
Using robust details and ample evidence, create a reflective essay that describes 4 learning objectives you met while performing this experiment.

Chemistry Question

Using robust details and ample evidence, create a reflective essay that describes 4 learning objectives you met while performing this experiment. View the learning objectives from the lab manual provided and select four to focus your writing on.

Create a presentation to discuss the application of Physics in your major field.

Physics Project

Create a presentation to discuss the application of Physics in your major field. This is an individual project. Your topic should be specific about one application with more in-depth research rather than an overview of the applications in general. Since we won’t cover topics like electricity, magnetism, or optics, your topic should be focused on the concepts and principles covered in physics e.g. kinematics, Newton’s Law, Momentum/Impulse, Energy/Work

How could SWOT analysis be used to align training activities with business strategies and goals?

Discussion chapter 2

How could SWOT analysis be used to align training activities with business strategies and goals?

What structures or practices might you recommend to the director at Little Learners Center to enhance relationships, mitigate small stress, and promote unbounded learning?


In this module, we discussed three key scientific insights and their relationship to early learning and development – first, cultivating supportive relationships; second, the benefits of identifying and mitigating everyday, sometimes invisible stress; and third, the unbounded nature of learning.

To reflect on what you’ve learned, respond to the following prompt:
• What structures or practices might you recommend to the director at Little Learners Center to enhance relationships, mitigate small stress, and promote unbounded learning?

Prepare a 1-page discussion paper discussing the differences between the two methods and how costs are characterized in each method. What is your preference and why?

Discussion paper

Managers must understand how costs are classified, how changes in volume affect costs and how changes in prices affect volume. In general, costs are classified as fixed, variable, and mixed.

Prepare a 1-page discussion paper discussing the differences between the two methods and how costs are characterized in each method. What is your preference and why?

Identify the author’s thesis in your own words. Be sure to include a sentence that states the title and author of the secondary source.

Week 10 Assignment

Goal: Demonstrate comprehension and evaluation of a secondary source essay.


Choose one of the three critical essays (secondary sources) in this module:

  • Consigny, “Hemingway’s ‘Hills Like White Elephants,'” or
  • Deneau, “Chopin’s ‘Story of an Hour,” or
  • Gruesser, “Walker’s ‘Everyday Use.”

Prepare to write: Read and understand the critical essay you choose.

Write: In a paragraph of about 200-250 words, paraphrase (=restate in your own words) the author’s (=Consigny, Deneau, or Gruesser’s) interpretation of the story he or she is writing about.

Identify the author’s thesis in your own words.
Be sure to include a sentence that states the title and author of the secondary source.
Based on your own understanding of the primary source the scholar is writing about (so either “Story of an Hour,” “Hills Like White Elephants,” or “Everyday Use”) state whether or not you agree with the author’s thesis and state why or why not (it is ok to use the pronoun “I” for this part).
If you quote directly from either the critical essay or the primary source be sure to put the quotation inside quotation marks.
Proof the paragraph for grammatical, spelling, and formatting errors.

Note that the title of a critical essay, like that of a short story or poem, should go inside quotation marks (follow the title as written above).

Style tip: Don’t *announce* which essay you have chosen: “I choose Deneau’s essay,” is not very informative; instead, begin the paragraph with a statement about the content of Deneau’s essay. This will show the reader that you are an intelligent, informed writer and thinker.

Cite: Include a Works Cited citation of your chosen secondary source (you can find this on the page for each reading).

What are plausible psychological/ cognitive causes for the case? What are potential biological/ medical factors? What are probable social/ environmental influences?


Outline for the Diagnostic Case Write-Ups


Your diagnostic write-up will consist of the following sections:

1. Summarize the presenting DSM 5 disorder(s) based on the case.

a. What is the individual’s background (gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, etc.,)?
b. What are your diagnostic impressions (diagnosis) for the case?
c. What are the symptoms and DSM 5 criteria supporting your diagnoses?

2. Additional Factors

After making a diagnosis, identify and discuss possible causes and assessment for confirming the diagnosis. Review the handout on the Multidimensional Model of Mental Health. Discuss in detail.
a. What are plausible psychological/ cognitive causes for the case?
b. What are potential biological/ medical factors?
c. What are probable social/ environmental influences?
d. What two (2) specific psychological tests would you use to clarify or confirm your diagnosis?

Calculate the total amount of energy required to convert 35g of ice at -14 to steam at 125 C.

Chemistry question

Calculate the total amount of energy required to convert 35g of ice at -14 to steam at 125 C.

Create a projec2on to determine the gross margin, opera2ng expenses, and opera2ng income for the six-month period December through April based on projected sales during that 6-month period.

Financial Projection

You are the Assistant Director of Finance in the Accoun2ng department at a subsidiary of the Crazy Eddies Electronic Corpora2on; Nu?y John’s Appliance World (owned by his brother John). You need to create a projec2on to determine the gross margin, opera2ng expenses, and opera2ng income for the six-month period December through April based on projected sales during that 6-month period. The Director of Accoun2ng has provided you with the template as shown in Figure-1.

  • In Part 1 you will create the worksheet.
  • In Part 2 you will create a 3-D Bar chart and move it to a new sheet from the data.

Instruc@ons Part 1: To create the worksheet in Figure-1, do the following:

1. Format the worksheet 2tle in cell A1 to 28-point. Merge and Center across the range: A1:H1. Add a light blue background

2. Format the worksheet sub2tle in cell A2 to 16-point. Merge and Center across the range: A1:H1. Add a light blue background

3. Place a thick black border around the range A1:A2

4. Format the range B3:H3 as follows
Center each month in its cell

Change the font size to 11

Rotate the contents of each cell in the range B3:H3 angle counter clockwise

5. Enter the following formulas (using absolute cell referencing where appropriate) in column B: (Note: Commission, Marke@ng, Research and Support, General and Administra@ve expenses are calculated as a % of each month’s sales using the values in the What-If-Assump@ons table.
B5: Calculate the Cost of Goods Sold for December using the formula: Sales x (1 – Margin). Copy the formula across the range C5:G5

B6: Calculate the Gross Margin for December. Copy the formula across the range C6:G6.

B9: Insert an IF func2on to calculate a Bonus in any month where sales exceed the sales target for bonus ($23,750,000). Copy the formula across the range C9:G9

B10: Calculate the December Commission expense. Copy the formula across the range C10:G10

B11: Calculate the December Marke@ng. Copy the formula across the range C11:G11

B12: Calculate the December Research expenses. Copy the formula across the range C12:G12

B13: Calculate the December Support, General, and Administra@ve. Copy the formula through the range C13:G13

h. B14: Calculate the Total Expenses for December. Calculate the formula across the range C14:G14
B16: Calculate the Opera@ng Income for December. Copy the formula across the range C16:G16

H4: Calculate the Total Sales for the 6-month period.

H5: Calculate the Total Cost of Goods Sold for the 6-month period.

H6: Calculate the Total Gross Margin for the 6-month period.

H9:H13: Calculate the Total for each Expense Category for the 6-month period.

H14: Calculate the The Total Expenses for the 6-month period.

H16: Calculate the Total Opera@ng Income for the 6-month period.

Ensure that all column widths are wide enough so that ###### is not displaying

6. B5:H16 format as currency style with no decimal places and with nega2ve numbers enclosed in parentheses.

7. Add bo?om borders to the ranges B5:H5 and B13:H13.

8. Name the Sheet1 tab: “6th Month Financial Projec2on”. Change its color to Blue.

9. Set the worksheet to print in landscape orienta2on, fit to one page.

10. Add a Header as follows
Leh Header Box: Page #

Middle Header Box: You Name. Apply bold

Right Header: Date and Time

11. Upload assignment into Brightspace

Calculate the corresponding values of function for each value. To receive full credit, show all of your calculation details for x = 20.

How to use a simplified speed up function

Calculate the corresponding values of function for each value. To receive full credit, show all of your calculation details for x = 20. (20 points)