
Develop educational flyers or posters to educate other health care professionals about farmworker sexual harassment

propose and conduct an action project for BASTA Coalition of WA: Preventing Farmworker Sexual Harassment (10-15 hours total) by doing the following: 1) Develop educational flyers/posters to educate other health care professionals about farmworker sexual harassment

Discuss Representing Femicide in South Africa

Discuss Representing Femicide in South Africa: The Case of Uyinene Mrwetyana in the Independent Online during 2019

Consider a one-year forward contract on GBP/USD. What is one-year forward ex-change rate?

Risk ManagementTutorial 1February 28, 2020Question 1. Bank Capital RegulationUsing the balance sheet information of the commercial bank below compute its risk-weightedassets and capital ratio requirements (CET1, Tier 1 capital, total capital) with risk weightsas per Basel I and Basel III.1

Question 2. Derivatives. Share ForwardSuppose that the current price of Stock ABC is $30 and the one-year interest rate is 3%.(a) What is the one-year forward price of Stock ABC?(b) You observe that the one-year forward on this stock is currently trading on the marketat $33? Is there an arbitrage opportunity?

Question 3. Derivatives. Currency Forward (if time allows, otherwise, in thenext tutorial)Assume that the GBP/USD spot exchange rate is 1.30 (i.e.£1 can be converted into $1.30).The one-year interest rates in the UK and in the US are 1% and 1.8%, respectively.

(a) Consider a one-year forward contract on GBP/USD. What is one-year forward ex-change rate?

(b) Assume now, that the one-year forward exchange rate is 1.33. How could one exploitthe arbitrage opportunity here?2

What is the purpose of the IRB? Why is it important to have regulations surrounding research involving human subjects

In this journal, reflect on the knowledge you have gained in this course and how you envision using this information moving forward as a more informed consumer of data. Also reflect on how you envision using this information as researcher in your future career in the healthcare professions. As an informed consumer, consider the role of the IRB in healthcare research.

Review Guiding Principles of Institutional Review Boards (IRB) video. In your journal assignment, reflect on the following:

How has your understanding of statistics evolved since the beginning of the course?What are the next questions you want to find answers to now?How will the knowledge you have gained in this course inform your personal and professional life?How might you apply what you have learned about critically reading research articles in the future?What is the purpose of the IRB? Why is it important to have regulations surrounding research involving human subjects

Examine one bias or vulnerability of so called ‘everyday thinking’ touched on in the text and explain how systema1c research can help reduce this bias.

If a research interested in aIen1on skills claims that a walk through the park three 1mes a week boosts performance on a cogni1ve test of aIen1on, what kind of claim is being made? Explain what you might want to know about

a) Internal validity of the research,

b) external validity of the research.a)b)

Q2. Pretend you are a member of an Ins1tu1onal Review Board and you are asked to evaluate a study that involves very shy children aged 8-12 and social anxiety. The children in this study will be put in a surprise situa1on in the lab in which they find themselves alone in front of a group of strangers for about 5 minutes. Their electrophysiological responses and heart rate will be monitored before and aUer this situa1on which is thought to cause mild to moderate anxiety. What ethical concerns might you have. Please answer with respect to the principles of a) Beneficence, b) Respect for Persons, and c) Jus1ce. Raise at least one ques1on or comment for each of the principles.a)b)c)

Q3. Examine one bias or vulnerability of so called ‘everyday thinking’ touched on in the text and explain how systema1c research can help reduce this bias.

Discuss The Impact Of Marijuana And Alcohol.

Discuss The Impact Of Marijuana And Alcohol.

Discuss Social work transgender discrimination inequalities.

Discuss Social work transgender discrimination inequalities.

Express your opinion on whether or not activism on social media has the potential to make a difference in the world.

In a carefully written essay, express your opinion on whether or not activism on social media has the potential to make a difference in the world. In other words, do people need “act” in order to be activists? Or does social media bring much needed attention to important problems in the world? Or both?

Write a paper about Charles Allen Austin who is an American athlete who won the gold medal in the men’s high jump.

Write a paper about Charles Allen Austin who is an American athlete who won the gold medal in the men’s high jump. Read about him and put in your own words.
Write about Levern Donaline Spencer who is a Saint Lucian high jumper. Read about her and put in your own words

What are the causes of crime in the society.

What are the causes of crime in the society.