
Identify the consequences for morality implied by the position you support.

Based on the competing theories covered in this Learning Module, formulate an argument in defense of the position that you find most convincing (Determinism, Compatibilism, or Metaphysical Libertarianism). To put the question more simply: do you have free will? When you do something, are you freely choosing to perform that action? Whatever position you take, be sure to support your position with evidence from the readings. Posts that do not rely on the readings for support will lose points. Lastly, identify the consequences for morality implied by the position you support.

Differentiate between nature and nurture.

Differentiate between nature and nurture.

 Choose one episode of Black Mirror that we have watched thus far and relate it to one situation or occurrence in your life

Choose one episode of Black Mirror that we have watched thus far and relate it to one situation or occurrence in your life where your interaction with technology has had both positive and negative ramifications.

Discuss Policy triangle on child protection in australia.

Discuss Policy triangle on child protection in australia.

As a future Health Care Administration leader, and as a result of COVID19, what health care information system (s) or technologies would you implement or improved which directly impacts the patient or health care system or general health operations?

As a future Health Care Administration leader, and as a result of COVID19, what health care information system (s) or technologies would you implement or improved which directly impacts the patient or health care system or general health operations?

Consider how you, as the nurse, can better guide patients in the use of credible health information.

Patients today use the internet prolifically to locate health information. However, credible resources are not always accessed. Consider how you, as the nurse, can better guide patients in the use of credible health information. Choose a clinical topic of interest to you. Example: Diabetes. Apply concepts learned in Chapter 16 to:
Include a 2 page paper (academic paper format) highlighting who your target audience is, explain how you would teach a patient to locate credible health sources. The paper should have an introduction, purpose statement, and a conclusion. Follow APA formatting.
Create a patient teaching brochure on the clinical topic of choice.

How did the city-states of Renaissance Italy differ from the kingdoms of western Europe?

How did the city-states of Renaissance Italy differ from the kingdoms of western Europe? Pay attention to the political, economic, and cultural differences between Renaissance Italy and the kingdoms of western Europe. Be sure to use examples to analyze the differences between Renaissance Italy and western Europe’s kingdoms.

Discuss Google v Oracle

Discuss Google v Oracle (2021)

As an HR professional, how would you go about using a more collaborative approach in gathering information for creating a job ad?

1.). As an HR professional, how would you go about using a more collaborative approach in gathering information for creating a job ad?
2.). In your opinion, what are the key components of a job ad that would attract the most qualified applicants?
3.). What are the best collaborative HR practices for job analysis and design?

Construct common size income statements for the four most recent fiscal years

For this assignment, you need to have your chosen company’s most recent annual report and the report two years prior to that (e.g., 2019 and 2017 or 2020 and 2018). With two years of annual reports, you will have four years of income statements (e.g., 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 if you have the 2017 and 2019 annual reports or 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 if you have the 2018 and 2020 annual reports).

Using the financial statement data in the company’s annual reports, create a comprehensive written analysis of the company’s financial operations for the four most recent fiscal years. You written report should be structured as follows:

  • Part I: Construct common size income statements for the four most recent fiscal years (that is why you need the two most recent annual reports). Also, include a line listing the annual growth rate in net revenue (or sales) for the four most recent years.

Write an analysis of the table you created. For example: What trends do you observe? What appears to be areas of strength or weaknesses? For what areas would you like additional information? What are any potential areas of significant concern? Anything else?

  • Part II: Construct a table of ratios for the four most recent fiscal years (that is why you need the two most recent annual reports).
    • See the next page for an example of what you table should look like (note these are the minimum ratios that you must include; if you believe others are interesting and/or instructive, add those to this table).

Write an analysis of the ratio table you created. For example: What trends do you observe? What appears to be areas of strength or weaknesses? What are any potential areas of significant concern? Anything else?

  • Part III: Create a statement of cash flows table for for the four most recent fiscal years (that is why you need the two most recent annual reports). For this statement, you only need to list the three net accounts (i.e., Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities, Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities, and Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities). Then, evaluate these statements over this time period. What has been the major source of cash each year and what has been the major use of cash? Has the company generated sufficient internal cash to finance any capital spending? Anything else?
  • Part IV: Based on your comprehensive analysis of your chosen company, identify specific risk factors that you should consider when doing your valuation estimate.

Your paper should include an Introduction, the four “parts” listed above, and a Conclusion. Embed your tables into your paper where they flow with the discussion (that is, do not put tables in an appendix). It is best create your tables in Excel and then to copy and paste special into your word file using “Picture (Enhanced Metafile).”

  • Assignment length: At least 8 pages, double-spaced (excluding title page and references) in current APA format.
  • Number of citations: At least 3 (with a minimum of 2 articles per major topic). Remember: any article/source listed in your references must be cited at least once in your paper.
  • Accepted sources: Books or other scholarly/professional sources. Remember, Investopedia, Wikipedia, websites, periodicals (e.g., newspaper, magazine, newsletters), and blogs are not scholarly/professional sources. You can use these in your paper (if properly cited), but they do not count towards the required number of citations.