to look up what experts say are the top 10 films of all time. You may agree or you may not. I want to know what you think. Next to each movie you listed give a brief explanation as to why you included it and its significance.

4. Are there any movies in your list that are also on the official top 10 movies of all time? Everyone’s lists may be very different and that’s ok!

5. Next, share with us YOUR personal top 10 favorite movies. (This is an entirely different list from the first list you made).

6. How have movies impacted your life (childhood and now)? Include specific movies that have impacted you. Explain in detail.

7. Share with us one movie you think everybody needs to see before they die. :)

Discuss behavioral issues common in adolescence, including identity crises, challenges related to fitting in, and teen suicide. Discuss advice to newly emerging adolescent.

Adolescent Transition Experience

Create a 12 slide presentation with detailed speaker notes to an audience of newly emerging adolescents in a positive and encouraging tone.

Explain the developmental milestones related to adolescence, including:

  • Physical milestones
  • Cognitive milestones
  • Social milestones
  • Neurological milestones

Discuss behavioral issues common in adolescence, including identity crises, challenges related to fitting in, and teen suicide. Discuss advice to newly emerging adolescent.

Identify which case study you selected and briefly summarize the facts surrounding it. Identify the problem or issue that presents an ethical dilemma or challenge and describe that dilemma or challenge.

Applying ethical priciples

  • Access the ethical case study, (use this link…, Case study I chose: to Vaccinate or not) piece to review the case studies you will be using for this assessment.
    • Select the case most closely related to your area of interest and use it to complete the assessment.
      • Note: The case study may not supply all of the information you need. In such cases, you should consider a variety of possibilities and infer potential conclusions. However, please be sure to identify any assumptions or speculations you make.
    • Include the selected case study in your reference list, using proper APA style and format. Refer to the Evidence and APA section of the Writing Center for guidance.
  • Summarize the facts in a case study and use the three components of an ethical decision-making model to analyze an ethical problem or issue and the factors that contributed to it.
    • Identify which case study you selected and briefly summarize the facts surrounding it. Identify the problem or issue that presents an ethical dilemma or challenge and describe that dilemma or challenge.
    • Identify who is involved or affected by the ethical problem or issue.
    • Access the Ethical decision-making model media piece and use the three components of the ethical decision-making model (moral awareness, moral judgment, and ethical behavior) to analyze the ethical issues.
      • Apply the three components outlined in the Ethical Decision-Making Model media.
    • Analyze the factors that contributed to the ethical problem or issue identified in the case study.
      • Describe the factors that contributed to the problem or issue and explain how they contributed.
  • Apply academic peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to an ethical problem or issue as evidence to support an analysis of the case.
    • In addition to the readings provided, use at least one academic peer-reviewed journal article relevant to the problem or issue that you can use to support your analysis of the situation.
      • Cite and apply key principles from the journal article as evidence to support your critical thinking and analysis of the ethical problem or issue.
  • Discuss the effectiveness of the communication approaches present in a case study.
    • Describe how the health care professional in the case study communicated with others.
    • Assess instances where the professional communicated effectively or ineffectively.
    • Explain which communication approaches should be used and which ones should be avoided.
    • Describe the consequences of using effective and non-effective communication approaches.
  • Discuss the effectiveness of the approach used by a professional to deal with problems or issues involving ethical practice in a case study.
    • Describe the actions taken in response to the ethical dilemma or issue presented in the case study
      • Summarize how well the professional managed professional responsibilities and priorities to resolve the problem or issue in the case.
      • Discuss the key lessons this case provides for health care professionals.
    • Apply ethical principles to a possible solution to an ethical problem or issue described in a case study.
      • Describe the proposed solution.
      • Discuss how the approach makes this professional more effective or less effective in building relationships across disciplines within his or her organization.
      • Discuss how likely it is the proposed solution will foster professional collaboration.
    • Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
      • Apply the principles of effective composition.
      • Determine the proper application of the rules of grammar and mechanics.
    • Write using APA style for in-text citations, quotes, and references.
      • Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing standards.
      • Integrate information from outside sources into academic writing by appropriately quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, following APA style

Do you think there is a difference between a group and a team? Explain your answer with specific details.

Case Study

Review the link below and answer the following questions.


Do you think there is a difference between a group and a team? Explain your answer with specific details.

Do you complete a genogram for the patients that you consider high risk for adverse medication reactions based on genetic predisposition prior to dosing? Why or Why Not?

Facilitation Questions:

1. Do you genetically test your patients prior to administering specific medications? Explain.

2. Do you complete a genogram for the patients that you consider high risk for adverse medication reactions based on genetic predisposition prior to dosing? Why or Why Not?

3.Choose a research article of interest to you from the repository and: summarize the article

4.Discuss the statistical data that was analyzed and report the results

5.Discuss the The Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC)Links to an external site. guidelines for the drug-gene pair based on the results would you as a practitioner include the recommendations made by the author(s) in the article? (This is the link for this portion)

6.End your substantive post with a question to further the conversation

Were the results presented clearly and in appropriate detail? Were there tables in the article? If so, were they appropriate? Were the results interpreted correctly?

Article Review

Using the research article below answer each of the following questions in a MsWord document. Format the document according to APA and then submit BOTH the document and research article through the assigned Assignment Portal.

Research article: Bangurah, S. S., Vardaman, S. A., & Cleveland, K. K. (2017). Hypertension in the FAITH community: A four-week, nurse led, diet/exercise intervention. Journal of Christian Nursing, 34(4), 225–231. doi:10.1097/CNJ.0000000000000420
Hypertension in the Faith Community: A Four-Week, Nurse Led,… : Journal of Christian Nursing (

1. What were the research questions of this study? What were the hypotheses of this study?
2. What was the research design of this study?
3. Describe the instrument(s) used to collect data (including level of measurement) and the data collection process – **Note: remember demographic data (if applicable)
4. What type of statistics was used to analyze the data? **Note: remember to include all types
5. Why were these different types of statistics used?
6. What level of significance was used? What does this level of significance mean?
7. Was the data collection clearly and adequately described?
8. What were the results from the data collection?
9. Were the results presented clearly and in appropriate detail?
10. Were there tables in the article? If so, were they appropriate?
11. Were the results interpreted correctly?
12. Were the research questions and/or hypotheses of the study answered?
13. Were the conclusions clearly justified by the results?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the study’s research design. Provide a discussion on how the study can be moved forward. What other research might these methods apply?

Research Paper Essay

2 articles would be provided one would be qualitative and the other will be quantitative address each article minimum 2 pages per article.

  • State the main goal(s) of the study.
  • Summarize the research design, and discuss the research method(s) used to answer the research question or assess the hypothesis.
  • Summarize the results of the study.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the study’s research design.
  • Provide a discussion on how the study can be moved forward.
  • What other research might these methods apply? Include two well phrased research questions that could be used in follow-on studies to the each of the articles .

The School-to-Prison Pipeline: How Roles of School-Based Law Enforcement Officers May Impact Disciplinary Actions

Temporal Changes in Racial Violence 1980 to 2006 A Latent Trajectory Approach

Provide a brief summary of personalized medicine that will be shared with the staff. Define personalized medicine, and provide 1 example. Discuss 1 pro and 1 con of personalized medicine.

HCM307 The Health Care Industry

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Personalized medicine, or individualized medicine, is a growing trend in the delivery of health care that is specific to the individual patient. Healing Hands Hospital wants to make sure that all staff understand the meaning of personalized medicine. You have been asked to provide a brief summary of personalized medicine that will be shared with the staff. For this discussion, your response should include the following:

  • Define personalized medicine, and provide 1 example.
  • Discuss 1 pro and 1 con of personalized medicine.

Write a 1-2 page response to Module 3, Objective 3: Distinguish good research from persuasive techniques and spurious research, online and on paper.

Distinguish good research from persuasive techniques and spurious research

Write a 1-2 page response to Module 3, Objective 3: Distinguish good research from persuasive techniques and spurious research, online and on paper.