
Evaluate what money can and can’t do as a motivator, and how increasing pay can reduce performance.

Evaluate what money can and can’t do as a motivator, and how increasing pay can reduce performance.

Discuss 5 ways which demonstrate how external factors influence children to become teens without going through preadolescence.

Discuss 5 ways which demonstrate how external factors influence children to become teens without going through preadolescence.

Write one instructional lesson plan for a classroom of 25-30 students at a specific grade level and for a specific subject area.

Write one instructional lesson plan for a classroom of 25-30 students at a specific grade level and for a specific subject area (Science, math or ELA). In the plan, include your methods for making certain that instruction is adequate for each of the following special students:

1 student with mild cognitive challenges
1 student with ADHD
1 hearing impaired student
1 visually impaired student
3 gifted students

Write a research paper on  Human Judgement and Decision Processes.

Write a research paper on  Human Judgement and Decision Processes.

Discuss the cultural and social change brought by digital media.

The creation of the Internet led to the development of participatory culture bringing new concepts – remix culture, memes, social media. Referring to these concepts, discuss the cultural and social change brought by digital media.

Discuss the UK financial market before and after COVID pandemic.

Discuss the UK financial market before and after COVID pandemic.

Looking at the organization for which you work, describe how forecasting demand is facilitated and what is being forecasted.

Looking at the organization for which you work, describe how forecasting demand is facilitated and what is being forecasted. Help us all also understand what forecasting factors (variables) affect the accuracy of forecasting and what factors (variables) cause errors. If it helps deepen your understanding, talk to someone in your organization who is involved in forecasting demand, requirements, or materials. Search out what improves the accuracy of the forecasting model used and what detracts from accuracy. This week, let’s educate each other regarding forecasting models used, causes for error, and what predictability factors re important to the accuracy of your organization’s forecasting efforts. Dig deep and let’s help each other understand how forecasting works in the real world.

Finally, in a short two or three sentence summary, assess the quality the forecasting models in your organization. Also address what could be done to improve forecasting

Discuss HR regulations and legislations back up with the example of cases.

Discuss HR regulations and legislations back up with the example of cases.

Develop an educational brochure or create a teaching plan of the intervention you purposed for your patient, family, or group.

Develop an educational brochure or create a teaching plan of the intervention you purposed for your patient, family, or group.