
What are some specific ways in which the Repressive State Apparatus is deployed?

Choose ONE of the following questions and answer it in an essay of 1250 words. Answer with reference to at least three texts.

1. “Racism” is a word that people use a lot, but in this course we’ve had the opportunity to examine it in depth. What is racism? What kind of thinking underlies it? How does it manifest itself? How do people fight against it? For this essay, don’t begin with a dictionary definition of racism. Instead develop your definition of racism by using the texts we’ve studied. What understanding of racism do they lead us to?

2. Are black folks “citizens”?

3. In this course we have we have talked a lot about the “Repressive State Apparatus”, which is

French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser’s concept for what is known in contemporary political discourse as ‘hard power’, i.e. a form of power that operates by means of violence. It is usually accompanied by what Althusser termed the Ideological State Apparatus, which is a ‘soft power’ concept. The Repressive State Apparatus consists of the army, the police, the judiciary, and the prison system. It operates primarily by means of mental and physical coercion and violence (latent and actual).

What are some specific ways in which the Repressive State Apparatus is deployed?

4. Our texts show us many ways in which people organize themselves to resist oppression and fight for their freedom. What are some specific examples of how people do this?

Write a paper on the responsible usage of credit in regards to personal finance.

Write a paper on the responsible usage of credit in regards to personal finance.

Write a five-paragraph essay in which you compare and contrast each argument in terms of objectivity and the types of evidence presented.

Health care costs in the United States are on the rise. Some people say that a universal health care system would bring costs down and increase access to care. Others say it would be too expensive and would reduce the quality of care. Complete an internet search for two editorials from both sides of the argument. An editorial is an opinion article written by a professional with an authority on the topic. Editorials can be written by a member of the publication’s editorial board or a professional from within the field. Look for reputable websites such as National Public Radio or The New England Journal of Medicine to conduct your research. Then, write a five-paragraph essay in which you compare and contrast each argument in terms of objectivity and the types of evidence presented. Evaluate and explain how the sources use effective evidence to support their claims. Cite the resources you used in your essay to avoid plagiarism.

Do you agree or disagree with the order of this list? Explain your answer and whether you would change the order of any of these behaviors.

Unethical Communication Behaviors
1. Committing Plagiarism a. Claiming someone else’s ideas as your own b. Quoting without citing the source
2. Relaying False Information a. Deliberate lying b. Ignorant misstatement c. Deliberate distortion and suppression of material d. Fallacious reasoning to misrepresent truth Withholding Information; Suppression a. About self (speaker); not disclosing private motives or special interests b. About speech purpose c. About sources (not revealing sources; plagiarism) d. About evidence; omission of certain evidence (card stacking) e. About opposing arguments; presenting only one side Appearing to Be What One Is Not; Insincerity a. In words, saying what one does not mean or believe b. In delivery (for example, feigning enthusiasm) Using Emotional Appeals to Hinder Truth
a. Using emotional appeals as a substitute or cover-up for lack of sound reasoning and valid evidence
b. Failing to use balanced appeals

Read Table (Unethical Communication Behaviors) attached. The behaviors are presented in what some (but certainly not all) communication experts would describe as “most serious to least serious” ethical faults.

Do you agree or disagree with the order of this list? Explain your answer and whether you would change the order of any of these behaviors.

Are there any other behaviors that you would add to the list?

Evaluate the quality of the research design. How would you improve the research design or further research the topic?

Conduct a brief literature review of 2–3 peer-reviewed journal articles on one of the topics.

What does the current research show?
What are the problem statements, research questions, and hypotheses?
What research methods are used?
What do the findings indicate?
What suggestions for future research are presented?
Evaluate the quality of the research design. How would you improve the research design or further research the topic?

Write a policy brief on how cities can or should adapt to changes in working practices brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Write a policy brief on how cities can or should adapt to changes in working practices brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Consider economic, environmental, planning and legal implications of alternative policy actions. Include policy recommendation and policy alternatives.

Describe hookes law.

Describe hookes law.

Produce a consultancy report for both Midas Touch Technologies (MTT) and Victoria Capital Investment Ltd

Your task is to produce a consultancy report for both Midas Touch Technologies (MTT) and
Victoria Capital Investment Ltd (VCI). MTT is considering whether to approach the venture
capital firm for funding and VCI is considering whether to invest in MTT. Your report will
inform their decisions.

Critically analyse the literature surrounding the various procedures used in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Critically analyse the literature surrounding the various procedures used in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Breast reconstruction surgery. DEIP VS Latissimus Dorsi

Discuss advance construction management.

Discuss advance construction management.