
Assess the impacts of innovation and technology and how it has affected the sales, profits and growth of one of the following companies. CRS.

Assess the impacts of innovation and technology and how it has affected the sales, profits and growth of one of the following companies. CRS.
All information must be referenced, reading list must be used but also other research needs to be done.

the report is total 2500 words not counting the executive summary, table of contents and reference list.

Discuss the importance of testimony, or personal stories of the survivors

Drawing upon Lectures 8 (Professor Kearns) and Lecture 9 (Professor Till), and the reading from Catherine Cox (2018), discuss an historical institution of incarceration in Ireland as a form of structural and systemic injustice. This may include Workhouses, Asylums for Penitent Women/Magdalen Laundries, Foundling Hospitals/Mother and Baby Homes. Be sure to discuss how the state, church, and society justified placing people in these institutions, their levels, and forms of discipline and social order. Please also note what human rights abuses have been documented in the institution, and if possible what the experience of being in such an institution was like.

SJ Learning Journal 6
As Crowe (2021) write, records of the past are incomplete, contradictory, biased, missing and in Ireland, restricted by religious orders. Discuss the importance of testimony, or personal stories of the survivors (of Industrial Schools, Magdalen Laundries and Mother and Baby Homes), in calling attention to the histories of state- and church-supported gender oppression in Irish society. Provide at least one or more examples of a personal testimony (available in Crowe (2021), lecture, the Abbey Theatre’s Home: Part 1 (2021) production, the CLANN Project, Hogan (2019/20), or the Government of Ireland’s (2021) ‘Final Report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes: Dramatisation of Individual Stories’.

Compare and contrast the major political ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.

1. Compare and contrast the major political ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Focus on similarities and differences regarding their world views, core values, goals, strategies and tactics.

2. Discuss some of the issues confronted by the LGBT community in the United States. What are some of the ways that the LGBT movement has responded to these issues? How successful has the movement been

Discuss The Five Social Evils.

Discuss The Five Social Evils.

Complete a STEEPLE analysis on your chosen organisation  and use this as the basis to critically analyse how organisations are shaped and developed in response to the internal and external environmental and competitive market factors.

Complete a STEEPLE analysis on your chosen organisation  and use this as the basis to critically analyse how organisations are shaped and developed in response to the internal and external environmental and competitive market factors.

Using the findings from your STEEPLE analysis, identify 3 key factors that would have the most impact (either good or bad) on your organisation, and critically analyse how organisations are shaped and developed in response to these factors, to support the internal and external business environment.


What is change for the cleaning industry 2021.

What is change for the cleaning industry 2021.

Review and analyse the practice within the McDonald’s organization

1 Review and analyse the practice within the McDonald’s organization
2Construct relevant strategies which can be implemented in real life
3 Wide ranging references with the correct use of the Harvard system
4 Quality of the written work. Clear structure to the work and correct spelling was used throughout.

For this final assignment, you are expected to focus on step 3, to develop strategies and implementation plan for the McDonald’s organisation. Bear in mind the focus is on customer continuity and growth. So, considering everything we have been over in the past few weeks, what approaches might be useful to you in your recommendations? Remember to reference your work – every point/statement you make must have a reference. Particularly important is the use of references to relevant concepts and theories. But you have already covered lots in the past few weeks, so this should not be a problem.

You are expected to use existing literature, such as journal articles and books, to guide your research. It is therefore imperative that you support every argument you make, through the use of references. Your report should draw on relevant theories and concepts, applied analysis of data, country or company information and a discussion of issues, recognising a range of perspectives.


Critical evaluate  sustainability credentials of Shambala Festival.

Critical evaluate  sustainability credentials of Shambala Festival.

Discuss the Importance of Branding and Niche Marketing for Design Professionals.

Discuss the Importance of Branding and Niche Marketing for Design Professionals.